Tricked My Girlfriend 3

Tricked My Girlfriend 3

Discover the tantalizing secrets in 'Tricked My Girlfriend 3'—an erotic sex story that explores passion, intrigue, and unexpected pleasures. Dive into a world of seduction and temptation, where desire blurs the lines between reality and fantasy. Explore now for a sizzling read that will ignite your imagination!<br/>

Letting other people fuck my girlfriend was one thing…But finding out she fucks people behind my back… , It was a Saturday night, and my girlfriend was over. We had had sex earlier that day and she had decided to take a shower while i made dinner. After she got out, she came to the kitchen and sat with me. She wanted to know more about my fetish. The Dos and Don’ts, and all that other crap.

She asked me if i needed to be there while people fucked her. I asked her the same question, do you feel i need to be there? Well, the only reason i fucked K on your bed was because i knew you’d hear and find us fucking, she said. I get so horny when i think it’s cheating but you’re okay with it. I mean, i don’t wanna cheat on you, but the thought of you finding me cheating on you and getting hard over it excites me, she continued. So you’re like an exhibitionist? i asked.

What’s that? she smirked. Its when you like people seeing you get fucked, i said. Oh! then yes, it does turn me on. But what if i fuck someone else while you’re not there? she questioned me. I dunno. would you? Nobody would be watching, so it wouldn’t be hot, she confessed. But would you? No, unless you found out or were right there. Otherwise its not appealing to me. I mean if you want to, we can try it, later on. I assured her. Okay, she said.

Wow! what if i were to get raped? What about it? i asked. Would that be a turn on? I dunno. If i was there, i’d probably get hard but i would feel the need to stop it. She smile shyly, and said You do love me. Ofcourse i do, i laughed. After washing the dishes i headed to the room to play some videogames. She said she felt fat so she was gonna go for a light jog and got changed into some tiny shorts and a tank top. I told her to just go jogging tomorrow morning because it was already midnight.

She said she’d feel really fat if she didn’t go now. I gave in and told her to be very careful, jog around the apartment complex area and that i’d go outside and look for her later. With that, she left and went out jogging. I played my videogame for like 3 minutes before i thought of following her, and not telling her. I doubted she had gone outside for sex, but what if? After all, we had just had a talk about boundaries and such, not to mention how fucking hot she looked.

I put on shoes and a hoodie and left to follow her. Being sneaky was hard but i could pull it off. I caught with her, well i caught sight of her. She was all the way over there jogging and minding her own business. Shit, i thought, i got dressed for nothing. I followed her patiently, and staying hidden among parked cars, but she did not seem to have anything in mind other than jogging. She was reaching a curb when i saw it. 2 black guys standing there, and she was about to jog pass them.

I felt my cock harden. They looked at her and said something but i couldn’t quite hear what it was. My girlfriend looked back and smile, but kept jogging. They started to follow her and calling to her, making her slow down and match their pace. She was now walking with 2 guys on each side of her. She was giggling and smiling, i could tell they were probably flirting with her. She stopped completely and they looked at her up and down. Turning around she showed her ass to them.

My girlfriend was really loving the attention. I could tell they were trying to get her to hang with them or something, they wouldn’t stop checking her out, so obviously they wanted a piece of that ass. She giggled and touch one of the guy’s arm, possibly saying “Not Today” or “I Have a Boyfriend”. Just then, one of them put his arm around her waist and pulled her close, grabbing her ass. She didn’t object to it. They talked longer and eventually my girlfriend started walking with them.

They took a shortcut and headed to a darkened area behind the apartments. I followed, curious of what was about to happen. There she was! walking with them to the woods. Finally stopping at an area i was familiar with: the place where me and K had fucked her. Black guy A, lets call him that for now, pull out what seem like a joint and begin to light it up, and so did Black guy B. My girlfriend just stood there.

My guessing was that maybe they had asked her to hang with them, begged her, and she had agreed. Black guy B passed the joint to my girlfriend and she hit it. Coughing and almost choking, it was obvious she had no idea how to do it. They then tried to be friendly and help her, coaching her on her smoke it. A minute later, she was almost as perfect at it as them. For what seemed like 10 minutes, they just talked and smoked, occasionally putting one hand on my girl.

She could tell it was getting late, so she tried to excuse herself. They groaned and whined loudly, for they didn’t want her gone yet, They got her to smoke some more and then one of them said something and she stood there dumbfounded. I made an attempt to get closer but the rustling of the leaves made it hard. Maybe i had moved 5 feet closer through bushes when i heard “Cock”. My eyes widened and i tried to adjust my hearing so i could probably catch what they were talking about… and i did.

You seem like pretty cool chick, very sexy too, Black guy A said. I got you some good time right? Yeeahh, my girlfriend said. Then why don’t you return the favor? What?! she exclaimed. I have a boyfriend. …but he’s not here and he won’t find out about this. Come on, baby, i just wanna feel those hands, Black guy B said. Just my hands, my girlfriend asked? Yeah little babe, just a small, couple secs handjob. I don’t know, she continued.

Don’t you feel happy and mellow, now that we shared our candy with ya, Black guy A, tried to persuade. Plus you know you’re a little horny, Black guy B interrupted. My girlfriend giggled and looked around nervously. Black guy A began undoing his pants and took his semi hard cock out, while B leaned against a tree. I really can’t, she stuttered and attempted to leave. Black guy A, grabbed her arm and stopped her. Are you really gonna leave now?, after you smoked my weed and got me all horny.

Fucking tease. I’m not a tease, she snapped at him. Pulling and pushing her down on her knees, he told her to finish the job. But.. Do it! He said in an angry tone. Shaking her hand, my Girlfriend reached for his cock and mouthed wow, so did i, that guy seemed a little bigger than my semi hard cock. She began stroking him, while looking at him. See, you want that cock don’t you? But you just don’t wanna admit it. Maybe, she smiled a little bit.

You’re big, she said with a devilish smile on her face. He was fully hard now and it was obvious he was bigger than me. Thicker too. Have you had anything this big? Nope, my girlfriend answered still stroking his cock. Wanna have something this big? Hell no! I have a boyfriend, remember? Moaning he said, but that didn’t stop you from getting on your knees and playing with my dick. That’s cuz you push me on my knees! She squealed. What’s else was i supposed to do? Walk away, said black guy B.


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