Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 17 by gregorthegrant

“We better get back to the Motel, I want to shower and change before supper.” I said.

“Fine with me, I’d like to change as well. I’m afraid after that shower and not having a towel I feel all grubby again. Lets go Greg.” Sandy said.

When we got back to the motel I was surprised to see Sid, Tom, Len, Joe, Jason, Jerry, Pete and Alex sitting in the Lounge waiting for us. “You two must have had a good day you both look like you had a good time.” Alex said greeting Sandra and myself.

“We sure did.” Sandra answered.

“Yes, we saw a bunch of guys having a practice game of football.” I said. “I’m off to shower and clean up before supper.”

“In that case do you mind helping us in the kitchen prepare supper Sandra.” Pete asked.

“I was going to shower but I can put it off, after all Greg will be showering now I’ll shower later.” Sandra smiled lets get going guys.” She said heading for the dinning room swinging doors and kitchen beyond the dinning room.

The end of Chapter 17. I’m sure Sandra, Sid, Tom, Len, Joe, Jason, Jerry, Pete and Alex will be cooking up one fine dinner for us to enjoy while I am busy showering.


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