I turned round, and bent down to pick up my clothes from the floor where they had been dropped.
As I dressed, I heard the lawnmower stop and the engine cut out. I slipped my shirt on and stepped back into my pants as I saw the gardener step off the mower and turn to make his way back towards the house.
Time for his tea break I thought as Maria slipped out of her stupor, grabbed her clothes and scurried into the next room.
As he entered the kitchen I was standing at the kitchen sink and I smiled as I greeted him. ‘Maria has just popped upstairs to see Mr Peters’ attorney ‘ I said, as he took a seat. The very seat has wife had recently occupied while sucking my dick, he leaned forward onto the table and sighed.
‘ ah, you know Tom, it is a very hot day today to be working in the garden. I envy you being able to stay in the cool of this kitchen’
I smiled. ‘’yes, but sometimes the kitchen can get very hot as well ‘ I replied, as I washed the smell of his wife’s pussy from my fingers, ‘but I think I will be spending some of my time in here, where it is more pleasant’
He laughed as his wife came back into the room.
She looked quizzically at him laughing, and relaxed with relief as she realised he was oblivious to what had just happened.
‘well’, I said, ‘ I must be going now, but I’ll be back tomorrow, if that’s ok Maria?’ I asked as I went to leave.
‘’yes Tom, that would be very nice, I enjoy the company’ she replied, looking me in the eye as I walked towards the door behind her.
Yes, I thought- this is going to be good!