Becky and a Movie by Cunning_Linguist_69

“Want some popcorn?” She nudges the bowl with her free hand and it slides against my thigh, hastening – as if she’d planned it – the slide of the fabric falling away to reveal my cock again.

“Sure. Thanks.” I take a few kernels in my fingertips and pop them in my mouth, licking my fingers and then chewing thoughtfully while I watch her. Her left hand slides back and forth across the top of her thigh as she continues to focus on my throbbing erection.

“That’s good,” I offer. “Buttery. I like a lot of butter; not much salt.” I lick my fingers and drop my hand idly to my crotch, stroking my slightly buttered fingertips lightly against the underside of my cock. Becky’s jaw slackens and she stares, transfixed as I touch myself.

“Thanks. I’m glad you like it.” She takes a couple shallow breaths, then pulls her fingers from herself. They glisten with her juices in the dim light. Becky reaches into the bowl and shoves some more popcorn in her mouth, licking her fingertips as well.

Still watching my fingers nudging at my cock, she dips her hand into the bowl again, pushing a few stray kernels over the edge towards me.

“Oops. I think I dropped some on the couch.” She slides her hand across the leather, questing back and forth, clutching stray kernels together but moving steadily towards me.

I let go of my cock, intending to help her pick up the spilt popcorn but she quickly says, “Oh. I got some in your lap. Sorry.” She reaches between my legs. The back of her hand brushes the underside of my shaft. And stays there, rubbing, much longer than it would have taken to pick up the imaginary kernels.

“I think I got most of it,” she says, withdrawing her hand at last. She turns her palm over as she does and brushes a few collected bits of popcorn along the underside of my cock before popping the rescued morsels into her mouth.

She licks her fingers again as she chews. “Mmm. That’s so tasty,” she gloats.

“Yeah?” I take light hold of my erection again and dip my other hand into the bowl for more popcorn. I push a few kernels out the other side of the bowl.

“Oops,” I say, “Sorry – guess the bowl’s still pretty full.” I stroke my cock hard between thumb and forefinger, making my head swell visibly with the word ‘full’.

I reach over the bowl and grope around for the three kernels that spilled. They’re against her thigh and I make sure to catch a pinch of her tee’s hem as I scoop them up, tugging her shirt up higher.

I bring the handful to my mouth, letting a couple of kernels dribble down my chest and onto the open robe just next to my balls. I chew thoughtfully, offering an exaggerated sound of pleasure, “MmmHmmh.”

“Oh, I think you dropped some,” she says. Her hand dips between her thighs briefly, then stretches back across the seat, moving to clean up the popcorn near my crotch. Her fingertips slide slickly across the underside of my cock, smearing a sheen of her juices down my length.

“Oh! Now where could they have gone,” she muses in her not-so-innocent voice.

Her fingers curl around my girth gently as she strokes her palm along the underside of my shaft. She pumps me slowly for several strokes and then drops her fingers between my thighs, probing around for the popcorn. The back of her hand rubs my shaft and balls.

“Ah! Got them.” She pulls her hand back out of my crotch; the back of her hand grazes my shaft again. She draws the rescued kernels to her mouth and licks her fingers idly. “I *think* I got everything.” she says, her eyes smiling. Well, she certainly got to feel every inch of my cock!

She pulls the bowl onto her lap and takes another mouthful.

I have to reach over farther now to get another handful. I chew on it humming thoughtfully as I swallow. “Hmm…”


“Doesn’t taste as buttery.”

“Maybe it’s all slid down to the bottom of the bowl,” she says, tilting the bowl slightly in her lap and sliding her hips forward. I can see her glistening cuntlips just below the rim of the bowl. “You know, sometimes… you’ve really got to dig down to the bottom of the bowl to find the best butter.”

I slide my hand past the rim of the bowl, curving down until my fingertips brush across the curly jungle of her mons to stroke gently at the wet juncture of her cuntlips. I pull my hand back and suck on my fingers appreciatively, inhaling the sensual tang of her juices as I lick each pad. “Mmmm… you’re right! The best butter is in the bottom.” I grin, watching her expression. She gulps in a breath.

“Yeah. You like that then?”

“Mmm. I think I want to lick the whole bowl.”

I return my fingers to her seam and press more deeply. Her cunt is drooling wet and I finger up a gob of her tasty juices and bring it back to my mouth, sucking my fingers triumphantly.

“Well if you like it so much, then dig in.”

I slide my fingers back towards her ‘bowl’, sliding my other arm along the back of the couch until my mouth is inches from her neck.

“You know,” I mused, pushing my fingers through the slick seam of her lips and curling them to swirl in the wet vault of her cunt, “I don’t know which I like more; the sweet taste of it, or the slick feel of it on my fingers and tongue.”

“Of butter?”, she pants.

“Yes. Hot butter.” I pull my fingers free, well coated with her juices, and suck greedily at them. “Mmm,” I moan around them, “I love licking it straight from the bowl best of all, you know…”

She gasps at that, then takes a deep, slow breath. “Well, we’ll just have to get to the bottom of it for you then, won’t we?” She sets the bowl down next to her, spilling a kernel or two in the process.

I thumb the TV off with the remote. We’re not watching anything. Becky doesn’t remark on it at all. I reach back and turn off the light completely. The only light in the room is what filters in softly from the windows. Light enough to walk around by. Dark enough to cover whatever naughty things I’m hoping Becky will do in the dark.

“Whups. I’ve spilled some again. I’ll just clean it up.”

She slides to her knees on the floor, and I feel her warm breath on my thighs.

Her hands reach along the couch and scoop stray kernels into her mouth, but she pushes forward still. She rests one hand on my thigh and the other probes under my leg for kernels that aren’t there. I can feel her hot, moist breath against the underside of my cock now and the sensation of my precum bubbling out of my urethra.

Her lips press against my tip and she slides just a little bit of me past her lips and teeth, swirling her tongue around and around me. Her fingertips push gently against my sack as her palm cups the underside of my shaft, squeezing gently. Her tongue swirls around again and again over the sensitive tip of my cock while her fingers and palm tease me. I groan softly.

“Hmm,” she prompts, and the vibration runs down my shaft and into my balls.

“I… ah!” Her lips chew at my cockhead. “I was just – ah – just thinking about liking the bottom of that bowl,” I say.

“Mmm-hmm?” Her tongue slides out and washes the underside of my shaft as her lips press around my glahns. She’s driving me crazy! My cock throbs, the head flaring between her lips. She takes a deep breath and pushes her mouth down deeply around my shaft, her tongue lapping nearly at my balls.


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