Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 17 by gregorthegrant

“Thanks guys the sandwiches do have that extra good taste with the sauce you mixed in with the egg salad.” I took a bite of the sandwich. “I wonder how long Sandra will be cleaning up?” I asked.

“I’m afraid we left a real mess in the kitchen, their going to take a while to clean it like it’s supposed to be, so sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of the game Mr. Thompson.

I ate the rest of the sandwiches and drank some lemonade relaxing watching the game. The game ended and the news came on. It was over an hour and a half since Sandra had gone into the kitchen to help Sid, Len, Joe and Tom to clean up the mess Sandra, Jerry, Jason, Pete and Alex made while making the delicious lemonade and special egg salad sandwiches.

Moments later the dinning room doors swung open and out came Sandra leading the way followed by Sid, Len, Joe and Tom. They all looked sweaty and a real mess as well as Sandra. I was surprised she had moose in her hair again and soap or something dripping down her legs. “Wow what a mess we had to clean up Mr. Thompson?” Tom said walking toward me carrying a cup of steaming hot hot chocolate.

“I figured you would like your hot chocolate before bed.” Sandra walked up beside Tom. “The guys added a little something but I’m sure you’ll enjoy the taste. These guys are great at adding different things to recopies. Here have a taste.” Sandra said taking the cup off the tray Tom was carrying and handing it to me. “It’s pretty hot so just take a sip.”

I took the cup from Sandra and took a sip. It did have a different taste and wasn’t as dark as usual. It looked like clumpy white stuff floating around in it like squishy marshmallows, but the lumps didn’t taste like marshmallows. They had a strange salty, sweet and something else I swore I had eaten before. Maybe in one of my many dreams I’d had lately. What ever they were they were added to the hot chocolate not mixed with the hot chocolate and they were very tasty.

“Would you like someone helping Mr. Thompson up to your room Mrs. Thompson?” Jerry asked. “You told us how fast the special hot chocolate works on your husband and you don’t want him falling down on the way to your room. “I’m sorry the guys and I have to head out to the gym but I can call some of the guys on the Ghana team to help with your husband.”

“Thanks, that’s a good idea.” Sandra answered. “Are they close by?”

“Yes they are probably just relaxing in the back of the motel after their trip here. I’ll go get them and send them to you Mrs. Thompson.” Tom said.

“That will be fine, won’t it Jason?” Sandra asked me.

“Yes that’s fine. We can sit here until they come.” I answered feeling a bit woozy already as I picked up my cup of hot chocolate draining it and gobbling down the delicious thick white lumps at the bottom of the cup. I licked my lips enjoying the taste. “That’s mighty good. You’ll have to find more of that white stuff to add to the hot chocolate from now on Sandra.”

Tom, Sid, Len, Joe, Jason, Jerry, Pete and Alex left the Lounge going out the back door.

“Sure thing Greg. It is easy to get. Where ever we go I know where to pick some up from guys that pump it out dear.” Sandra said.

I had just put my empty cup down on the near by table when the group of muscular, tall, black young men came through the back door. “I hear you need some help taking your husband to your room Mrs. Thompson. We’d be more than willing to help you.”

“Thank you……. If it’s not to trouble that is.” Sandra said smiling and I swore I saw her licking her lips but it must have been my imagination.

“My name is Tyler. It would be our pleasure. We wanted to see what the rooms looked like. Didn’t we guys?” Tyler answered, the taller of the hot looking young black men wearing only gym shorts and sandals his bare chest, arms, legs glistening in the light.

I stood up with Tyler taking one side of me and another hot black young man the other side helping me walk to the elevator. We rode upstairs to our floor and I was helped down the hall to our room. Sandra unlocked the door and Tyler and the other muscular black young man helped me inside and I sat on the bed. I managed to lay down as my eye lids began closing. One of the last things I saw before closing my eyes was Sandra thanking Tyler and loosing her balance. She reached out and tried to catch her fall by grabbing something. She had grabbed the top of Tyler’s gym shorts causing them to be tugged to his feet with his huge cock bouncing up smacking his washboard stomach.

My eyes glassed over at that point but I swore I saw Sandra licking Tyler’s low hanging balls while the rest of the young black men tugged their gym shorts down revealing their giant black cocks and massive balls. It had to be my imagination and then I was sound asleep.

Once I was sound asleep I started having my weird dreams again. I had a dream there were pillow under my stomach and chest keeping me on my hands and knees. Tyler was standing in front of the bed with my head between his hands shoving his big cock in my mouth. I could feel it entering my throat then he pulled it out of my throat keeping his huge cock head in my mouth. In my sleep I took a deep breath through my nose before he shoved his big black cock down my throat with his big heavy balls smacking my chin. That’s when I realized I wasn’t just getting my mouth and throat fucked but I had a giant cock buried in my hot ass. Who ever was plowing my ass had one huge cock and I felt his big hands gripping my hips as he continued fucking my ass.

I heard Sandra beside me moaning and groaning and looked over to see her flat on her back, some hot black stud fucking her mouth and throat while another black muscular young hunk rammed his huge cock deep in her pussy. No wonder she was doing so much moaning and groaning. If only this could be true instead of just a dream I thought to myself.

“Oh wow you have a fantastic ass homo.” The guy plowing my ass groaned.

“Wait until you try his fucking throat.” Tyler groaned ramming his cock down my throat. I felt myself drifting deeper into sleep as everything went black and Tyler’s huge cock barred in my throat.

Once more things became clear as I found myself in the same dream I had before blacking out. This time I was on my back with my legs pushed against my chest as I looked up at the young black muscular stud fucking my ass. I felt someone grabbing my head in their big hands and pulling it back. When I looked back a hot young muscular black man had his cock less than an inch from my lips. With out giving it a second thought I opened my mouth wide and took his giant purple colored, mushroom shaped cock head in my mouth. I looked up at his determined face as he shoved his cock down my throat only giving me time to take a deep breath. “Fuck you have a hot throat.” The black hunk moaned.

I was lost in a dream of lust again as two studs fucked my throat and ass. Beside me I could hear my darling bride of less than a few days moaning her approval as two black studs fucked her mouth and pussy.


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