Fun at a motel by Yvonne

More cars arrived over the next half hour, but we were disappointed that no one came near enough that I might be seen in my flimsy attire.

Rob checked on each arrival, determining just who was at all likely to be what we wanted. Of significance was another lone male, along with two men together.

We were getting a little frustrated that there’d been no chance of myself being seen, when a guy walked right past the window but didn’t glance in.

“Damn!” my husband exclaimed as he jumped to the window and peered at the guy disappearing towards the street. His annoyance then turned to triumph as he saw the guy disappear into the office.

“He’ll be coming back in a minute,” he exclaimed with urgency as he shoved the bed more in front of the window and repositioned the light. He then thrust a brochure into my hand. “Just stand here and pretend to be reading this,” he excitedly told me as he led me to within a few feet of the window, and on the side that the guy would have to be blind not to see me.

“Loosen the tie on your nightie so that you show more tit,” he suggested as he stood back to see how I looked.

I quickly undid and redid the little string lie that kept the front of my nightie together. My small breasts now being half visible, Rob gave his approval as he positioned himself to peer from the side of the window to see if the guy was returning.

“Here he comes,” Rob said excitedly, and he quickly ran to the bathroom at the back of the motel room, and concealed himself behind the door which he left open just the tiniest crack so that he could view both myself and the window.

I stood there almost trembling but exactly as Rob had told me to. I must have been blushing profusely and I could feel my heart racing wildly.

Suddenly I could see, out of the corner of my eye, the movement of the guy past the window. It all happened so quickly, but immediately my husband appeared from the bathroom, exclaiming “great! great! he got such an eyeful.”

Rob, straight away, was back at the side of the window peering along. “He’s stopped,” he reported to me. “He’s looking about.”

My heart was racing as I looked at Rob and waited for his reports on what was happening.

“Yes!” Rob exclaimed. “He’s coming back for another look.”

My husband was back behind the bathroom door in a moment, leaving me on full display for the guy to view.

I tried to keep the brochure from shaking in my hand as I stood pretending to read.

I saw the movement of the guy passing by the window ever so slowly this time, then returning back again obviously taking a good look.

I longed to glance up to see what he looked like, although I knew that if I did, I would be filled with shame and must flee out of sight.

It seemed like a minute or two that he stood perving over my near nakedness. I slowly turned the pages of the pamphlet that I was gazing at without seeing.

I considered how this unknown guy was looking at my breasts more than half showing from the tenuous cover of my nightie – how he was looking at my body, virtually naked from my waist down, other than the tiny triangle covering of my panties. I teased myself with thoughts of how I’d originally bought this sexy little nightie in order to please my husband, and how I was now wearing it to please a complete stranger in a way that I’d never dreamt of.

I don’t know what would have happened had not a sudden light shone outside with the sound of a car driving into the motel park. The guy was gone in a flash and I now looked up at the empty window and then immediately down at myself, admiring what I’d shown.

My husband burst from his hiding place absolutely thrilled with what had transpired. “He’ll be back for more, I know,” he enthused as he peered out of the window.

I thought that Rob had enough of this game as I watched him draw the blinds, but he only drew them partly, leaving a gap of some six inches and then turning to me and telling me, “come on sweetheart, he’s going to see everything you’ve got, and he undid the tie of my nightie and slid it off over my arms. My thong panties were next to go.

“Walk around when he comes, and let him see everything,” my husband told me as he looked out of the door, “I’ll be hiding behind the cars opposite,” he added as he grabbed his phone and was then gone, closing the door behind him.

My heart was racing and I felt so lustfully sexy in my total nakedness.

The phone rang. It was Rob. “He’s at his door looking up and down,” he excitedly whispered. “Here he comes. He’s at the window now,” then after a pause, “what are you doing at the moment?”

We kept up a whispered conversation on the phone, with me telling Rob everything that I was doing.

“Lay on the bed and spread your legs for him sweetheart,” Rob suggested.

I did as my husband wanted, and kept up a description of my every move.

“He’s jerking off for you,” Rob lustfully reported.

A moment later I heard my husband exclaiming “damn, he’s going.”

A minute later and Rob re-entered the room. “He jerked off for you love,” my husband grinned with satisfaction, “I could see his cum running down the window.”

I was thrilled, some men have told me that they’ve masturbated over the stories that I’ve written, and the idea of it always makes me feel so sexy.

We were both so fantastically excited and we kissed passionately.

We couldn’t stop talking about what had happened, and the more that we spoke, the more worked up we both became.

The next hour or so was very disappointing, and very frustrating with nothing at all happening. I’d donned my sexy nightie again, and Rob had the curtains half open for anyone to see me if they happened to look, but no one came.

We were beginning to despair of any more excitement for the night, when a car drove in and parked further down. Rob looked out and determined that it was a man by himself.

Quickly, my husband’s brain came up with a scheme. “The guy’s left his car door open, he must be going back for something,” Rob told me. “I’ll go to our car on the pretence of getting something. I’ll call out to you to ask you some question, and you’ll step out into the open when I call,” Rob quickly laid his plan out for me. “Surely he’ll see you and get an eyeful,” he added with a grin.

I had no time to agree or even to comment on this scheme before Rob disappeared out to the car, leaving the door wide open. I peeped out and saw the man walk across to his own car. I heard them exchange a brief hello, then I heard Rob, in a slightly louder voice call out, “Yvonne, did you get the toothbrushes?”

I, scantily dressed as I was, took a deep breath and stepped out of the motel room door into the night air. “I thought you were bringing them,” I answered.

My voice had been soft, but it was enough to attract the attention of the guy who then looked up and gazed at me. I pretended that I didn’t see him there, although the interior light of his car was on, and I could hardly help but notice in the darkness of the night.

The guy stood gazing across, no doubt admiring my sexy attire and semi-nakedness.

“I’ll have to go and get some,” I heard my husband telling me as I then turned, trembling with excitement, and went back into the motel room.

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