Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 03 – by KaizerWolf

I suddenly felt trapped in a cage with a predator, although not unwillingly so.

“I’m going to have some fun with you,” she whispered seductively. She then gently tugged on me, leading me out of the kitchen and back to the living room.

Once we reached the couch, she pushed on my chest harder than I anticipated, probably knowing that I was stronger than I looked, though I kept my balance.

“Sit,” she demanded quietly.

I obeyed, sinking into the cushion as I watched her come closer, slowly climbing onto the couch and straddling my lap. Gabriella then sat down firmly on my throbbing cock, shifting her weight as she got more comfortable. I sucked in a sharp breath as she grabbed my face in both her thin hands.

“Hold still,” she whispered. “I’m going to kiss you.”

I held my breath as she took her time leaning forward, her emerald gaze passionate, her cheeks flushed, her pale skin framed by her bright red hair. She then gently rested her lips against mine, rubbing her lip gloss into my skin, before pressing more firmly and forcing her tongue between my lips.

Shit, I felt like she was fucking my mouth as her hot tongue began exploring, searching for mine.

Uncontrollably, before I could stop myself, I roughly grabbed her hips and shoved my cock upward, grinding against her hot silk-covered snatch before I realized what I was doing. I immediately broke away from the kiss. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said. “That was too rough.”

She shook her head, her eyes overwhelmed with lust. “No,” she purred. “That wasn’t rough enough.” She then tried kissing me again, but suddenly all I could think about was touching her ribs last night and causing her pain.

“But what about your bruises?” I asked seriously, leaning my head away.

Gabriella sighed heavily and pulled away, hopping off my lap. I immediately regretted bringing it up. Had I offended her? Did I ruin the mood? “S-Sorry,” I quickly said. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

She shook her head, and began lifting up her silky shirt to just below her heavy tits, exposing her bruised body. As a reflex, I blushed and looked away. “No, look. I’m showing you,” she explained. “So you can see where they are. That way you won’t accidentally touch them, if it can be avoided.”

“Oh.” I forced myself to look at her, trying not to be distracted too much by her toned stomach. Once I nodded, she then turned around so I could see the few bruises on her back. There was one spot in particular that looked really nasty.

She saw me focusing on it, and explained. “That’s where he got me with the taser. I was opening up yesterday morning for work, and he tased me behind the building when I was taking some trash out.” I nodded with a grimace, prompting her to drop her shiny shirt, sticking her thumbs at the top of her pajama bottoms.

My eyes widened in shock. “Wait!” I said urgently, averting my gaze.

“What?” she said in surprise.

“I just…I just need a second. To prepare myself.” It was true. I was about to see her exposed hips and thighs, and possibly ass too. I wasn’t sure if I could control myself, because at that point there wasn’t much between me and her wet pussy. Clothes felt like an impenetrable barrier, and she was about to remove that obstacle.

She looked at me curiously. “I’m wearing underwear underneath.”

I glanced up at her again, partially covering my face with my hand. “Well, yeah. I assumed that much. It’s just…”

“Just what?” she asked softly.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, deciding to be honest. “Just the idea of seeing you only in your underwear, right in front of me…I feel like I might reach out and take you.”

“You can, if you want,” she replied quietly. “I’m yours.”

I quickly shook my head, knowing she didn’t understand. I was very strong, and had the capacity to be very rough. Too rough. “It’s too much right now. I don’t like feeling like I’m going to lose control of myself.”

She nodded. “That’s alright, but can I still show you the bruises?”

I took a deep breath and then nodded too, looking at her from between my fingers. She let the silky pajama bottoms slip down her waist and fall to the floor, revealing her toned legs. Her panties were white and kind of sheer, with lacy edges. Once she had turned around, so I got a chance to see it all, I quickly adverted my eyes while she pulled her pants back up.

“Do you exercise?” I wondered, trying to distract myself.

“I jog a mile almost every day,” she explained. “And I do sit-ups. Generally, I do it in the evening before I shower and go to bed. I used to use the treadmills at the small gym my apartment complex has, but I had too many creeps hitting on me, so I decided to spend a few hundred dollars to buy my own.” She then paused to examine my expression. “Why do you ask?”

I gulped as I thought about her toned body underneath the purple silk. “Well, I can tell you do something. No one looks like that without some effort.”

She shrugged. “Honestly, it only takes me like 15 to 20 minutes, which you probably wouldn’t think is a lot, but it makes a big difference when you do it every day. That’s the key — to just be consistent with it. I never go longer than a day without running.” She then paused as she examined me again. “What about you?” she wondered. “I didn’t get a good look last night, but I’ve felt your chest and stomach. What do you do to stay in such great shape?”

“Oh, umm.” I thought about it. “I mean, I fly occasionally, and I guess I do run too, but that’s about it. I’m not nearly as consistent as you.”

Her emerald eyes widened. “Oh! I forgot about that! You had wings last night in the woods. Where did they go?”

“I’ll show you,” I replied, reaching for the collar of my shirt to pull it off, revealing my toned muscles covered in dark gray skin. I then looked up at her, surprised to see her audibly gulp as she looked me over with wide eyes. Suddenly, she was the one trembling slightly.

“Ready?” I asked to get her attention.

She nodded, still seeming mesmerized by my body, so I allowed my muscles in my back to reconstruct themselves and rapidly push out bat-like wings. I then reached them around in front of me, surrounding her with them so she could have a better look.

Without hesitation, Gabriella reached out and grazed the soft membrane with her fingertips. “Wow, this is amazing,” she whispered. “How is this even possible?”

I shrugged, causing my wings to move slightly as well. “I don’t know how it works. It just does.”

She focused on me then, her expression now pensive as she seemed to search for a logical explanation. “Have you ever been hurt before?”

I gave her a confused look. “Well, no. Not really. I’ve never even been sick.”

“Really?” she asked in disbelief. “Not even a cold?”

I shrugged again. “Nope. Not that I can remember at least. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, well, I just wondered what would happen if you got hurt. Like, how fast you would heal. If your body can create wings this fast, then it makes me think you would also heal almost instantly too.”

“Maybe. I really don’t know,” I admitted. “Although, I do weigh more than you might expect,” I added, watching her continue to feel them as she nodded. After a few seconds, I continued. “Do you want me to take you flying sometime?”


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