Do I really want to save this marrige? – Chap 3 by Mr Shelby

“I can’t wait until you feel like this! I can’t even describe it, but all of my senses are on overdrive. Even the lightest touch feels amazing.” Yes baby I think I am feeling something, I lied, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

“Here, let me show you what she means.” Michelle said as she leaned in behind Cindy’s back. Michelle put her arm around Cindy’s waist and began to run her fingertips from Cindy’s knee up her thigh to just almost to the crease where her thigh met her hip. I could see the trail of her fingertips both by the slightly red mark they left and their trail through the thin, glistening sheen of sweat on Cindy’s thighs. Right as her fingers reached Cindy’s hip, Michelle leaned in and nibbled on Cindy’s ear lobe. Suddenly Cindy grabbed my arm with her left hand and began to dig her nails into my flesh, placed the side of her right hand into her mouth and began to bite down, and her body began to tremble and her eyes began to roll back into to show the whites of her eyes. Her breathing was quick and rapid and the goose bumps stood out against the light sweat that coated Cindy’s body. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Cindy had a crashing orgasm from a light touch and a simple nibble on her ear!

Gloria and Steph began to give a quiet golf clap and making encouraging comments. I couldn’t tell if the red flush on Cindy’s face was from embarrassment or from the orgasm itself.

“Don’t worry. The pill should kick in in about a half hour for you. Since the last was a dud, you just have to relax and enjoy the show for a bit.” Gloria then began to run her fingers across Steph’s stomach, up to her chest, and then lightly squeezed her nipple. Steph let out a breathy moan and leaned her face into Gloria’s neck. God, this was getting really erotic!

“So, is this how it feels for all of you?” All of the girls gave nods and smiles. “So how do you know when… wait, did someone just turn the music up a lot?” I thought it would help if I at least acted a bit stoned, just to keep the peace.

Gloria gave a laugh and said “Well, it looks like it is starting to kick in!” Michelle gave her a worried look and reminded her that I just took the pill and it shouldn’t kick in this quickly. “Maybe the first pill wasn’t a bust and just took longer to kick in? Maybe I should go get Tony.” Gloria got up from the booth and went to find Tony. I began to feel a little light headed, the beat of the music was pounding my chest, and it seemed like all of the lights had a halo effect like seeing headlights through the windshield on a rainy night. It wasn’t bad, but I knew this might take a minute to get used to. Maybe the beers I had drank before were hitting me harder than I had thought.

As I sat there feeling the music, I felt a hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Cindy looking dying at me… a mixture of concern and wonder in her eyes. “So, what do you think? Is it okay?” I smiled at her and said I was fine.

“I just have a strong sense of ‘mellow’ right now. Loving the sensation of the music washing over me.”

“It sounds like both pills kicked in about the same time.” Tony sat down next to Steph and looked at me. “Look, you have nothing the worry about if both pills kicked in. You aren’t in danger or anything like that, you will just be feeling everything more intensely than you might have expected. I don’t know what you might end up feeling like – the first pill would normally give you a bunch of energy. The second is purely for the sensation and can often make you feel more chill. How about we get you up and moving for a second and see how you are in a few. That will tell us what might be the best way to proceed.” Tony stood up and helped Steph out of the booth. He then took my hand and helped me stand up. “Follow me guys.” Tony put his arm around my waist to help steady me as I took a few steps. I could hear the girls behind me give a snicker when Tony’s hand rested on my ass. He lead us down around the far end of the bar and through a doorway with a black curtain hanging down.

As we entered this new back room, I tried to take everything in. This room was about as big as the whole front of the bar. It was covered in couches, love seats, and lounge chairs, small end tables, and dim Christmas lights strung up. “Welcome to the Chill Room! This is considered a private area of the club so you are free to do whatever you like. How about we set you down here and let you catch your breath.” With that, Tony slid me down onto a large sofa. He reached down and took my wrist. “Well, no elevated heart rate, so I am guessing the second pill will be the one!”

Tony gave me a wink and told me I was in good hands. He wandered off towards the front of the club again. The girls all piled comfortably onto the large couch and I began to look around. There were a number of people around the room. Some were in various stages of undress and engaged in different sex acts. A few feet away, there was a chain of four people sitting on the floor giving each other back massages. The music was quieter in here and more soothing.

“So, we don’t want to leave you alone, but we are still hopping from our own pills. I will tell you what, since Steph, Gloria and I are more experienced with this than you two, how about we take turns hanging out with you while the others dance? Don’t worry, we will take good care of you and Cindy Michelle said as she started to get up. Cindy looked at me with a worried look.

“Go! Go! I am feeling great but just not up to dancing. You go have a blast. When in Rome, right? I do still love you baby.” I said with a smile. Steph and Cindy got up off the couch. Cindy leaned in and gave me a kiss. She ran her fingers down my cheek and across my stubble. I let out a moan as if sensations swam through my head and spread across my body. Still trying to sell that I was some sort of stoned or high.

“Yep, he is definitely feeling it!” Cindy gave Gloria a kiss on the forehead and then looked at me. “Don’t forget to enjoy yourself too… it isn’t all about me this trip. Remember, no strings attached, right?” I gave her a smile and a salute. I watched as the three of them scooted through the black curtain.

Gloria began to scoot herself behind me on the couch so her legs straddled behind me and I was leaning back against her chest. “Here, I know a great way to really help the sensations come on faster and stronger. Just relax and enjoy.” With that, Gloria would run her hands down my chest to my stomach, back up to my shoulders, and then down my sides. Normally a little ticklish, all I could feel was this trail of heavenly sensation emanating from her fingers and they moved along my body.

I could feel my muscles relaxing and my body felt like it was sinking into the couch. Gloria slid her arms out from under mine and then started running her fingers up and down my arms. “So, how are you doing?” I tried lifting my hand to give a thumbs up sign, but found my arms were like driftwood. I then started wondering if somebody had done something with my beer before.

My arms felt like they were floating on the couch and couldn’t move them. I just gave her a happy moan in reply. She gave me a peck on the cheek and told me to close my eyes. She then began to massage the sides of my throat, my jawline, and my temples. I was in pure bliss and found that I was almost in a coma. I couldn’t open my eyes, couldn’t move my body, and could barely do more than make grunting and moaning sounds. It was one of the weirdest and best feelings I have ever experienced.


I am not sure how long I sat there with Gloria massaging me. I seemed to drift in and out of consciousness. I never was completely asleep but the sensations seemed to ebb and flow. Coming out of one of the deeper flows, I noticed a new sensation on my body. Besides Gloria’s hands rubbing my head, I felt two hands rubbing along my legs and thighs. I could feel my legs fall into that driftwood state and the radiating sensations were amazing. I tried to lift my head up and say hello to my wife, but I could barely open my eyes. I saw that I was staring at the ceiling but my head felt like a ton of bricks and I couldn’t lift it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could barely see Steph sitting on the back of the couch, rubbing her hands along Michelle ‘s back and arms. It looked like she had taken her cue from Gloria.

I felt the hands creep up the inside of my thighs, slide around to the outside of my hips and grasp the waistband of my pants. Slowly my pants were pulled over my hips and down until they were around my ankles. Fingers raked up my calves, thighs, and then firmly grasped where my thighs reached my crotch. The fingers gripped on each side of my penis and the thumbs met underneath my balls on that sensitive area between the edge of my sack and my anus. They slowly started to press and rub in slight circles.

The sensation was almost unbearable it was so intense. All I could do was give a sharp inhalation of breath and then a soft moan. The thumbs lifted upwards and held my balls up by my penis. Suddenly I felt the warmth of a tongue begin to lick the underside of my sack. Cindy had never done this before… either her time on the island or the effects of the drugs had really released her inhibitions.

This was fantastic! I felt Gloria’s hands work down my shoulders and underneath my shirt. Her fingers began to play with my nipples and the sensations rushed through my chest. It was almost hard to breath and all I could do was close my eyes again and whisper “Oh yes…” The tongue swirled around a bit more and then I felt it give a long, slow pass across my anus. The feeling was intense.

My reflexes caused me to press my bottom closer to the tongue and my breathing became short and rapid. While one hand held my sack out of the way, the other hand began to slowly and gently stroke my penis. The tongue and hand began to create a rhythm. Each time the hand reached the tip of my penis, it would squeeze the head and the tongue would lick my anus.

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