Becky and a Movie by Cunning_Linguist_69

Becky and a Movie by Cunning_Linguist_69

Indulge in the tantalizing tale of 'Becky and a Movie,' an erotic sex story that explores passion, desire, and unexpected encounters. Dive into a world of steamy romance and captivating adventure that will leave you craving more. Perfect for fans of sensual narratives and thrilling escapades!<br/>

Author’s note: This isn’t a numbered chapter in the series because it doesn’t really fit into the arc that has crept in as I’ve picked up writing more of it. Think of this as a more-or-less stand-alone. It refers to the original inspirational two-story arc that Lance Wulff wrote, but it’s still more of a one-off that I wrote trying to emulate his “Hank & Becky” style. I still hope readers find it enjoyable.

I’ve been looking forward eagerly to going over to Hank and Becky’s again. Their latest invitation is for a movie night and I’m certainly looking forward to their company in any context – Becky’s in particular: She never, ever disappoints. I’m late finishing up the side-job of landscaping that I’m doing for a neighbor, though, and I’m pretty ripe when I get to their place.

Becky meets me at the door and her nose crinkles just a bit, so I know her assessment is probably the same as mine. She’s smelled me sweaty before, though. “You need a shower,” she announces. Her perky nipples press at the swell of her sundress, and I feel more than dirty just being near her.

“Yeah,” I admit. “Would you and Hank mind?”

“Not at all,” Becky grins. “I certainly don’t. And Hank’s not here, so he can’t. He got called in to cover an overnight.”

“Oh? That’s too bad,” I say with at least some real disappointment. But now I’m imagining how good that might actually be. “Would you rather we re-…”

“No,” she blurts almost breathlessly, planting her hands on her hips and jutting her ample breasts up at me in the process. “No, you just come on in and get yourself cleaned up and we’ll still enjoy a night – a movie night together.” Her eyes glint mischievously as she ushers me inside. “I’m making popcorn,” she announces as if it were the very best of surprises. Turns out: It was.

I follow her down the hall towards the bathroom, admiring the sensual flow of her taut body under the loose sundress. The fabric clings to the hot, round globes of her ass as she bends into a closet to pull out some towels. I accept the stack of towels and a spare robe that she puts together for me and hold it in front of my now-bulging crotch as I back towards the bathroom door.

“It’s all fixed, then,” I say, conversationally.

“Huh,” Becky grunts, then I see the memory lighting up her features, thinking of that time we’d showered together because the water heater ‘needed servicing’. Becky was all that needed servicing that time. I’m so hoping that the same is true tonight.

“You remember that time we ended up having to shower together,” I probe mischievously, gathering up the towels and robe in one arm to reveal the outline of the erection that’s starting to show in my shorts.

Her eyes track to my bulge and her nostrils flare as she runs the tip of her tongue between her lips. After a long pause, she manufactures a laugh and says, as if just now remembering, “Oh, yeah. That was fun. I mean funny. It was…”

“Yeah,” I say, sparing her, but not much. “It was. Good thing the lights were off, eh?”

“Hmm,” she says, still unselfconsciously staring at my covered cock.

“You remember. We decided to turn the lights off just in case.”

“Yeah, we did. Just in case,” she echos.

“So that we wouldn’t see anything. So that you wouldn’t see my thing…er, my cock.” I clench my pelvis and make my bulge dance just a bit in my shorts. She tracks the motion with her eyes and her shoulders quiver just a little.

“Mostly it was so you wouldn’t see my pussy,” she retorts boldly, with a naughty grin. She’s caught and held my gaze now, but even in the dimness of the hallway, I clearly notice her sliding one hand across the front of her dress to caress herself through the thin fabric of her garb.

“I remember you telling me what nice, thick, meaty pussy lips you have,” I prompt boldly, wondering just how far I can go at the moment. In previous encounters, Becky had led the narrative. Now, I’m experimenting a bit in our odd, quirky, expanding non-relationship.

Instead of blushing or feigning shock, she takes a step forward, her fingers now brazenly seeking out the topic of discussion underneath the fabric of her dress. “Yeah. I told you that, didn’t I?” She lets out a soft chuckle, something between an amused laugh and a sensual sigh. “That might have been naughty of me.”

“You did. It was.” Her eyes bore into mine as she rubs herself deliberately and not-quite-deniably in front of me. Is this the door to another level, or is she just pushing boundaries? “I took it as just a cautionary remark at the time…”

“It was,” she agrees, her fingers still dancing on herself.

“But you know. After. I got to thinking about what you said. I thought about it pretty often.” I pull the corner of my naughty grin just a little bit wider.

“Oh?” She searches my face for something.

“Yeah,” I admit. “I thought about it a lot.” I let my free hand move to caress my cock through my shorts, admitting with the motion that I’d masturbated to thoughts of her. She got the message, clearly.

“Oh. Well,” she says, thinking about it. For a long moment, we stand close together in the hallway touching ourselves together, separately. I can smell her panty nectar starting to percolate.

Then the moment slowly fades. “Yeah,” she says dreamily, “It’s all fixed now,” remarking on the shower again. Mostly. “I… it got serviced really well,” she husks. She stares off past my shoulder into the scene of the encounter for just another almost-ragged breath, then comes back to the moment. “You… you just get cleaned up and I’ll have the movie and popcorn waiting when you get up… I mean get out. Yeah. Out. Ok?”

“Ok, Becks,” I smile, dropping my groping hand to my side. She grins warmly. More than just accepting my appropriation of Hank’s honey-name for her, she practically glows at it. I watch her walk down the hall and she looks over her shoulder to catch me watching. She grins and makes a quick shooing motion with one hand before continuing down the hall. It looks like I’m in for another good – if somewhat quirky – evening of Becks’ implausibly deniable attentions.

With that thought in my mind and my cock almost completely stiff in my shorts, I slip into the bathroom to shower. I run the water until it’s steaming and strip off my clothes. I step in and let the hot spray run across my shoulders for a bit then grab the soap and wash cloth. Lathering up, I’m still intensely turned on by our hallway moment, and I start to think more about earlier encounters with Becky, including the one we’d both alluded to in this very tub.

She’d pushed her hot soapy ass right back onto my dick right here. I remember the gooey, slick, tight feeling of her cunt gripping me so eagerly, pushing herself all the way down on my cock and talking dirty as fuck the whole time. That image finds me eagerly fondling my now throbbing-hard cock and gently buzzing balls. I let the hot water and soap, and thoughts of Becky’s hot pussy take me where they’re headed. Soon, I’m rocketing jets of hot cum against the wall. I watch the thick, gooey blobs of my ejaculate slip slowly down the tiles and breathe deeply.


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