Sex With My Boyfriend’s Family by Captain Boner

“hi there didn’t mean to take over im this sexy young things granddaddy John” the older gentleman replied.

As I went to open my mouth to introduce myself to the old man I felt Glenn’s cock ram inside my ass stopping my mouth in my tracks keeping my mouth open this gave John an idea flopping out his big old cock and pushing it into my mouth I sucked away at his cock as my ass was being rammed hard I continued rubbing Claire’s clit and grinding on her face as my body was being a pendulum between two guys.

I could feel John’s cock twitch in my mouth packing a giant load filling my mouth I couldn’t handle the whole load I began to gag a little, soon a woman came over she was middle aged long vibrant blackish redish hair shoving past the old guy and pressing her lips onto mine and sucking out about 50% of John’s cum from my mouth and swallowing it down just like Charles mother did with me

“take it easy on this one shes new” the woman said to John

I later found out that woman was Jennifer John’s daughter but at the time my hand was still rubbing Claire’s pussy keeping up with the rhythm of the pounding my ass is taking, I noticed Claire was bucking and moaning into my pussy this caught Jennifer’s attention telling me to step aside saying that Claire is a major squirter I watched her take control and rub her clit and waited for the right moment and watched her devour Claire with her mouth seeing her cheeks inflate full of squirt Jennifer then looked up at me and pressed her lips on mine once again swapping Claire’s squirt into my mouth and swallowing down the sexy tangy liquid then watched her sexy ass start to walk away but something came over me I wanted that ass I grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her ass to my face and probed her asshole with my tongue tasting traces of cum this girl has had a load or two dumped inside her tonight.

Speaking of cum in ass I felt my insides expand feeling Hank blow his load inside my asshole causing me to lose focus on Jennifer’s ass then feeling cum in my ass slowly make its way out of my ass but Claire pushed in behind me catching the cum from my ass in her mouth and on her face Jennifer came up to me and stood there with my face facing her pussy she pushed my face into her pussy flaps while she rubbed her clit she pushed my head in further moaning at my tongue digging at her insides and drenching my face with a big flash of girl cum.

Once we were all satisfied I got up of Claire’s face and tucked my fingers inside Jennifer kissing her luscious dark lips goodbye.

I turned around to look at Claire’s face covered in cum from my ass seeing her swab a sample of cum from her face and put it in her mouth I did the same with the girl cum on my face and tasted a different kind of vibe compared to Claire’s girl cum.

I heard my boyfriend yell he was gonna cum I got down on my Knees and begged Lisa if I can drink the cum from her ass she happily accepted I waited for my boyfriend to finally dump his big load in her ass and waited for him to withdraw his cock, here I was thinking holy shit I ate pussy and ass and practily tasted a girls cum and pee in one go and now im about to suck cum out of a girls ass I haven’t even been here for half an hour yet and managed to pop a lot of my cherries for sexual acts I never even dreamed Id do.

Once Charles cock was finally out of Lisa’s ass I pushed him out of the way and spread Lisa’s ass and shove my tongue inside her scooping out every drop of cum from her ass while Claire sucked my boyfriend’s ass flavoured cock clean and rammed her fingers in my soggy wet pussy.

Once I withdrew my face from Lisa’s amazing ass I kept the cum in my mouth swallowing little amounts at a time savouring the taste then looked at Claire’s face covered in cum it was just to sexy to leave I grabbed her by the throat in a sexual way and slowly dribbled the rest of my boyfriends cum all over her face followed by sticking my tongue in her mouth being very dominant.

I kissed both my boyfriend and the two sisters goodbye and went back to explore I must say my confidence has grown.

I needed to give my pussy a rest so I decided to go for a little wander around the house exploring different rooms this owner really knew how to throw a sex party I must of went through at least 6 different themed rooms there was a room with a cage and lots of bondage equipment , a room that looked like a nurses room a couple rooms with lots of red décor and rose petals but one room that really got me curious was the one right in front of me the door was locked but the sign said “Moist” I always giggle when I hear the word moist but seeing as its on a door in a house full of sex themed rooms I would lose a lot of sleep not knowing what was behind this door.

I put my hand on the door knob in front of me and turned it slowly opening the door revealing a rather medieval kind of looking walls they looked old and rocky there were no light just lots and lots of lit candles surrounding the place including a large old style fireplace with quite a large hot fire I was only in the room for less than a minute and I could feel myself sweating.

I looked over to the middle of the room and saw a bed well It didn’t look much like a bed really it looked like a large table with a leather cushioned top on top of a bed frame it looked like it can fit about 4 people.

I was soon startled by the door opening and seeing a rather young couple around my age group my pussy moistened at their full view of their naked bodies both skinny and hairless the boy was looked to be about one9 shaggy blonde hair with a beautiful set of lips with a uncut cock about the size of 7 inches the girl had dirty blonde hair falling past her shoulders and boobs that you could just fit into the palm of your hands her most amazing feature was her beautiful green eyes staring right at me.

The couple held their hands up at me apologising asking if this room was taken I told them that It wasn’t I was just looking as it seemed interesting admitting im still confused what the theme of this so called moist room is, the girl came over to me and introduced herself her name was Janine and the guy with her was her brother Sam as I introduced myself back.

Janine explained to me that the room were in was to cater for a sweat fetish witch made sense I was only in here for about one0 minutes and I could feel my ass cheeks and pussy lips clog up with sweat.

I had to know more what people get out of sweat play, Janine went to add its having sex in a hot environment getting really sweaty then sliding around each other’s naked bodies even acts as a lubricant for anal and adds a different taste to tasting each other’s body parts she then offered me to watch them then join in if I wanted to.

Watching two people play around in their own filth got me all wet and moist thinking about this newfound fetish I kindly agreed and laid back naked on a nearby leather heated chair and watched the siblings climb onto the leather mattress.

I watched as Sam immediately slide his cock between his sisters legs just missing the pussy watching his cock glisten with the sweat between Janine’s legs he continually humped his dick through her thighs while using his spare hands to whack the crap out of her ass while at the same time rubbing her clit. I started rubbing myself to the foreplay of this brother and sister I could feel myself sweating that much due to the heat from the chair spreading through me I could feel moisture drip from my ass and got a whiff of the bitter sweaty smell of sex circumference around us.


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