Jakob & Jessie: The Next Generation-3 by senorlongo

They sprang from the car, running up to the door. Jessie opened it just as they reached the steps. After hugs and kisses they retrieved their bags and were shown to their rooms. They were perfect-small, but with plenty of windows and skylights, the ceiling following the angles of the roof rising from approximately four feet of vertical wall. All of their furniture from their old house was here, exactly as it had been. Jamie and Jordan returned to the family room and asked for a tour of the house. The bedrooms were at the other end of the house; their rooms were closest to the kitchen and dining rooms. They would definitely fuck tonight—and almost every other night while they were here. Unseen by her parents, Jamie reached forward to stroke Jordan’s butt just to let him know what was coming. They retired shortly; even though it was only 10:30, their bodies were still on Eastern Time—two hours later.

They showered and met in Jordan’s room, still being careful that their mother not find any semen on her sheets. Jordan lay on his bed, his erection pointing skyward, inviting Jamie to mount him. She straddled his hips and grabbing his cock she rubbed it up and down her slit, moistening it (and herself) in the process, before rubbing her clit with his tip. Satisfied, she pushed it to the entrance of her tight tunnel, eagerly anticipating her daily fucking. “Don’t forget,” Jordan reminded her, “you need to be silent, no matter how hard it is. We’re not home in our cottage where we can scream to our heart’s content.” Jamie nodded her assent as she slid down his pole. Silently, she mouthed, “Oh, fuck, you’re so big tonight and so hard.” Jordan smiled back at her as he thrust deeply into her tight cunt. Jamie leaned forward resting her hands on Jordan’s chest as she slowly ground her clit into him. Jamie liked to take it slow sometimes, the better to savor the wonders of having her brother deep within her.

Gradually the heat built within her as she neared orgasm and as it did she increased the pace of her movements, grinding her clit forcefully into her brother. Jordan kept up with her, for his orgasm was echoing hers. Many couples never have simultaneous orgasms. Not so with Jamie and Jordan. Rarely were they more than a few seconds apart, so attuned were they to each other. Suddenly, Jamie arched her back and, had they been in their cottage she would have screamed at the top of her lungs. Instead she was silent, expressing her joy with her facial expressions.

Jordan had held back for Jamie and now he too exploded, forcing his semen into her uterus with each dramatic thrust. Drained, they fell together, lying in each other’s arms for many minutes as Jamie’s pussy leaked cum. Jamie fell asleep and Jordan let her until he was no longer able to stay awake. Then he roused her and shooed her back to her room. Reluctantly, Jamie left; she was unaccustomed to sleeping alone and she didn’t like it. Regretfully, she had no choice. She slipped across the hall totally naked, unaware of the eyes that observed her from the bottom of the stairs.

Jakob & Jessie: The Next Generation-3 by senorlongo – Chapter 4

When they awoke the following morning they found that it had snowed overnight leaving almost five inches of white powder over the lawn, sidewalk, and driveway. During breakfast Jordan skimmed the manual for Jakob’s new snow blower. Certain he knew how to run it he headed to the garage. “Hold it,” Jessie yelled. “I planned to give these to you for Christmas but I think you’re going to need them now.” She held out down ski jackets for Jordan and Jamie. Jordan took his thanking his mother and left to tackle the job ahead of him. Once he was gone Jessie sat at the table with Jamie. “How’s Jordan?” she asked.

“Why didn’t you ask him when he was in here, Mom?” Jamie replied.

“That’s not what I meant. I wanted to know from you, how was Jordan last night?” Jamie reddened, both embarrassed and upset that her mother apparently knew their secret. “How…?”

“That’s easy Dear, I’ve known about you two for years. I know you were careful, but when you do the laundry you find out a lot about what is going on. Semen on your underwear and nighties was a dead giveaway. It obviously wasn’t any of those boys you dated. I assume you’ve continued to be intimate at school. Isn’t that why you wanted to go to college together?”

“Partly,” Jamie told her mom. “The sex is a big part of it but our relationship is much more than that. We love each other. No…what I really mean is that we are IN LOVE with each other and we have been since before we became lovers way back in Middle School. We want to be together forever.”

“How are you going to do that? You can’t get married. And what about children? Don’t you want a family?”

“Yes, I do, but given the choice between a family and Jordan I’m choosing Jordan every time. I’m sure Jordan will figure it all out. He always does. Uhh…you don’t seem too upset, Mom.”

“What am I going to do? You’re almost adults now and you should be able to make your own decisions, even if I disagree with them. If I forbade you to continue with Jordan what would you do?”

“I couldn’t live without Jordan, Mom. Giving him up would kill me and I know Jordan feels the same way. Does Dad know?”

“No, I haven’t found the way to tell him yet, and I don’t know if I ever could. He’s very traditional, you know.”

“Well, please don’t tell him. Jordan and I will when we’re ready—during our last year at school.”

“You know, Jamie, you never did answer my question—how is Jordan?”

“Oh, Mom, he’s incredible–everything a woman could hope for in a lover…or a husband. He is the most considerate…patient…loving…tender…he is just wonderful, not to mention the smartest person I’ve ever met. Of all the times we’ve made love he has never once put himself ahead of me and I always try to do the same for him.”

“May I ask how many times you’ve…been intimate?”

“I don’t know the exact number, but well over a thousand I would think– we’ve been doing it every day since I was in eighth grade and Jordan was in sixth—sometimes more than once a day, well, usually more than once a day. We love doing it. We can’t get enough of each other and we know we’re always there for each other. Jordan picks me up and I try to do the same for him, although it seems he does it for me much more often than the other way around.”

“Well, I hope it works out for you. I really do.”

Jakob & Jessie: The Next Generation-3 by senorlongo- Chapter 5

That night when Jamie slipped into Jordan’s room she sat on the bed hunched over and looking down rather than jump into it with him. “What’s up, Jamie?”

“Mom knows.”

“You mean about us?”

“Yes, we had a long talk after breakfast when you went out to clear the snow. She asked me how you were last night?”

“What did you tell her?”

“That you were fantastic, as always. She’s known about us for years but she hasn’t told Dad. I don’t think she knows how.”

“So, what do we do?”

“I don’t think we have to do anything. She understands we have to make our own decisions even if she disagrees with them.”

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