Sins of the Father: Chapter 3 by Mojavejoe420

The three of us went downstairs so we could fill up some glasses. We all let out a nice “Ahhh” as we took long drinks.

“Can I like, just say something?” asked Alyssa. Ash and I nodded. “I mean I don’t, like, know how to say a speech or anything… but like, I just wanted to thank you guys. This has been the best day of my life and…”

She lowered her head and Ashley went to hug her. The two girls kissed lovingly, it was a beautiful sight to see. Then, they stopped and looked at me.

“Well?” asked my real daughter. “Are you, like, just gonna stand there, all conceited and shit?”

I laughed and took a step forward in their direction, my semi-hard cock preceding me by several inches.

We did the triple-hug thing, which we were getting quite good at now. Both young, soft bodies pressed up against me ensured my cock went to full power very quickly.

“Okay girls, who remembers what I said to Alyssa, right before we started this whole… escapade tonight.”

They thought, hemmed and hawed, and came up with nothing.

“Really?” I asked, feigning incredulity. “I thought it was rather important. It was when I was spanking you, Ashley, and Lys was looking at your asshole. And I said–”

Ashley interrupted me, “You said, and I quote, ‘We eat ass in this house, Alyssa’.”

We all laughed for a moment until I interrupted them. “Ahem. Well, the point of that was, or is, that nobody has licked my ass. And it’s starting to piss me off.”

And that is how, ‘The War For Daddy’s Asshole,’ began. The battle was well-fought by both sides, and neither could be called a clear winner. A truce finally had to be called on account of ejaculation. Thankfully, no poison gas was released and there were no casualties. The combatants dutifully cleaned up the battlefield.

However, that war rages to this day.

– – – – – – End – – – – – –


Special thanks to Melanieatplay for her editorial work!

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