The Wrong Bikini by mrs_mackenzie

I gritted my teeth. Bloody Nathan. I stepped out of my shorts and pulled my t-shirt over my head, putting them together with my knickers into the carrier bag. Then I picked up the bikini, stepped into the bottoms and tugged them up around my hips, and tied on the top as securely as I could. Looking down, I scrunched up my eyes, trying to see if squinting made it any better. It did not.

“Girls… can you come in for a second?” I asked, timidly. There was no reply from outside, and I could vaguely hear them standing a distance away, talking about burger buns. “Girls?” I shouted, raising my voice.

“What’s up, Paige?” Millie called through the orange material.

“Um… could you come in here for a second?”

There was a rustling with the zip, then a blast of bright sunlight through the opening. Millie stood there, wearing a dark blue bikini with a striped pattern on it, which helped her to look slimmer, she thought. Her tits looked great, though, and Lucy peered over her shoulder curiously, wearing her giraffe-print bikini which she always wore whenever she was forced to wear a two-piece swimming costume.

“Oh my God, Paige,” Millie said, putting her hand over her mouth, while Lucy’s eyes lit up and she began cackling like a maniac.

“It’s not that bad, is it?” I asked, looking down again. Oh, yeah, it was really bad.

“Stop laughing,” Millie said, firmly, to Lucy, grabbing her arm and dragging her into the tent. It was a bit of a tight squeeze with them both inside and I took a step back to make room.

“Give us a twirl,” Lucy said, fighting back laughter.

I glowered at her, but I did turn to face away so they could see the back, and Lucy dissolved into fresh giggles.

“Paige, that’s practically illegal,” Millie said, but she was half-smiling.

“I don’t know what the fuck Nathan was thinking,” I began, furiously, my face getting hot. “I only wear this bikini when I’m tanning so I don’t get lines. He knows that.”

Well, that was half true. I did wear it when I was tanning, but I also frequently wore it during sex with Nathan. Which was why he knew exactly where it was in my room.

“That’s a thong,” Lucy said, pointing at my arse.

“I know it’s a thong, Lucy,” I said, venomously. “I have eyes.”

“Can she wear this?” Millie asked, sounding anxious now. “I mean, it’s not actually indecent, everything is covered…”

“You could get away with this on a beach, yeah,” Lucy added, calming herself. “It’s not so bad.”

I turned back around and looked down at my tits. The little triangles of fabric really didn’t seem to cover much. Lying on a sunlounger, or in bed with Nathan, this wasn’t an issue. But I was about to serve pulled pork baps and bottles of lager to the general public… wearing this. There was cleavage, side boob, underboob, you name it. And the bottoms…

“Definitely put sun cream on your arse. You’ll go bright red, otherwise,” Lucy added, unhelpfully.

“I’m not going to do it,” I said, losing my nerve. “I’ll get dressed and if I run back to the house, I can probably be back for the second half.”

“But we need three of us otherwise it’s too much work,” Lucy protested. “Seriously, we can’t do it without you.”

“Let’s be fair, she can’t go out like this,” Millie said, being reasonable. “The beach would be one thing, but we’re in the middle of Kingley.”

“Exactly,” I said, feeling decided. “It’s embarrassing.”

Lucy did a big, dramatic eye roll. “Oh, come on, Paige, don’t give me that bullshit.”

“What bullshit?”

“Like you wouldn’t absolutely fucking love prancing around out there in the skimpiest bikini ever.”

I blushed, my heart rate shooting up. “I don’t know what you mean, Lucy, but-”

To my surprise, it was Millie who interrupted me. “It’s kind of true, Paige,” she said, unexpectedly siding with Lucy.

“What’s true?” I demanded, indignant now.

“Paige, every time we do synchro you’re the first one into the changing rooms and you’re out of your clothes in a flash. Then you take absolutely forever to get into your costume,” Lucy said.

“Same afterwards; you’re always sitting there without any clothes on for ages,” Millie added.

“Trust me, I never thought I’d get sick of seeing boobs, but I’m sick of seeing yours,” Lucy said, with a note of triumph. “And there was the ski trip, with your little ‘face cream’ incident.”

“It was face cream,” I insisted.

“Fuck off, no it wasn’t.”

“And your phone,” Millie said.

“What about my phone?” I asked, as Lucy laughed.

“Remember when I tried to send you that video of the synchro team so we could analyse it, and your phone wouldn’t open it?” Millie asked, and I felt a sudden sinking feeling. “It was because your memory card was full, but when I was trying to work that out, I saw, uh, a lot of videos of you and Nathan.”

“You didn’t watch them…?” I asked in a whisper, my blood turning to ice.

“Ew, of course not, I don’t want to see that,” Millie said, making a disgusted face.

“The point is, you’re an exhibitionist, Paige, and showing off your sexy body all afternoon is basically your wet dream,” Lucy said with an air of finality.

Millie shrugged. “Is she wrong?”

I blinked, unsure if I wanted to scream at them or cry or what.

“No judgement from us, of course,” Lucy added. “We’d still love you even if your kink was being gang banged by pensioners.”

Millie burst out laughing at the image and I couldn’t stop a smile coming to my face too.

“Okay,” I said, taking a breath. “I’ll do it.”

“Of course you will, and you’ll fucking love it,” Lucy said, putting her arm around me in what was the closest thing she ever did to a hug. “Now let’s serve beer to pervy guys all afternoon.”

“Hurry up, we’ve literally got two minutes to get everything ready,” Millie said, her anxiety returning, taking my hand and squeezing it.

With a few more deep breaths, I stepped out of the tent after them. And the first thing that hit me was just how much cooler it felt in this bikini compared to a shirt and shorts. It was heavenly. I ran my hands through my hair, giving it a last finger-comb and getting it to sit right on my shoulders, then went after Lucy and Millie to finish the set up.

Strangely enough, once people started coming and ordering food, I forgot I was wearing it. My head was a whirl of orders, payments, which sauces the customer had asked for, whether I was putting onions on one hot dog or two. The time flew by, it really did, and the cash box filled up rapidly. And perhaps not surprisingly: I did, occasionally, have time to pause, and realised that men (and plenty of women) from all around were looking in my direction. Not whispering and commenting, as I’d feared, but admiring. Well, maybe a few whispered comments, but I ignored them. Each time a bloke got tongue-tied trying to order a burger from me, or I had to playfully inform someone that sorry, I wasn’t free tonight, I was seeing my boyfriend, it was a little reminder of the incredibly revealing bikini I was wearing. And each time, that sent a thrill of arousal through me: nothing that had me soaking wet in an instant, but the cumulative effect of this over time got me into a worked up state like nothing I had ever experienced before.

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