Firefighter’s Convention by TimidandHorney41

Rachel tore her gaze away from David and her eyes landed on her husband.  AJ was a very handsome man and Rachel considered herself lucky to be his.  He was taller than Rachel, but didn’t tower over her, just enough that required “tippy toe kisses”, and she loved that.  His face was very handsome, tan, chiseled, like the rest of him.  Her eyes lingered, on her husbands’ bearded mouth, as flashes of the things that mouth had done to Rachel, went through her head.  She felt the heat and moisture grow, inside her lacy panties, and shook the thoughts away.  She trailed her eyes, down her husbands’ well defined chest, and longed for her eyes to be her lips.  Rachel’s eyes slide down his Class A uniform buttons, to her favorite spot, the bulge in his pants.  She couldn’t help but rape the bulge, with her eyes, as she stared at him.  Rachel knew what was behind those baggy tech pants, and wanted it badly.  It was her favorite place to be! She could spend hours, worshiping the monstrous cock, hidden just behind his zipper.  She was lost in thoughts of gagging on her husbands’ cock and didn’t notice that the men had stopped talking and were staring at her, smiling.  Rachel had not been aware that she was licking her lips and making little whimpers noises.  Her action had caught both of the men’s attention, and they were quite amused.  AJ broke the awkward silence by clearing his throat and saying, “WELL! We can all tell what she has on her mind!” as everyone laughed.

The rest of the convention went as usually. David joined AJ and Rachel, as they visited all the vendors, and explored the new vehicles.  They laughed and talked, as if they had known each other forever.  Conversation flowed freely, between the three of them, and Rachel’s “eye fucking” had long been forgotten.  It was time to head to the Firefighter’s Union Hall, and the couple was anxious to show David a firefighter party.  Rachel excused herself, to the ladies room, and let out a big breath, as she locked the stall behind her.  She peeled her soaked panties down and saw her poor swollen clit, poking out at her.  It was painfully swollen and begging for release.  Rachel gave it a loving series of pats, and hid it behind the soaked, black lace, again.  She took a deep breath, put a smile on her sexually tortured face, and pulled open the restroom door.  “Her men” were leaned up against a nearby wall, lost in conversation.  She could see AJ’s face and he appeared to be excited about the conversation, with a big smile on his face.  They stopped talking, as she approached, and just smiled at her.  Her eyes bounced from one sexy man, to the other, as panic set in.  “What were you two just talking about?” Rachel asked.  AJ pushed off the wall, closed his hand around hers, and headed for the exit, as David followed suit, easily keeping up with AJ.

Rachel was confused and her head was spinning.  What were they talked about?  What was going on?  Why were they both holding her hand?  The panic spread and built, in her chest, as these two hot men led her towards the union hall.  Everything was starting to go dark, as she became aware of a growing fire in her pussy.  Rachel suddenly jerked her hands away from both of her erotic escorts and stumbled to a nearby wall.  The cool brick felt calming to Rachel’s overheated body and she needed to catch her breath.  She could already “feel” the nearby bagpipe’s and drums playing and the vibrations didn’t help her delicate state.  Both men were, instantly, at her side, worry on both of their faces.  After reassuring her delicious dates, Rachel calmed herself, and spun to face them.  The men were inches from her face, and she could feel their hot breath, on each of her cheeks.  She felt the blood rush back to her cheeks again, and knew she was in for a long night.  Rachel took both of their hands again, and headed the last block, to the hall.

The next few hours, was a blur of food, beer, music, and dancing.  The whole block around the hall was roped off for the party, and was slammed full of fellow first responders, having a blast. Rachel had brought a change of clothes with her, in the car, but they came straight from the convention and she hadn’t had the time to change.  Her dress uniform was soaked in sweat and rubbing her skin raw.  She ached to get out of her soaked panties.  Rachel turned to AJ and asked for the car keys.  She was planning on changing in the parking garage, and hoping no one would see her.  After yelling AJ her plans, David spoke up and offered to let her change in his room.  David’s hotel was next to the parking garage and the idea both, frightening and excited, Rachel.  She didn’t know if she could be alone with David, given her current state of arousal, and behave herself.  AJ told her that David’s room was a better plan, as he handed her the keys to the car.  Rachel felt the panic rise in her chest again, and tugged on AJ’s arm.  She motioned for him to follow her, around the side of the union hall, where they could talk, without yelling.  She told her husband, of the fire in her soaked panties, and her desperate need for relief.  A tear slipped from Rachel’s eye, as she confessed her desire to fuck David, to her sweet and faithful husband.  AJ caught her tear, midway down her check, with his thumb, and wiped it away.  He took Rachel’s face, in his hands, and kissed her gently.  Electric shocks ripped through her pussy as their lips met, and she let out a whimper of desire.  “Go get changed, my love.” AJ said, his mouth hovering above hers, “I talked to David, a lot today, and I really like him.  Whatever happens, happens….” As he planted tiny kisses all over her lips…. “I want you to fuck him….” more, tiny, slow, kisses…. “ as long as….” AJ trailed those delicate kisses across her jawline… “you tell me”…..nibble on her earlobe… “every little detail later”.  As AJ finished his sentence, he grabbed Rachel’s face and forced her mouth open with his tongue.  They locked, in a passionate kiss, tongues swirling, hands roaming, until they both were breathless.  Rachel broke the kiss and looked into her husbands’ eyes, “Are you sure about this?” she asked in her sexy little timid voice.  She knew that voice drove him crazy and she saw his bulge swell and throb, under his zipper.  AJ was sure, and they both knew it.  He was every bit as excited as she was, and it showed.

Rachel took a cleansing breath and headed back around the building to David.  What had she gotten herself into? She thought to herself.  She had fantasied about cheating, but had never been able to bring herself to do it.  Now she had the chance and Rachel wasn’t sure if she could.  She was about to chicken out and return to AJ, when she rounded the corner and saw David.   He was watching for her and they locked eyes again.  All doubt vanished from her mind, as she reached David and slipped her hand in his.  His smile melted her last ounce of resolve and she was putty in his hands.  She glanced back towards AJ, and saw him smiling at her.  He gave a final nod and a thumbs up to her, as Rachel and David disappeared into the crowd.

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