Amys story – Max by Queen2B

Amys story – Max by Queen2B

Discover 'Amy's Story - Max by Queen2B' - an enticing erotic tale that explores passion, desire, and seduction. Join Amy on her steamy journey filled with unforgettable moments and thrilling twists. Dive into this captivating sex story that promises to ignite your imagination and leave you craving more!<br/>

We meet young Amy and her dog Max, what will happen when grandpa walks in on a naked Amy? , (This is my first story in english, feel free to comment and give me feedback so i know what to change in the future!)

I sat down at the dinnertable with my mom and dad. My parents worked alot and I was often left alone but I feel that im old enough to be home by myself.

This day everythings seemed normal except that my parent acted a bit wierd but not too out of character.

My dad stood up and left the table but I didnt think anything about it until he came back, with a large dog. I just stared at the dog when my mom rased her voice.


I was in chock, it wasnt my birthday so why had they bought a dog? Not that I was complaning, I love dogs!

Dad- “Your mom and I talked about getting you a dog, you always wanted one and we´re not around as much as we want so we thought that you needed some company.”

Me – “Oh he’s beautiful! Thank you soooo much mom and dad!”

Dad -” His name is Max and he’s 4 years old, we thought about getting you a puppy but with school and everything it would have been to much work, his previous owner got sick and couldn´t keep him, he’s well trained but you need to walk him Every day and continue training him so he doesn´t get bored!”

Me – “I promise! Can he sleep in my room? I need to get some books on dog training! What commands does he know?”

Mom – “Yes he can sleep in your room but not in the bed! We bought a bed for him, some toys and other things that we may need. He know the basics but is also trained in agility and obediency, apparently he´s very smart.”

Me – “Can I take him for a walk?”

Dad – “Of course Amy, it’s your dog and your responsability!”

I really loved that dog from the moment I laid my eyes on him, he followed me everywhere and I actually let him sleep in my bed when mom and dad way away, during schooldays I thought about Max and i literally ran home when the bell rang.

This weekend my parent was going on a short trip for work so me and Max had the house to ourself. When I came home my parent had already left and on the table there was a note as usally, with their phonenumbers and some money. I went upstaires and trew my backpack on my bedroom floor and started to undress, a nice warm shower was exactly what i needed!

Max had followed me from downstaires after i gave him his usual treat and was now resting in his own bed, not taking his eyes away from me. I was lucky enough to have my own bathroom that was connected to my bedroom, some may call me spoiled but just because im the only child it doesn´t mean that im free from chores or responsability, I often have to earn things that i want and my good grades helped me alot. To be honest, i don´t really have friends either, mostly by choice, I´m a bit of a loner so i´m most comfortable by myself, and therefor my parents doesn´t have to worry about me trowning a party when they are away, I don´t even drink anyway so whats the point? I have Max as company and thats all i need.

I turned the water on in the shower and took a step in, freezing cold water ran down my body before it turned warm. I stood in the shower for a couple of minutes before I started to wash my body, i ran my left hand over my flat belly up to my smal but firm breasts and my right hand continued down to my bald pussy, I could feel myself getting horney and decided to finnish the shower quick so I could pleasure myself on the bed.

I went in to my bedroom naked and took my place in the middle of my kingsize bed, I closed my eyes and let my hands wander over my wet body. I pinched my hard nipple with my left hand and massaged my breast, first the left one then the right one. My right hand moved down to my pussy and i instinctively spreed my legs furthur apart, gently i rubbed my clit and i could feel how wett my pussy was getting.

I didn´t notice that Max hade left his bed and was now standing beside mine, he must have smelled my pussy juice from the other side of the room. He jumped up on the bed and started to sniff around. I was so lost in my own pleasure that i didn´t feel Max jumping up to the bed, i just layed there playing with my virgin, wett pussy.

Then i feelt something cold against my clit and before I could react i feelt Max wett, smooth tongue licking from my hole, up to my clit and back down to my dripping vagina. I’ve never feelt such pleasure before and before i knew it i have the greatest orgasm of my short life, i was in heaven! Max continued licking my pussy that was now so sensitive after my orgasm, he wanted all of my juice but i could´t take any more so with my last strength i told him to stop, covered my body with the blanket and feel asleep with Max by my side.

When i woke up it was early evening and i remembered how nice Maxs tongue feelt, I was getting really horney again but the sudden realisation that i let my dog lick me made those feelings go away, I was ashamed that i enjoyed being licked by a dog, that i hadn’t stopped him. I got out of my bed and headed downstaires with Max behind me, a long walk should take my thoughts of what happened so I put the leash on Max and we walked outside.

When we returned home I was tired so i gave Max his food and went to bed. It did´t take long before i fell into a restless sleep, i dreamt that Max was licking me while I was sucking of another dog, it was so hot, it felt so real and i moand outloud. I woke up in a daze and it took me a couple of seconds before i realised that half of my dream was true, between my legs was Max, licking my pussy hysterically.

My t-shirt had slipped up, exposing my bare butt and pussy, I always sleep without panties and laying on my back Max had free access to my body.

My mind was split, it felt so nice and nobody would find out but at the same time, Max was a Dog and i was only a teenager.

I couldn´t stop now, I was to horny and Max seemed to like my pussy juice so i spread my legs further apart, giving Max some extra room for his tongue, i could feel his smooth tongue going deeper into my pussy, licking in all my juice.

Did he really like the taste that much? Right now i didn´t care, yet again i was in seventh heaven!

It didn´t take long before i could feel an orgasm was on its way and it hit hard! My body trembled and I almost screamed out in pleasure.

Max tongue left my raw pussy and travelled up my body, I took of my shirt quick to give him access to my whole body, his smooth tongue licked my belly and continued up to my hard nipples and when i looked down i could see his hard member coming out. I had never seen a dick in my whole life, of course i had seen it in magasines and on the internet but never in real life, and definitly not a dogs dick, not even on the internet so seeing his dick peaked my interest.

A bit hesitant i reached for it, took it in my hand. It was hard, hot and kind of smooth, it didn´t look like a human dick at all which suprised me. I stroked it a couple of times but Max turned away and jumped down on to the floor and walked to his bed where he cleaned himself.


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