A chance at a new sex life Part 8 by AvengerKnight

A chance at a new sex life Part 8 by AvengerKnight

Discover tantalizing twists in 'A Chance at a New Sex Life - Part 8' by AvengerKnight. Dive into this erotic sex story filled with passion, desire, and unexpected encounters that will leave you longing for more. Explore the depths of intimacy and awaken your senses with each captivating scene. Read now for an unforgettable journey!<br/>

All characters and events in this story are completely fictional of my own creation. Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidence. All characters in this story are over the age of 18. I am not a professional nor even an amateur writer. Please remember this when reading. Positive comments about storyline are welcome. , I slowly awake in a strange room and a strange bed. I don’t know where I am at first but I know I’m not at home. The more I open my eyes and try to focus the more that I work out. Going by the needle in my arm, the fact I’m in a gown and with the noises of machines beeping a good guess I’m in the hospital but why.

I try to move a little and holy fuck a coursing pain runs right through me. I groan loudly and something stirs at the bottom of the bed.

“Robbie?!” my eyes are better focused now but I could tell that voice anywhere. It’s Stacey. “Oh, thank god you’re awake!” She shuffles her seat closer up to me. I guess she must have been sleeping.

“What… What happened?” I speak out but with a little difficulty and pain. My face aches.

“You’re in the hospital. You look and are in a pretty bad shape! We were hoping you could tell us what happened?”

“What, day is it?”

“It’s Monday morning, you were brought in last night!” She was now right by my side, holding my hand, more like squeezing it. Her eyes are puffy, she’d been crying, a lot.

“Monday? Last night?” I lay my head back on the pillow and try to remember what happened. I rack my brain but I can’t. Confusion plastered all over.

“It’s ok Robbie, take it slow! Did you work yesterday?”

I think back, did I? “Yeah, yeah I did.”

“Ok but then what happened?”

“I left the shop and walked home.”

“You never made it home…” more tears slowly stream down her face.

I close my eyes and try my best to remember. I remember being at work. ‘Was Holly there? No, she wasn’t. I locked up, cashed up and all that. Then I walked home…. The memory vivid, I wasn’t sure but Brad?! Was Brad there?

“Brad?!” I simply said.

Stacey’s eyes grew wide. “We knew it, wait here!”

“Like I’m going anywhere” I laugh as Stacey gets up and dashes out of the room.

I close my eyes and wait for them to return.

I’m re awoken when Stacey comes back in followed by mom and two police officers.

“Oh Robbie!” My mom comes rushing over and gives me a hug, it’s nice but a little uncomfortable.

“These two gentlemen want to ask you some questions if that’s ok? I know it’s soon but it’s important.” Mom says as she takes my hand. The taller of the two officers’ steps forward. The other pulls out what looks like a tape recorder.

“Good morning Robbie, I know this is difficult with the pain but we have a few questions we need to ask! Is that ok?”

I simply nod.

“Now do you recognize this man?” The officer holds up a mug shot of Brad.

I nod again.

“I need an audible confirmation please!”

“Yes.” I simply answer.

“Was he involved in the altercation that took place yesterday evening?”

I pause, was it him? It hurts to think but I calm myself. “Yes” I answer aloud “but he wasn’t alone.”

“Unfortunately, we only have Mr. Miller in custody. The lady that found you and called us, could only describe him. The two other assailants quickly fled.” He paused before continuing. “Now with recent events and other allegations made against Mr. Miller, we would like to ask you if you would like to press charges?”

“Yes, we would!” Mom answers before I can speak. I look up at her. With a reassuring squeeze of my shoulder she continues “What that boy, no animal, has done to my family is unspeakable. He doesn’t belong on the streets; he belongs in prison.”

“Very well Ms. Henderson.” The officer then turns to my sister, “Miss would you please come with us?”

Stacey offers me a reassuring smile before leaving the room with the two officers.


“Sshhhh baby, it’s ok. We will get him for this. For what he did to you and what he did to your sister!” Her eyes are teary but her voice laced with anger.

I try to speak again but mom stops me “Just rest! The officers will need to speak with you as well about last night and what happened last week!”

Sometime later the two officers come back and question me about how much I remember from last night. Also, to describe Brad, the altercation we had last week and was he abusive towards my sister. I was surprised they asked about my sister, I could only guess that she told them.

After I answer as much as I can, the officers leave leaving the three of us alone.

“I’ll be right back Robbie, ok?” Mom squeezes my arm as she leaves the room.

Stacey takes the seat next to the bed and takes my hand in hers. A silence falls between us.

After a while I have to speak “why did you tell them?”

“I’m not really meant to say!” Stacey replies, looking down at our hands.

“Oh, come on Stacey!”

“I told them everything about that night in the house and the times before!” Her head was still hung low.

Anger slowly boils inside me. “What else did he do?”

“Not a lot…” she trails off.

“Stacey please” I squeeze her hand.

“That night… that night wasn’t the first time he had hit me.”

My free hand clenches as I see tears form in her eyes.

“The way he used to speak to me when we were alone as well. Always putting me down and never really treating me like I was his girlfriend. The worst part is he wasn’t always like that. In the beginning he was actually really sweet and caring. Then we had sex….”

A slow stream of tears trickles down her cheek. I reach up and wipe them away.

“You’re free now Stacey. You’re safe. The police will do their job and he won’t bother us again!”

Stacey cups my hand against her face. A warm smile now greets me and it’s really good to see.

“I’m so sorry for everything Robbie!” She takes my hand from her face and holds onto it. “I should have known he would do something! Look what he’s done to you!”

“Stacey it’s ok really, I’m fine. It hurts like a bitch but I’ll live. Please stop worrying ok?”

Stacey simply nods, her tears have now stopped. “I love you Robbie” she says with warmth and love in her voice.

“I love you too!” I smile back to her.

Stacey leans off of her chair and kisses my forehead. As she pulls back, she pauses inches away from me. We stare into each other’s eyes, there is a look of love that goes deeper than just between a brother and a sister. A deeper, stronger bond. She ever so slightly licks her lips. I move towards her and plant my lips against hers. Her lips feel so soft and a little salty from her tears but still so nice. Stacey hesitates for a moment pulling back. She looks me in the eye again, then down to my lips and now she kisses me. The kiss is a bit more passionate this time, there’s no tongues involved but it’s a nice sensual kiss. Our lips still pressed together as we slightly part our lips.

Even though it’s not the most passionate or lustful kiss I’ve ever had. There’s a raw emotion with it that makes it so hot. I can feel my dick grow under the sheets. Stacey now brings both her hands up to cup my face. Our lips now part further and I feel her tongue press against my teeth. I happily accept her and our tongues now twirl and twist against each other’s. We breath heavy as the kiss heats up.

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