Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 03 – by KaizerWolf

“Aww, you’re no fun,” she teased, only to obey and turn around to go sit at the table. She watched me stack a couple pancakes on her plate and grab the syrup. “You said it feels good, right?” she wondered after a second, continuing when I nodded cautiously. “Then what’s the harm?”

I paused as I set the plate in front of her, suddenly wanting to remain this close. “I…” My voice caught in my throat, with me feeling uncertain of how to answer. “I guess there’s no harm in it,” I admitted. “I’ve just lived my entire life being very careful not to do it around others.”

Gabriella slowly reached out and wrapped her hand around my wrist, causing my partially whitened hair to fully transition again. “It’s just you and me here,” she whispered.

Shit, I could feel the blood rushing to my cock. Sighing, I gently pulled away. “Well, at least eat first, then I’ll let you do whatever you want afterward.”

Her emerald eyes lit up, her expression mischievous. “Promise?” she said excitedly.

I gulped, quickly returning to the stove while making an attempt to collect my thoughts. I just couldn’t believe this was real. Were we really going to fuck? Or did she have more tame things in mind? Either way, I was both excited and extremely anxious.

Excited, since it sounded as if she intended on taking control and fucking me, rather than the other way around. And anxious, because it would be my first time and my body just felt like it was going to explode at the idea of being naked and intimate with her.

After a second, I cleared my throat. “Y-Yeah,” I agreed. “Promise.”

I could hear her heartbeat quicken in anticipation, before she abruptly announced her plans. “Then, I’m going to make it my goal to keep you transformed all day!” she said cheerfully.

“W-Why?” I wondered with a furrowed brow as I focused on the pancakes, hoping her intentions weren’t actually more tame. I mean, I’d take anything from her, but if we started doing stuff, then I wasn’t sure I’d be satisfied with just kissing or something. I wanted to fuck. I wanted to fuck passionately and roughly like wild animals.

“Well,” she began as she took a bite. “I want to see if we can build up a tolerance for you. Sort of like coffee.”

“Wait. What?” I grabbed my plate, stacked with four pancakes, and went over to sit across from her at the table.

She pouted at my choice of seating, but then explained herself. “Well, if you drink it daily, like Serenity and I both do, then it actually loses some of its potency. If you want to have the same effect as the first time you drink it, then you’d have to keep drinking more and more. Basically, I want to see if you can get used to me, like I’m used to coffee.” She grinned at me again.

“Oh, okay.” I nodded. “Yeah, that would probably make this easier.”

“Exactly!” she said cheerfully, only for her tone to become more serious. “Although, with coffee, the more you get used to it, the more dependent your body becomes…” She winked at me suggestively, forcing another rush of blood to my face.

And to my cock.

Taking a bite, I focused on chewing and swallowing, before clearing my throat. “But you know, I can also transform at will, right?” I replied, quickly doing so to illustrate. My skin fully transitioned to dark gray, even while my hair turned snow white, and my eyes shifted to gold and black.

She wasn’t even fazed. “Yeah, but that takes the fun out of it! I want you to try to resist!” She grinned. “If you are transformed, I want it to be because you can’t help it. That way we can work on you getting more used to me touching you.”

I gulped at the thought and took another hasty bite.

As I allowed myself to turn back into my human form, I unexpectedly almost shifted again when she reached out with her bare foot underneath the table to touch mine. I quickly jerked it away, my heart racing just from the simple touch. Her skin was so soft, even on her feet, and I suddenly had the craving for her to jerk me off with them.

Which was strange. I absolutely did not have any kind of weird fetish for feet, but it felt like every part of Gabriella’s body was erotic and enticing. Damn, was she really a normal person? It felt more like she was a naughty angel sent from heaven, or maybe a seductive succubus sent from hell…

Of course, I assumed such creatures didn’t actually exist, even despite the fact that I wasn’t human, nor did I think that heaven and hell existed. But, at the very least, I believed her when she said she was a normal person.

“Hey!” she complained with another pout when I jerked my foot away. “I thought you said I could do what I wanted to you.”

After we eat,” I reminded her. Shit. She was really going to do things to me.

She didn’t respond, her cheeks flushed now, her heart racing. I suspected that she was just as nervous as I was, but was doing a better job of hiding it most of the time. We continued to eat in silence, rather than striking up another conversation, with her watching me the whole time with a passionate gaze, while I did my best to look anywhere except at her.

Finishing my four pancakes long before she finished her two, I got up to rinse my plate off. I then cleaned up the rest of the mess I’d made while making them, before finally turning around to look at her. She’d stopped eating entirely and was just watching me.

I knew, of course, being very attentive to every sound she made.

“What?” I wondered when she didn’t say anything.

She shook her head, blushing while she took another bite. After she swallowed it, she whispered a response. “I just really like you.”

“I really like you too,” I admitted, averting my gaze.

She took a few more bites, and then set her fork down on her plate. “I think that’s about all I can eat. Sorry. It was really amazing.”

“What?” I said in surprise. “No, that’s alright. You don’t have to finish it.” I turned to open one of the cabinets and pulled out a plastic container to put the rest in the fridge — even if she didn’t want it for later, I wouldn’t hesitate to eat it. Food certainly didn’t go to waste in our house, because I was like a bottomless pit.

Seeing what I was doing, Gabriella got up and brought her plate over.

Once I had the leftover food in the fridge, I turned to see that she was leaning against the counter, watching me again. Sighing, I focused more closely on her face first, noticing that her lips still had a slight shine from her lip gloss. I then looked down at her body, taking it all in. The heavy purple silk was hanging provocatively on her curves, pulled tight at her busty chest and hips.

My body uncontrollably shivered slightly as I let my hormones surge, my cock rapidly straining against my black gym shorts while my body shifted.

“Wow, that’s all it took, huh?” she asked playfully, her expression curious. “You just had to look at me and that was it?”

My face felt hot. “I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I almost transformed when I first met you. It was all I could do to not shift immediately. I barely ran away in time.”

A smirk appeared on her face, as she slowly walked over and wrapped her fingers around my wrist for the second time. Even though I knew I could easily break away from her grip, it still felt like she had me in an unbreakable shackle. As if there was something about her intensity that bound me far more tightly than her hand could ever hope to do.


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