I Watched My Wife With An Older Man 3 by cleo1234

I Watched My Wife With An Older Man 3 by cleo1234

Anna was dozing that afternoon when I went into our bedroom after she’d taken Walt to the airport. Because of the amount of time she’d been gone, her puffy lips and a slight redness around her mouth, I was convinced she’d given him a prolonged blowjob before he departed. In fact, they’d been at each other at least three or four times a day during his visit this time, but they still didn’t know that I knew about them. It was a conundrum for me. It hurt that my wife was fucking another man right in my own home, but it excited me like nothing else ever had before. In truth, part of me wanted it to end, but part of me wanted to continue experiencing this awesome excitement. My friend Cleo had suggested that I let Anna know, share the experience together, but I knew once the Genii was let out of the box, it couldn’t ever be put back in. Anna and I hadn’t had sex in over a week but oddly, I didn’t feel deprived. Actually, I felt totally sexually satisfied with the situation as it now was, just scared of losing her and terribly Jealous. Taking a deep breath, I eased onto the bed beside her.

“You awake?” I asked.


I jumped right into the subject without thinking about it. “I know about you and Walt,” I said abruptly. “I saw you . . . you know . . . together.”

She grew very still, hardly breathing. Then “Pat . . . I . . .”

“Wait. Let me talk,” I said.

Not sparing myself anything I’d done to help create this mess, I recalled everything I’d seen and how I’d jerked off to it, telling her everything. Once the floodgates were open, I had to get it all out. I ended by telling her how much I loved her and stressed our need to be completely honest with each other in everything. I also told her how angry and jealous it’d made me feel.

I heard a soft sob in her throat as she said, “Oh Pat, I’m so sorry. I’ll never do it again. I promise.”
I pulled her head onto my chest and we lay that way until we’d dozed off. Later, watching TV in the family room, we talked more about it and I asked her to share all the details and tell me about each of her encounters with Walt. She told me she’d never even thought about cheating on me in all these years. She was forthcoming and completely honest, and it was as I suspected, Walt had been after her constantly like a dog in heat, forcibly having his way with her anytime he wanted it – and her mostly enjoying every minute. She said he was insatiable, that he had a hard-on almost constantly. Most of the time he’d just forced himself upon her, but she admitted that she always ended up enjoying it – especially the oral sex, at which he was a master.

I was hurt by that. I performed oral sex on her occasionally, and mentioned that I thought she had enjoyed it. She sort of smiled, saying, “You do great, darling. But you lick and suck very gentle, lovingly. Walt devours me. He bites, sucks licks and blows on everything down there, even my anus. He’s all mouth and fingers until it drives me completely insane. I’m being honest. He totally had me anytime he wanted me, after that. I thought about it all day – every day. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I still can’t,” she told me quite embarrassedly. She said It had been the best sex she’d ever had. Looking into my eyes, she then told me it was over between her and Walt, or anybody else but me for the rest of her life. She was my wife and would always be so.

The next two days were just as it’d always been between us. All tension and apprehension had immediately vanished, but the spectrum of Walt’s return loomed over us like a giant shadow. We got a short reprieve when he called and said he had to stay at the meeting for another day, asking to be picked up at the airport a day later. He came in late and it was well after 10:00 PM by the time we arrived back home. I helped him carry his bags to the spare bedroom, telling him it was late and Anna and I would be going right to bed. He said that he also would be turning in. With the lights out, we lay without touching, hardly breathing. On the way from the airport I noticed Anna had hardly looked at Walt, although he’d constantly attempted catching her eye and I could feel the sexual tension mounting between them. Later, in the darkness of our bedroom we lay without moving or talking, Anna constantly tossing as though trying to get comfortable.

“Are you okay?” I finally whispered.

After a moment, she replied with a small catch in her voice, “I’m sorry, Pat.”

I reached out, touching her cheek. It was wet. “Yeah,” was all I could say.

Love for this woman filled my heart to such a capacity that I ached for her. Above all else, I didn’t want her suffering for something that had largely been my own fault. I knew what was bothering her. Walt had been at her constantly all the time he’d been there, and she was like a drug addict suddenly deprived from her drug. I knew she was lying there thinking about that huge cock just thirty feet away and it was driving her crazy. Truth is, I was hard as a rock too.

Twenty minutes later, I said quietly, “Go on. It’s all right.”

She didn’t even pretend she didn’t know what I was talking about. In the darkened room I saw her pulling on her white nightgown. At the foot of the bed she paused and though I couldn’t see her eyes, I knew she was staring at me. With the nightlight in the bathroom behind her, I could see the outline of her slender body through the thin gown. I heard her whisper again, “I’m sorry.” Then she was gone.

I lay in the darkened room listening intently for any sound of her movement, though in bare feet on the carpet, that was unlikely. What I hoped for was some sound that she’d changed her mind – and a strange longing deep inside – hoping she wouldn’t. A moment later, I heard her cry out softly, then much louder. I knew she wasn’t coming back. The big cock she’d been fantasizing about all night was inside her. I suddenly realized the reason she sounded so nearby was because she’d left our bedroom door open, and likely the other door was left ajar so I could hear, as well. A gesture of kindness toward me – or the actions of a slut? I truly didn’t know.

For the next five minutes I listened to the sound of their lovemaking. No, that’s not accurate. It was the sound of two people fucking like animals, hard and unrelenting – the unrestrained slapping of moist flesh as they grunted and cried out their pleasure. I knew Anna liked to be vocal when she made love and it must have been hard for her all the times Walt had pummeled her with his fencepost-like cock, trying to stifle it so I wouldn’t be alerted. It was as if now that I’d told her I knew, she didn’t have to hide any longer. She could let it all go, maybe even flaunt it. I clutched my cock harder as I heard her cry out her pent-up release, “Oh baby . . . oh godddd!”

That was quickly followed by Walt’s own obscene grunts as he came.

I was also so close to cumming that my heart literally pounded inside my chest and I was trembling so badly it shook the entire bed. How could I be this turned-on by something I couldn’t even see? I knew that all I had to do was stroke my cock a couple of times, and it would gush like Old Faithful. I choked it instead, holding off. I knew their ritual by now and didn’t want to end it yet. I knew they first had a frenzy-fuck to take off the edge caused by their week apart. After they recovered a bit, she’d suck him dry; and finally, he’d lick her ass and eat her pussy until she collapsed from exhaustion. After that, they’d probably even fuck again, later. The guy was an animal. I listened as, now that they’d satisfied their uncontrollable initial lust, I could hear them muttering – pillow talk between lovers. After a few minutes, I didn’t hear Anna’s voice anymore. All I could hear was Walt urging her on, and that meant she had his cock down her throat, milking it dry. After about ten minutes, Walt groaned loudly and I knew he was flooding her mouth with his slime. Didn’t he care that I might be awake and would hear? Maybe she’d told him I knew about them despite my repeated requests she not do so. No, she wouldn’t betray me like that. A few seconds later I heard her crying out again, even louder and more urgent than before, “Oh god . . . oh god . . . oh god . . .” I knew he was devouring her pussy. That was when I cum so hard my prostrate ached, just as she screamed – sounding like she was strangling.
I knew that what probably turned her on so much was that Walt was a controller. He took what he wanted anytime he wanted it. Whereby I made love to her, Walt used her. I could never be like that, no matter how hard I tried. Anna knew that, too. Being used in this manner was something she never knew she needed until that first night I’d things get out of hand. It was now something she had to have, Walt had initiated her into it with skill, and I felt like I’d been sucker-punched. I could let her do it or I could demand she stop – in which case I was pretty sure I would end up losing her. I would not lose Anna. She was my life.


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