Agent of Lilith: Chapter 11 by Eupatrid

Agent of Lilith: Chapter 11 by Eupatrid

Discover the seductive twists in 'Agent of Lilith: Chapter 11' by Eupatrid. Dive into an enthralling erotic journey filled with passion, intrigue, and unexpected encounters. Don't miss this tantalizing installment that explores desire and temptation. Read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

While Ash gathers information, James takes strides in the application of his magic. , James sat in the car outside his house and reflected on his options. He needed to fix his mistakes and change the husks back to their original state, but he was unsure about how to do it. He considered giving them the sexual energy he’d taken from them when he’d turned them into husks in the first place. But he had no idea how to give his energy to anyone other than his mistress. Besides, Lilith had recommended avoiding sexual magic for this task, as it had been that magic that got him into this situation.

James let out a deep breath and closed his eyes as he attempted to concentrate on his own magic. Focused as he was, James didn’t see the unfamiliar car pull into the driveway behind him and block his car in. He reached out and touched the power that lurked within him, slowly drawing it out in preparation for the task at hand. In his mental state of supreme concentration, he didn’t hear the car door close somewhere behind him.

It took a considerable amount of patience and skill to carefully separate his own power from Lilith’s sexual magic. The two energies seemed to seek each other out inside him; drawing on one without the other following was something James would need to work at. Unfortunately, this time he was unsuccessful in completely dividing his magic, and a small amount of lustful energy tagged along for the ride as he gathered his magic.

CLACK. CLACK. “Hey, James, I-”

The tapping at the window shattered James’ concentration and his grasp on his power was quickly lost. The magic that had been at his fingertips moments ago, primed and ready, now surged forth from him. In a panic, James reached out mentally and attempted to suppress his power before it did any damage. He succeeded in restraining it and drawing it back into himself.

The sexual energy that James unwittingly summoned along with that magic, however, shot out from James and sought out its target – the only target it could find.

Two minutes earlier:

Lindsay sat in her beige sedan, parked behind James’ red sports car. Struggling with her own emotions, she tried to deal with her conflicting thoughts. “What are you doing, girl…” she said to herself. “You’re obsessed with this guy, and now you’re following him home from school? Get a grip.”

She watched James’ motionless silhouette in the car in front of her. Had he fallen asleep or something? Lindsay, growing impatient and beginning to second-guess herself, shored up her resolve and stepped out of the car. She walked slowly up the driveway; James still didn’t move. “Okay, just talk to him. Ask him why he hasn’t texted you. Don’t get clingy, or needy… or horny…”

Fighting subconscious desire, the brunette bit her lip and approached the red coupe. Inside, James sat with his eyes closed, chest rising and falling evenly. “Wow he really did fall asleep,” thought Lindsay. “I’ll just wake him up…”

CLACK. CLACK. She tapped her knuckles against the window to get the man’s attention. “Hey, James, I-”

The words died on Lindsay’s lips as an oppressive wave of heat and lust fell over her. Her hand fell back to her side and her mind began to grow heavy. “What did I come here for…?” she asked herself slowly, all reason being forgotten. Wetness grew between her now-trembling legs. Hard nipples strained against layers of fabric. She stared blankly forward, through the window, at James. The man looked back at her, surprise on his face. That surprise turned to confusion when he saw Lindsay’s worsening state.

When he opened the car door, she took a few shaky steps backward to make room. But as soon as James stepped out of the vehicle, Lindsay stumbled back into him, pinning him against the side of his car. Her hands went straight to his groin, feeling the outline of his dick and fumbling with his belt with numb fingers.

“Master,” she whispered through full lips, “I need you so bad… Fuck me, please.”

James pushed the teen off him carefully and held her at arm’s distance. He regarded Lindsay with concern as her face flushed and a visible wet spot appeared between her spandexed legs. Her arousal was evident, and James realized he was the cause. His lack of control over his new power had created a rather unfavorable situation.

Lindsay moaned involuntarily, her pussy grew wetter with every passing moment, and her nipples hardened to the point of discomfort. She needed to be fucked. Her big eyes pleaded with her master who was just out reach. “Please fuck me,” they begged. She licked her lips absentmindedly as she stared at James’ body, at his broad shoulders, muscular arms, and the sizeable bulge in his jeans.

James was growing aroused. He didn’t necessarily want to, but he couldn’t exactly help it if his body reacted to a beautiful girl begging him to fuck her. He knew he should be more worried about his lapse in magical control, or about Lindsay’s current state of mind. But his powerful lust had taken hold of him, and he was warming up to the idea of ravishing the pretty young brunette.

Looking into her eyes and sensing her need, James could tell Lindsay’s desire was too great for her to handle. If her lust grew any more, it might do serious damage to her psyche… With this justification, James decided it would be irresponsible not to fuck her. He let go of the teen.

Lindsay was on him immediately, peppering his neck and face with desperate kisses as her hands reached for his hardening cock. She moaned against him, getting off on the contact. She rubbed him through his pants and started to lower herself to her knees, but James grabbed her wrist and pulled her back up.

“Not here,” he said, and led Lindsay up the steps to the house. While he unlocked the door, she continued to rub and grind against him, letting him feel her desire and heat. James swung the front door open and pulled Lindsay in after him. That’s when he noticed another complication.

Mark sat on the couch, studying one of his textbooks. He looked up and smiled when he heard James come in. He greeted Lindsay, “Hi, I’m-”

“Can I fuck him too, master?” the brunette interrupted, addressing James while she rubbed her neck and squeezed her tits through her shirt.

James didn’t know what to say. Which was fine for Lindsay because she was already moving in Mark’s direction. The thin man put down his book, stood up, and held up his hands defensively.

“‘Uhh…I think I should just leave…” he said, his gaze moving between James and Lindsay. But the pretty teen was already on him. Tackling him to the ground with surprising speed and strength, Lindsay pinned Mark under her and pushed her lips against his.

“Mmf!” Mark protested weakly as the pretty brunette explored his mouth with her tongue and slid a hand beneath his pants. James watched in surprised arousal, his cock rigid and his interest piqued. He decided to follow Lindsay’s lead.

With little more than a thought, James focused his sexual magic on Mark’s libido. Washing away all inhibitions and doubts, James ensured that Mark had no qualms about accepting Lindsay’s advances. His body language changed instantly. His hands landed on the brunette’s ass with a resounding “SMACK,” and his tongue began to do some exploring of its own. James pulled his shirt over his head and approached the two.


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