Firefighter’s Convention by TimidandHorney41

Rachel’s mind drifted to that first hug, they would share, and beyond.  She began to picture David, scooping her into his arms, and whisking her off to his hotel room.  She felt the moisture start to escape her pussy, and let out a tiny whimper.  Just then, a voice startled her out of her daydreaming, “Ready to go, hun?”  It was her husband, AJ, as she called him, short for Andrew James, and she had forgotten he was waiting for her.  Rachel smiled at AJ, “Ready!” and out the door they went.

Rachel had told AJ about David, somewhat.  He knew of their friendship and their upcoming meeting but didn’t know that Rachel and David had been flirting and exchanging x-rated messages, online.  She had kept that part to herself. AJ didn’t need to know those things, he would only get jealous, and Rachel didn’t need that.  She loved her husband, very dearly, and wanted him to like David.  Jealousy would get in the way of that.  Rachel and AJ made small talk, the hour long car ride to the conference.  They talked of previous conferences and vendors they wanted to make sure they visited.  Rachel almost jumped out of her skin, when AJ said David’s name.  “What was that, dear?” she asked AJ.  “I said, has David ever been to FDIC before?” AJ asked his wife.  “Nope.  This is all new for him.  He flew in, 2 days ago, and has been going to some of the Officers’ workshops”, Rachel said.  “Well, he is in for a treat tonight!  Does he know about the party?” he asked.  Rachel smiled at her husband.  She knew where this was going.  Every year, the firefighters’ union hall held a huge party, with bagpipes, and free food and beer. It never took long for things to get crazy and AJ and Rachel never missed the party.  They looked forward to it, each year.  This year, they were going to introduce David to all the fun.  They both smiled as AJ gave Rachel’s hand a squeeze and they entered the convention center parking garage.  Time to get this party started!

David had already explored all of the convention center during the last two days.  He had never seen anything like it!  There were first responders, from all over the world, attending, and there was always someone new to talk to.  David had been enjoying himself, and had a blast in the classes he had signed up for.  He had spent the last two days, learning new vehicle extrication techniques, and was about to take his skills test, to be certified, and be able to go back and teach his new skills, to all his local departments.  He knew Rachel wasn’t going to be there, for another hour, but couldn’t help looking around for her.  His disappointment hung heavy on his face, as he pulled up his bunker pants, and stepped outside and into the enclosed testing area.  He shook thoughts of Rachel out of his head, and focused on the mangled BMW in front of him. It was game time and he had a “patient” to cut out of the twisted wreckage before him.  Thoughts of Rachel slipped away, as David picked up the heavy “Jaws of Life”, with little effort, and started smashing the posts of the car, with its’ powerful jaws.

Rachel and AJ walked into the convention center, hand in hand.  She pulled the email from David, out of her pocket, and began reading his schedule.  As she looked over the piece of paper, AJ squeezed her hand.  She looked up, to see AJ smiling at her and waiting patiently.  She smiled back and said,” David is testing for his Rescue cert right now.  Do you want to go watch? Or go look through all the vendors?”  AJ thought, for a brief moment, and then laughed, “Let’s go watch him.  I want to meet this famous David and see what all the fuss is about.” AJ responded.  AJ gave Rachel’s hand a firm squeeze and they headed for the outdoor training area.  Rachel spotted David immediately and quickened her step.  He was holding the heavy “Jaws of Life” and crushing the center posts of a destroyed BMW, and she couldn’t help but stare.  He held the heavy machine, so easily, and Rachel imagined, for a split second, what it would feel like, to have those strong hands traveling all over her body.  Rachel and AJ watched, as David, skillfully, destroyed the posts holding the roof onto the vehicle, peeled the roof back, and freed the trapped “patient” inside.  He was flawless, with his movements, and even AJ could appreciate David’s new skills, as he avoided the vehicles’ numerous airbags.  Rachel watched as David finished his test and sat down the massive jaws.  He had not spotted her yet, but she wasn’t surprised.  They weren’t due to meet up for another 30 minutes, Rachel was early.  Just as she thought about walking over, David suddenly spotted Rachel and their eyes locked.  For a split second, the whole world faded away, and it was just Rachel and David, eyes locked, in a trance.  AJ saw them lock eyes, and gave his wife’s hand a gentle squeeze, “Is that David?” he asked, as AJ pointed in David’s direction.  “Yes”, Rachel said, “Let’s go introduce ourselves.”  Before they could go more than two steps, David turned and headed straight towards them, smiling from ear to ear.  “Rachel! Over here! Hey, Rach!” David called, as he waved.  Rachel let go of AJ’s hand and closed the gap between them, in seconds.  David saw Rachel’s quickened steps and held his arms open, showing her he was expecting that hug she promised.  Rachel closed the final steps between them, as she opened and held her arms upward, letting David know that she wanted that hug, as well.

Rachel could hear nothing but her own pulse, thumping in her ears, as she approached David.  She didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath.  They closed the distance too quickly, and their bodies came together, with a firm “THUMP”!  Caught off guard, she stumbled, a step, and David locked his arms around her.  He didn’t mind, as it caused her to grab for him, in her stumbling haze.  He caught her, easily, and hugged her to him, in one smooth motion.  “Hi Kitten”, he whispered in her ear, his breath sending shivers up her spine, and down to her achy pussy, “glad to finally hold you.” David cleared his throat, as he straightened from their first embrace, and looked towards AJ’s approaching frame, in a loud voice, he said, “Glad to finally meet you, in person, Rach!” as he released her from his arms.  They both, secretly groaned inside, at letting go of each other, but they both turned to AJ, with bright smiles.  The men introduced themselves to each other, and started making small talk, as Rachel watched an EMT fumble with a KED, in the testing area.  The young girl was next, to test, and Rachel could tell she wasn’t ready.  She turned back to the men, and was rewarded with a sight, that would spark many fantasies, for years to come.  Rachel was staring that the 2 sexiest men, she had ever seen, in her life!  David’s salt and pepper hair, sparkled in the bright morning sun, calling for her to run her hands through it.  His turn out coat was completely open, exposing his department t-shirt, dampened with traces of sweat, clinging to his chiseled body.  Oh, how she wanted to run her fingers under the elastic suspenders, holding up his bunker pants, and slide them off his strong shoulders.

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