Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

Explore the tantalizing journey of desire in 'Just Ten Things Pt. 05'. This erotic sex story invites you to indulge in steamy encounters and unforgettable moments of passion. Discover the thrill of temptation and connection—perfect for adventurous readers seeking their next seductive escape!<br/>

All of my writing is fiction, and the stories and characters are products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of mythe events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story that need to be are 18 years of age or older. I hope you enjoy! And take a second to vote and comment.

The last of the four women, Bonnie, completes her challenge with very surprising results, not at all what she’d expected when she began.


Bonnie sighed, the yellow envelope in her hand holding her attention. She could only hope that whoever had written her challenges was more charitable than she had been. She suspected that some of the others had enjoyed tormenting their friends, just as she had done. Nothing to do but open the envelope and find out.

She unfolded the small latch pieces and opened the envelope. She found a group of small envelopes and a sheet of paper. She unfolded the paper.

Inside this envelope, you will find ten numbered envelopes containing the tasks you are to complete. Open the next number after completing the prior task. Don’t cheat, and don’t forget to photograph or video.

Yeah, she thought. Sounds innocent enough. And right there was the small coin envelope with the big numeral one. Bonnie had been blessed with beauty of both face and figure. Consequently, she’d spent many years as a model, earning a living but never getting rich. She’d never posed nude despite being offered good money to do it. Now, she would probably be doing it free. She worked with Sandy, now selling real estate, sure that her beauty was still an asset. She carefully opened the envelope.

You are to go to the Meredith Building and enter the glass elevator naked except for the tiniest thong you can find, and ride it to the sixteenth floor, then back to the first floor

Topless but not naked, although with the tiny thong she’d be wearing, she’d be about ninety-nine percent naked. For the first time, the realization of what was in store for her worked its way into her brain. She’d promised to do it but wondered if she really could.

It had been theoretical before but was about to become real. She’d start in the morning and see how many tasks she could complete on the first day.

A good night’s sleep should help.

Bonnie was up at seven-thirty, fixed a simple breakfast of toast, jam, and orange juice, and was ready to leave when there was a knock at the front door. She opened the door.

“Damon, do I need to call the police?”

“Bonnie, no, I’m good.”

“BJ, the last I remember, you weren’t good; you were a pile of shit or worse.”

“When was that?”

“I don’t keep track of stuff like that.”

“It was almost nine years ago, Bonnie.” When you said you never wanted to see me again, I moved to Boise, Idaho. I Joined AA, got a degree from Boise State, and lived a normal life. But I missed you. I came back here to see if I could find you.”

“Unfortunately, you found me, even though I told you I never wanted to see you again.”

“Did you listen to what I just said? Is it one and done with you?”

One and done? Bonnie wondered if that described her. Somehow, her beauty seemed to draw handsome wackos, Damon J. Briscoe being the chief exception. They’d been dating for a year, and she’d decided that they’d be together for life when DJ found alcohol and lots of it. He missed appointments, he missed meetings, and he seemed to miss about everything, including Bonnie. It finally became untenable, and DJ was unwilling or unable to change, and they parted.

“What’s that?” she asked, looking at something he was extending toward her.

“It’s my eight years sober coin from AA.”

Bonnie took the coin, studying it as her mind was processing what BJ had said. Could he really be the man he’d been nine years before?

“I’m here to beg for a chance, Bonnie. That’s all I can ask after all these years.”

Bonnie looked at DJ. His face, his eyes, his body all said he was being truthful and sincere. Bonnie decided.

“We had it once, DJ. Can we do it again?”

His face lit up. “We can.”

Almost instantly, Bonnie’s thinking shifted gears. She had a challenge to take care of. Did she have a photographer? DJ had seen her naked more times than she could count, so that wasn’t an issue. Eight years was the issue.

“Come inside, DJ. I need to explain something to you.”

Ten minutes later, he sat with his mouth open. “So, you guys wanted some excitement?”

“Yep, and I’m ready to get started.”

“That’s light years from what I’d hoped for, Bonnie, but I’m game if you are.”

“We all agreed to do whatever was on the list, and I put some nasty ones on the list I created. And I can’t believe that BJ Briscoe is going to follow my challenges and probably video them.”

“I’ll use your phone to video, but you only know the first one, right?”

“Yup, and we’d better get going. I’m going to rent a room so that I’ll have someplace to start and finish.”

“Oh, you’re renting a hotel room.”

“Don’t push it, DJ,” Bonnie said with a laugh. “It’s only been five minutes.

Bonnie pushed the button, and the garage door went up.

“Is that your car?”

“Sure is. I love it.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a restored 1987 Toyota MR2.”

“It’s beautiful and not very big.”

“Have you driven a standard transmission?”

My dad had a Chevrolet, and I drove it a couple of times.”

“Want to drive the MR2?”

“I’d better pass on that. Maybe one day.”

DJ liked the sound of maybe one day. It spoke of the future.

“We’ll take my car.”

Bonnie pulled into the parking garage next to the hotel. They walked into the hotel, and Bonnie rented a room on the second floor.

“That’s quite an elevator, isn’t it? All clear glass.”

“I didn’t even look. I’ll see enough of it later. And I’m sure the clerk thinks I’m a prostitute, and you’re my customer.”

“Bonnie, you’re giving me all kinds of openings here.”

“Just ignore them.” Bonnie was amazed at how quickly the eight years seemed to be melting away, and she was feeling comfortable with him.

Maybe the entire effect of the eight years hadn’t disappeared as Bonnie was feeling a certain tension as she began to strip. Perhaps it was too much, too fast. She hadn’t wanted to wear the thong to the hotel, so she stripped completely and then put on the thong.

“I’ll say one thing, then nothing more. You haven’t lost a thing, Bon.”

She didn’t answer but smiled. “Does the back look okay? That’s what the people in the elevator will see since I’ll be facing the glass wall.”

“Looks great.”

“Let’s go, then,” Bonnie said, opening the door and stepping into the deserted hallway.

DJ followed her, taking his first video.

At the elevator, she pressed the UP button, and in fifteen seconds, the door opened. Four amazed people watched as she stepped to the front of the elevator, DJ staying back and taking the video.

“I think I’m going to miss my meeting,” a man in a suit and tie chuckled. “What floor are you going to?”

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