Nursing Mr Peters by peeksy1999

Nursing Mr Peters by peeksy1999

if well received, i have ome ideas for the next few chapters. please let me know what you think and vote. you might also want to have a look at some of my other stories and share your thoughts? , As I walked up the long driveway to the house I felt a familiar tingle of excitement. The thrill of the unknown and the prospect of earning some good money always seems to have that effect on me. Every time I start a new job, I tell myself that this time its going to be great, different and a whole new beginning. And then within a few weeks I’m back to being bored, finding trouble and usually getting moved on.

This time however, was definitely going to be different I told myself as I rang the doorbell on the large front door of what was probably the most luxurious home I had ever seen.

A small, drab man in a grey business suit answered the door and raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

‘good morning, I’m Tom’ I said with my best smile, ‘the new agency nurse?’

‘come in’ he said, ‘My name is Mr Stevens, I’m Mr Peters’ attorney. I’ll show you around, check all the papers and then you can begin’

The attorney led me through the house into a large ground floor office. Bay windows looked out onto the manicured lawns and the room was dominated by a large oak desk, with a leather upholstered chair into which he eased himself.

He explained my duties (in glorious detail which I shall spare you here). In short, I was to be a live in nurse/care attendant for Mr Peters. He was a very wealthy businessman who had had a horse riding accident a few months earlier. As a result he was bed ridden and needed help with virtually everything. A physically big man, it was too much for most female nurses, particularly at nights, so they had decided to hire a male helper, who would live in the house, be on call from 1800 to 0800 and tend to Mr Peters every need. In return, I would have free rein of the house and grounds, including the tennis courts, swimming pool and sauna during my time off. I had use of the family BMW and I was to be extremely well paid for my trouble. ‘any questions?’ he asked. Not wanting to spoil what seemed too good to be true, I didn’t.

And so, an hour later, having completed the paperwork, been given the tour and dropped my things off in my room, I was taken to meet Mr Peters. First impressions often are the best, and my first impression of Mr Peters was that he was a complete asshole….and indeed I was correct. He was bad tempered, rude and clearly a bully as he curtly acknowledged me, then launched into a string of instructions and abuse at his attorney. I can only assume the attorney was also being well rewarded because he took it without a flinch, nodding yessir and nossir, while taking notes on a big legal pad. Soon I was dismissed, and told to report back for my first shift at 1800, I would find my blues in the wardrobe in my room and Maria, the housekeeper would ensure I was fed and clothed throughout my stay. I could find her in the kitchen.

And so I began my new life working for Mr Peters. The work was not too bad, mostly involving cleaning Mr Peters when he had an ‘accident’- not a pleasant job, but no big deal for a trained nurse like me, as well as administering his medication and replenishing his pump feeder on time. The rest of the time I chilled out, swimming a lot in the private pool and occasionally hanging out down in the kitchen with Maria.

Maria was really nice and we hit it off pretty well straight away. She was a good bit older than me, probably about my Mum’s age actually and of Spanish/latin blood. She was what you might call voluptuous- not quite a ‘big woman’ but certainly no skinny rake either. Long dark hair, usually kept tied up in a bun and a lovely smile with a full and generous mouth- I reckon when she was younger she was a seriously good looking girl, and to be fair she still looked pretty fine to me. I liked to sit at the kitchen table watching her work around the kitchen, sneaking looks at her body as she bent to put stuff into cupboards and the like. I had to be careful though- her husband was the gardener and he was probably the biggest, meanest looking motherfucker I had ever seen. There was no way I wanted him looking for my blood!

Well after about 2 weeks, I had settled down into a nice routine, and one afternoon I found myself down in the kitchen as Maria was doing some baking. As usual, I was wearing my ‘blues’- loose cotton pants and top, like you would see in any hospital, and I was enjoying watching Maria as she bustled about the kitchen. Her housekeeper’s uniform was stretching in all sorts of interesting places and I was having a lovely time.

I could feel a bulge forming in my pants so I was careful to stay seated with the table providing a degree of cover. I didn’t want to cause any trouble, and the last thing I needed was for Maria to see my bulge and shout her beast of a husband in from the garden. I glanced out the window and there he was, sitting on the lawnmower and driving straight lines up and down the lawns. I turned back to Maria to see her looking quizzically at me, holding out a cup.

“didn’t you hear me Tom?” she asked, smiling. “would you mind putting this in the cupboard behind you please?”

I was caught. I had no choice but to stand up and take the cup, turn and put it away. All the while with my pants bulging like they were about to burst. There was no way she could fail to notice, and sure enough when I turned back round she was standing with her mouth open and a look of surprise on her face. She looked me in the eye and started to speak, but paused as her eyes were drawn down to the bulge in my pants.

I decided to take control of the situation and walked quickly around the table to her. Just as she was about to shout out, I placed my finger to my lips and said ‘sshhh!”

I took her by the arm and gently steered her over to the table and sat her down in the seat I had just left.

‘please don’t shout out’ I said, ‘ you husband would kill me if he saw this’ , as I pointed down at my trousers.

She nodded, still lost for words.

I looked up at the window and saw the lawnmower still working up and down, her husband concentrating intently on keeping the lines straight.

I quickly dropped my hands down to my waistband and started to undo the drawstring of my pants.

Maria almost stood up, but I stepped forward and blocked her. Slipping my hand down my pants, I started to stroke my cock. She sat there transfixed as I leant forward, and loosened the clasp holding her hair in the bun. Her long dark hair fell down and I gently teased it in to shape with my left hand as I continued to stroke my cock with my right.

God , she really was looking good. I could see down the front of her top and glimpsed the frill of a lacy black bra, holding those lovely big tits in place.

I released my cock for a moment, and quickly slipped off my shirt. Her eyes widened as she took in my physique- lean and muscular, honed by a lifetime of sport and swimming.


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