Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

Bonnie didn’t look at the man and shook her head.

“The view from this side is great, but I’m going to check the front view,” Mr. Well Dressed said as he stepped forward to the glass front of the elevator as it stopped at the fourth floor.

Bonnie shivered lightly, not used to being naked or nearly so and being checked out. True, DJ had seen her naked many times, and she’d been more than happy to strip for him then. But this was strangers, and she was a little surprised at her reaction. She hoped it would normalize as she progressed since there were nine more tasks to complete. She didn’t look at the man who was giving her boobs the once over.

She glanced out the glass front and could see a group of people on the ground looking up at her. She didn’t see any binoculars but could see lots of phones. So far, no one on the elevator had taken her picture, except DJ, of course.

Bonnie could hear lots of comments behind her as people exited and entered. At the fifteenth floor, the man in the suit turned to DJ.

“You’re obviously with her, and she’s gorgeous. Probably some kind of a dare, and I’d take a photo, but I could never delete it, and my wife would eventually find it and be very suspicious. Good luck.” He stepped out when the door opened.

Now, they were the only two people left, and Bonnie turned toward him, and he videoed this side of her. No one entered at the sixteenth floor, and they started down. At twelve, they stopped, and four men stepped in.

“Holy shit. I told you guys that this hotel has the best amenities.”

“Naked women in the elevator. What a great idea.”

Three phones were out and aimed at Bonnie.

“Can you turn around, please?”

Bonnie closed her eyes, opened them, and turned toward the men … for two seconds. Her back was quickly toward them again. She took a deep breath. She’d done it, and it hadn’t hurt a bit.

More stops and more people on and off. When the elevator stopped at the second floor, Bonnie turned and walked off; many “goodbyes” and “hope I see you later” followed her into the hall. There was only one other person in the hallway, and they were at the far end. DJ took one final video of her twitching buttocks. Almost to their room, the person coming from the other end was nearly to them. As DJ was unlocking the door, he heard the comment.

“Love those fantastic tits and the pointy nipples,” he said as he whizzed by.

DJ’s first impulse was to confront him, but Bonnie was standing there with those beautiful breasts totally bare, her nipples hard and erect. He smiled at Bonnie, who rolled her eyes as they went into the room.

“Well, you did it, and it was fascinating to watch. I kept wondering what was going through your mind.”

“It changed a lot in the time it took the elevator to go up and back down. At first, I was trembling. I wore bikinis and lingerie when I modeled, but you’re the only man who’s seen me naked. Later, I almost smiled at the reaction of people when they saw me. By the end, it was beginning to feel natural, and a few more people seeing me was no big deal.”

“I knew that you were rumored to be wilder than you really were, and you did nothing to quell those rumors.”

She laughed. “Pretending is different than doing. Let me dress, and we’ll look at number two.”

Bonnie slipped off the thong, dressed, and sat down beside DJ, the big yellow envelope in her hand. She opened it and found the number two coin envelope. She carefully unfolded the paper, smiling at DJ.

You are to go to Bernard’s second floor, where the men’s and women’s departments are adjacent. In the women’s dressing rooms, strip naked and make your way to the men’s dressing rooms. Return to women’s rooms to retrieve your clothing.

“You could get through that without being seen at all.”

“Not likely. Depends on how many people are there, probably.”

“Want to head there.”

“Sure. I’d like to get these over with.”

“Want to drive?”

“DJ cut it out.”


“Listen, when I finish this, and if things work out, I’ll drive your MR2.”

“I can live with that.” DJ thought he could live with just about anything after the way

she’d hinted at the future once again.

The MR2 pulled into the parking garage next to Bernard’s, DJ, and Bonnie, crossing the lane and going to the second floor. They talked for a few moments, planning how he’d follow to video her. She scouted the route, came back, and went to one of the stalls to strip. This would be a little different as her neatly trimmed dark muff would be visible this time. She was ready.

“DJ?” she called.

“Clear,” he answered.

Bonnie darted out of the stall and behind a rack of dresses, DJ getting a quick video. She moved easily to the aisle separating the two sections. Being a weekday, the men’s department was nearly empty. She checked the aisle and was across and behind a rack of shirts that only partially hid her. With only one man visible and several racks away, she made it to the dressing room and jumped into one of the stalls.

She paused for a few seconds to catch her breath, which would also allow DJ to get set. Opening the door, she stepped out and was face to face with a partially dressed man who was startled to see her.

“You’re in the men’s dressing rooms, honey. But don’t hurry away.”

“I guess I misread the sign,” she answered, “so I’ll just scoot past you.” That was the plan, but it didn’t work quite the way she’d thought it might. The aisle was narrow, and the man’s body was taking up most of it. When she tried to squeeze past, she found her bare breasts rubbing against his bare chest. But her leg also tangled with his, and she felt herself falling, two hands grabbing her before she hit the floor. The grabbing involved her waist and left breast, but she was thankful that she hadn’t totally fallen.

“Whoa, are you okay?” he asked, helping her maintain her balance.

“I’m good, and thanks, but I need to get going.” She looked out the door and raced to a rack of sports coats, crouching to stay hidden.

“Wait, you forgot your clothes,” the man called, looking around for the invisible Bonnie.

“I think she disappeared that way,” DJ said, directing the man away from where Bonnie was hidden.

He directed her back to the women’s dressing rooms with no further viewing from others. Within minutes, she was back with him, now dressed again.

“I couldn’t help noticing some red marks on your boob. Did something happen?”

“Which do you want first, the good news or the bad?”

“The good, I guess.”

“I was falling, and the guy you saw caught me.”

“The bad, then?”

“He caught me by my waist and left boob. He left fingerprints, I think.”

“I got some good video, and I’m sorry about your fingerprints.”

“Smart ass,” she answered.

DJ loved hearing that. It sounded very normal coming from Bonnie.

“Let’s go to the car and check out what’s next.

Bonnie opened the big envelope and removed the small one, numbered three. She looked at it, then smiled at DJ.

You are to go to a park of your choice along with a man of your choice and take at least 10 artistic nude photos. They should be taken at a spot that can be seen by patrons of the park.

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