Mickey and Kate Ch. 07 by imaging

Kate couldn’t take her eyes off of the woman. She was so exposed, open not only to her lover’s penis but to the gaze of two perfect strangers. Her open legs and split pussy lips begged for attention of every kind. Twice the man slipped out of her, and even in the pale moonlight Kate felt like she could see all the way inside her. Her own pussy ached as she watched this sexy woman.

Mickey looked back up the path, but no one else seemed to be nearby. He pulled Kate back into him, pushing his erection between her soft ass cheeks. She instinctively pushed back and thought for an instant about pushing her shorts to the sand. Before she could act on her impulse, the man grunted as he unloaded into the blonde, who was smiling again at Mickey and Kate.

Twenty minutes later, Mickey was grunting as he made his own deposit deep into his horny wife. He laughed when he realized that his shorts were still around his ankles. He had barely shoved them out of the way as they fell onto the bed as soon as they pushed through the door. Kate’s shorts were still wrapped around one foot, too.

“Well, that escalated quickly,” he laughed. “I think I’ll be ready to do it properly in about 10 minutes.”

Kate rolled him over and took his softening dick into her hand.

“I think we might be able to do better than that,” she said. Better yet, I bet there’s something else we can do while we wait. She rolled over onto her back and spread her legs.

“Let’s see if  your tongue still works.”

It was a long night. Short naps happily interrupted by intense fucking fueled by replaying what they had witnessed hours before. Hunger finally drove them out of bed well after the sun had risen, but well before either of them really wanted to be up.

She was setting their coffee on an unoccupied table while Mickey was working his way down the breakfast buffet.

“Good morning.”

Kate looked up to see the blonde from the beach approaching the table.

“Would you mind some company this morning, or would that be too awkward? If it is, I completely understand.”

The accent was adorable, so awkward or otherwise, Kate agreed.

“Sure. I think that would be nice.” She did her best to make the encounter as normal as possible. Besides, she was certain that no one was going to mention last night’s activity at breakfast.

She hurried to Mickey to let him know about their new companions before she worked her own way through the line. They arrived back at the table before the other couple, but they joined soon enough.

“We weren’t properly introduced last night,” the man said, setting his tray on the table and extending his hand toward Mickey. “I’m Derek. She’s Liz. And thanks for letting us join you.”

Mickey stood and the men shook hands. The ladies exchanged smiles from across the table.

“Mickey and Kate. It’s nice to… ” Mickey stumbled looking for the right words. “To have names to put with the faces.”

Derek laughed as he took his seat. “I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my face you were looking at last night!”

Kate’s stomach dropped. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks.

“Derek, stop. You’re embarrassing Kate.”

“No, it’s fine. It just surprised me, that’s all.” Kate felt apologetic.

“Derek can be a little blunt. I suppose we both can. But we were very happy when we spied you as we came in this morning” Liz spread jam on muffin as she spoke. She leaned toward Kate, dropping her voice to a conspiratorial tone. “And we were happy when we saw you last night, too!”

“Well,” Derek interrupted. “Let’s be honest, we really thought we were busted when we heard you coming down the way, and then we heard your conversation and decided to just be chill and see what might happen.”

Kate was uncomfortable but did her best not to show it.

Mickey was slower than normal to respond but finally spoke up. “I don’t know how we didn’t see you right away. I guess our eyes just needed time to adjust. And, if I can be honest, I don’t think we really knew what to do once we saw you.”

Kate wanted desperately to change the subject. Or better yet, disappear. Liz sensed her unease.

“This is all very new for you isn’t it? We’ll stop talking about it now, other than to say, we were very happy that you came by. So where are you from?’

For the next ten minutes, the conversation followed the normal resort small talk track. Home, family, work (Mickey was intentionally vague, if not dishonest), previous visits, and plans for day trips.

“We actually just arrived yesterday afternoon,” Derek said. “The first night is always for us, and then we see what else we might get up to.”

The comment was off-handed enough that it could have been ignored. But it hung there, at least in Kate’s mind, like an oversized pinata dangling between the four of them, waiting for someone to find a stick. She took a deep breath.

“What else do you get up to?” Her voice cracked nervously as she formed the question. Mickey looked surprised. She glanced at him and shrugged.  What’s the worst that can happen, she thought. These people seemed to be doing the things they fantasized about. So, at the very least, they might get some fuel for a bit of dirty pillow talk later.

“It depends really,” Derek answered. “I suppose we just see who we meet, where we go, and what opportunities present themselves.”

“Typically on our second night, we go to a local club,” Liz added, “to check out the local talent.” She smiled broadly and looked at Derek as though they shared a secret.

He explained quickly. “Look, you two obviously enjoy exploring your fantasies and maybe even pushing a boundary or two, so we won’t pretend to be coy. Liz likes attention. A LOT of attention,” he laughed as Liz nodded and shrugged.

“There’s a place we go where we dance, flirt, and maybe a little more.  If things go right, maybe even a little more.”

“Depending on the talent,” Mickey added.


“Do you ever, um…” Kate struggled for words.

“You bet I do!” Liz flashed her a lascivious smile.

“No, not that. I mean, that’s not my question. Do you ever bring someone back? Back to your room?”

“We have,” Derek answered. “Thinking about finding some company?”

“Oh no! I was just wondering about something we saw last year.”

Mickey related the story of their neighbors, leaving out the parts that made them sound like perverts or criminals.

“I’ve wondered all year where those guys came from,” Kate said, now feeling more relaxed.

“Could be the club or any number of other clubs. Or even just a random guy who knows how to place himself in a good position to catch someone’s eye,” Derek said. “There are a lot of ladies who enjoy sampling some of the local options while they’re here.”

“You should come with us tonight!” Liz said. ‘It would be so much fun to have another couple there. And who knows what you might find!”

“Oh, no. I don’t think we could do that,” Kate protested quickly.

“Why not?” Derek asked.  “We’ll hang out, have a few laughs, you and Liz can size up the candidates…”

Liz choked down a laugh, preventing her from spewing her orange juice.

“You know what I mean” Derek scolded her.

“Indeed, I do!” She grinned at Kate. “We don’t need to get up to anything. Wear something sexy. Let the boys have a look if you want. Get a little worked up and then come back to your room and take care of each other. Honestly, that’s probably all we’ll do tonight anyway.”

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