Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

“Okay,” she said. “I think this is a good place to start.”

“Um, okay, if you say so,” he said, looking at the long and straight road with only farm fields as far as he could see.

DJ unloaded the bike while Bonnie took off her shirt. He loved the clean and fresh aroma of the fields, now laden with corn and soybeans.

“After these three days, you’ll never want to see my boobs again,” she said with a laugh.

“It’ll be a cold day in hell when that happens,” he countered, but he also caught a hint that tomorrow might now be the end of what had been happening between them.

“Now, be careful driving my car, and you can just putz along behind me for the next eight miles or so. There’s an odometer on the bike, so I can keep track of the miles.”

Bonnie began riding, and DJ followed along, going between ten and fifteen miles per hour. There wasn’t much to see from behind — just a bareback and some legs pumping away on the pedals. Still, he was with her and ….

DJ glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a car approaching. He put his arm out the window and waved for the car to go around them, which it did, zooming by so quickly that the driver didn’t seem to notice that Bonnie was topless. So much for that.

They’d gone another two miles when he saw something in the mirror. As it drew closer, he saw that it was a group of bicyclists, obviously serious about what they were doing as they were moving fast. They pulled around him, and he heard them say hi to Bonnie, then suddenly slow down, the last of the pack having to use their brakes to avoid collisions. There were about ten of them, and they had noticed the topless lady.

“We don’t ride out here too often, but I don’t remember seeing you before,” one of them said.

“You’d surely remember them, uh, her, I’m sure.”

“Don’t let me slow you guys down,” Bonnie said, chuckling.

“We needed a rest.”

“Hey, Arnie, could you move on so the rest of us can get a better view.”

“I’ll second that.”

“Wait, I have an idea. We don’t get to see things like this, you, too often. Could we stop and maybe get a group picture here, with all of us and our bikes?”

Bonnie slowed and stopped, the ten stopping with her. She beckoned to DJ, who had also stopped.

“They want a group picture, Babe. Can you take it for us?”

The ten were looking at DJ who was smiling since she had called him Babe.

“He’s my spotter, mechanic, security, and who knows what else,” she said.

“You guys choose a camera, and I’ll take a couple of photos with it, and you can share,” DJ said, not wanting to take photos with ten different phones.

They lined up, each wanting, of course, to be next to Bonnie. Finally posed, DJ took the photos and was ready to leave. But all of them wanted a personal selfie with Bonnie, too, which she easily consented to, which took another five minutes.

“Listen, we’d love to have you in the club to ride with us. We have several other women, so you wouldn’t be alone.”

“Thanks, but I’m really not riding anymore. This was just a one-off thing to fulfill a dare.”

“Well, whatever, but you are a picture of perfection, and your spotter, security, whatever, is lucky to get to hang out with you,” Arnie said as they remounted their bikes.

“Have fun on the rest of your ride,” Bonnie said as they started away.

“I think we’ve already had most of our fun.”

The cyclists disappeared into the distance, and Bonnie was on her bike and riding again with about three more miles to go.

DJ followed along and noticed that Bonnie had speeded up her pedaling by two or three miles per hour, anxious to finish this task. He had watched the ten bikers, most of whom were fairly drooling over her gorgeous breasts. She still had three tasks left to complete her challenge, and he wondered how many of them would have her topless or naked. He smiled. She’d called him Babe, a small thing but perhaps bigger than it seemed. He was hopeful.

Two cars passed them in opposite directions but didn’t seem to notice the topless cyclist. At eight miles, Bonnie pulled over, put on her shirt, and watched DJ stash the bike.

“Let’s hurry home. I bet we have plenty of time for number eight.”

They pulled into the garage, and Bonnie raced inside, surprising DJ just a bit with her enthusiasm. She held the large yellow envelope, opening the flap and extending it toward DJ.

“Grab number eight and read it to me.”

DJ pulled out the three small envelopes, returned two of them, and opened the one numbered eight. His turn to unfold the paper and read.

If you don’t have one, you are to purchase a strap-on vibrator with a remote control. Have a man of your choosing operate the remote for one hour or until you orgasm while you do the normal things you’d do when you’re out and about. Vibrators may be purchased at the Atlas Adult Store.

DJ looked at Bonnie, a sly smile on his face. She was shaking her head.

“Tell you what,” DJ said. “I’ll drive you to Atlas; if you know where it is, you’ll get the vibrator, and I’ll take you to dinner.”

“What if I’m going to choose a different man?”

You can do that, but you’d better hurry.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll operate the remote, and we’ll go to dinner.”

“You may enjoy your dinner so much you’ll want to do it more often.”

“Don’t count on it, but let me change my clothes, and we can go.”

She was back in three minutes and directed him to the Atlas store.

“How do you know where it is?” he asked, chuckling.

“Everyone in this end of town knows where it is.”

In a few minutes, they were parked in the lot at the Atlas Adult Store.

“Listen,” DJ said, “I can go in and get that thing for you.”

“No way. Thanks, but I’m doing it myself. I’ve always wondered what the place is like.”

He watched her get out of the car and go inside the store. He pictured, or tried to picture, what it might be like with him controlling the remote. He remembered their times of intimacy nine years ago but had trouble remembering details. He’d soon have details to remember, he was certain.

Bonnie had been inside a little over ten minutes when he spotted her coming out the door of the store, shaking her head. She climbed into the MR2 and began to laugh.

“There’s an experience I’ll remember for a long time. First, they said I was the best-looking woman who’d ever been in the store, and if I wanted to go to work there, they were sure I’d make tons of money. I said, no thanks. I told them what I wanted to buy, and they said they’d sold almost the same thing to a woman just yesterday, except that the one the woman bought not only vibrated but sucked as well.”

DJ’s turn to laugh.

“I told them the vibration should be enough, and they said I looked like a woman who could handle the sucking too. I hated it, but I think I blushed at that one. Plus, I’d almost bet that it was Amber or Christine or Sandy that bought the sucking vibrator. Like minds, you know.”

“So, that’s it?”

“No. Two guys offered to replace you operating the vibrator, and one wanted to show me how to use it. Dorks. A couple of great tits comments and I finally left. I paid in cash, you know, so they couldn’t track me.”

“Don’t blame you for that. Do you want to put it on in the restaurant restroom?”

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