Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 03 – by KaizerWolf

She looked at me in alarm, and immediately shook her head. “I think I’ll pass on that one. That sounds terrifying.”

“Well, you would probably think it’s cold, at least,” I realized, both of us falling silent again. I waited another few minutes, before speaking up, kind of wanting to get back to what we’d been doing. “Are you okay if I put them away now? I don’t really like having them out unless I’m going to use them.” She agreed, so I allowed my body to reabsorb the ancillary appendages.

I was hoping that she would resume kissing me, but instead she just stood there, still seeming mesmerized by my chiseled torso.

“Do you want to touch me?” I wondered out loud.

She glanced at my face, her expression shy now, and nodded once.

I couldn’t help but grin, finding it weird how the tables had suddenly turned. I reached out and grabbed her forearms, tugging her gently into my lap a second time. She sat down sideways on my cock, and carefully placed her trembling fingers on my stomach, gradually tracing the curves created by my abs.

I could smell her actively becoming more aroused as she ran her hand across my chest, switching between tracing my hardening nipples and collar bones.

My muscles weren’t massive by any means, but I was certainly well-defined.

After a few minutes of feeling me up, she leaned into me, wrapping her arms around my head and pulling my face against her massive tits. I wrapped my arms around her in return, my face growing hotter and hotter as I listened to her heartbeat through the smooth clothing.

“This is really nice,” I said quietly, wanting to do so much more, but also feeling content right now.

She nodded in agreement, briefly giving my head a tight squeeze. We continued to sit like that for a while, content just to hold each other even while my cock throbbed against her ass, before Gabriella spoke up again.

“Thank you, by the way.”

“For what?” I wondered, still listening to her heartbeat, not wanting to budge from my current position. She had already thanked me for pretty much everything I’d done for her, so I sincerely wasn’t sure why she was thanking me now.

“For last night. For not pretending like you weren’t the one who saved me. I was afraid you were going to do that — play dumb. I was surprised when you didn’t. It made me really happy.”

I grimaced. “Honestly, I was planning to do that. But then I just couldn’t bring myself to lie to you. I guess deep down I knew it would hurt you, and I didn’t want to see any more pain in your eyes.”

Gabriella hugged my head tighter against her chest. “I wouldn’t have been mad if you had — I was expecting it after all. But, I was still really glad you didn’t.”

I squeezed her gently in response. “Well, I guess you’re welcome then.”

We were both quiet for a few more minutes, when unexpectedly her phone started ringing in the kitchen. It was still on the table where she’d left it. I assumed we would just ignore the phone call, but she quickly pulled away.

“Oh! That’s the ringtone I set for your sister.”

Gabriella immediately hopped out of my lap and ran to grab her phone. “Hello?” she asked as she began walking back.

I could easily hear Serenity’s voice on the other end, sounding upset. “Hey, Gabriella. I’m really sorry, but they want me to come get you for some more questioning.”

“Right now?” she asked in surprise, stopping at the edge of the couch.

“Well, yeah…”

“But why?” she demanded, clearly annoyed. It was actually the first time I’d seen her frustrated.

Serenity sighed briefly, before answering. “I can’t say a lot, of course, but it has to do with the situation last night. I guess they are concerned with…” Her voice trailed off. “Well, with how the serial killer died. They want to ask you more about the guy who saved you.”

“Seriously?” she said in disbelief, glancing at me. “I already told them everything I know. What is so weird about being stabbed in the chest?”

I heard my sister bite her lip over the phone, something I knew she did when she was uncomfortable and didn’t want to say something. My sister continued after a second. “It’s because the knife was shoved straight through the sternum. Like, at a perfect ninety-degree angle. And…” She paused. “Well, they think this guy has been involved in a few other cases, where he killed the suspect.”

Gabriella’s eyes widened, fear suddenly tainting her scent as she looked at me in alarm. I couldn’t help but glance away in shame. She immediately seemed apologetic as she responded firmly. “Well, I’ve already told them everything I know. Can’t I refuse?”

Serenity sighed. “Well, yes. Actually, you can. Is that what you want me to tell them?”

“Yes, it is,” Gabriella said more assertively. “Tell them I’ve already shared everything I know, and I’ve been through enough. I just want to move on.”

“Okay,” my sister agreed hesitantly. “And I’m really sorry, Gabriella. I wasn’t trying to make you upset. The guy they’re worried about has only killed known murderers, all of whom were about to kill someone. They had hoped you might be the first witness who could actually identify the guy. Honestly, most of my coworkers don’t want to get involved in this because he’s saving people’s lives.” She took a deep breath. “But the law is still the law.”

Gabriella’s expression was even more guilty and apologetic toward me, as she continued speaking to my sister. “Well, honestly, I don’t disagree with them. I’d be dead right now if it wasn’t for him. I mean, what was the guy supposed to do? Ask the serial killer nicely to stop killing me? He literally had a knife to my chest! You saw the cut!”

“I know, I know,” she agreed. “Really, that’s the only thing preventing this from becoming a full-blown case — because it’s possible this person could have just stumbled upon these instances and intervened. It’s not like he tracked the perps down after the fact. So, if that’s the case, then it can be ruled as self-defense.”

Gabriella sighed. “Why do they even think it’s the same guy anyway?”

“Oh! It’s because the cases have the same MO. Each victim was stabbed through the chest, straight into the heart with meticulous accuracy…” She hesitated. “And the object wasn’t always sharp, like a knife. One serial killer had his gun barrel shoved through his chest, which doesn’t even seem possible for a normal person to do.”

“Yeah, that does sound strange,” Gabriella agreed, probably knowing that denying it would seem suspicious. “But like I said, I already told them everything I know.”

“Right,” Serenity replied. “I’m sorry for bothering you about it. Is Kai doing alright?”

“Yes.” She then looked at my expression, seeing that I was still averting my gaze. “He’s upstairs right now. I was just hanging out in the kitchen.”

My sister paused. “Well, maybe ask him to take you out to the mall or something…if you feel up to going out.”

Gabriella blushed, since it sounded like my sister was suggesting we go on a date — or at least, trying to get us out of the house and around other people so we weren’t home alone together. Gabriella cleared her throat. “Umm, well, maybe. I’m kind of afraid to go out, honestly. I might wait until tomorrow before I try venturing outside again.”


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