Spring Break by Fredrika

Both of us slid upwards and the three of us spent a few moments cuddling in bliss before noting that it would be best if we composed ourselves before anyone else returned to the cabin. After dressing ourselves, I headed back to the living room to return to my reading and the girls headed back to the patio to sun themselves. On their way out, they stopped by me to share one last embrace, rubbing their firm bodies against mine, and the three of us kissed passionately together, tongues entwined. Despite having just recently cumming twice, I felt arousal returning to my dick and reluctantly broke from our embrace before it got too bad to stop.

It was less than an hour later that the boys returned, sharing stories of their exploits on the courts. They also spoke of meeting a few other kids, two boys and three girls roughly their own age, who were also spending the whole week here. They mentioned that they were hoping to be able to meet up with them again the next day if at all possible.

A little while after that, my wife returned with a handful of shopping bags and showed me the various trinkets and home décor items that she had gathered from the little shops that she had spent the day browsing through. She had gathered a few nice items for our home as well as a newly released DVD that she said that we should watch later that evening.

The girls came in from outside stating that they were hungry and asking about our dinner plans. My wife replied that she had picked a few things up for dinner while shopping and told the two of them that she could use a hand in a few to get it ready. She then asked all of us how each of our days had been. The boys quickly recounted their tales and reasserting their desire to meet with their new found friends the following day. As soon as they finished, my wife turned to the girls, inquiring “and how was your day” with emphasis on the word ‘your.’ After this morning’s events, I wasn’t sure how much I should read into this, but it did plant yet another seed of question in my mind.

It wasn’t helped any by the girls’ unison reply of “awesome.”

“I think that today was JUST what we needed, Mom” my step-daughter continued. “I feel alive and reinvigorated now.”

“Definitely,” Riley chirped in. “I, for one, am ready for a whole lot more fun now.”

It was a good thing that no one seemed to be looking in my direction because I can only imagine how flushed I must have appeared after those comments. I had barely regained my composure when my wife turned to me asking “and what about you, dear?”

“Ummm, great. Today was nice,” I sputtered. I was very grateful that she left it at that, despite the odd look that I received from her.

A little idle chit-chat followed amongst all of us and a short while later the three ladies headed to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Although I couldn’t clearly hear what was being said, there were a lot of giggles being shared by the three.

A cold front had rolled into the area that evening and was threatening rain so we decided to eat inside. We had a peaceful dinner and after clean-up, my wife suggested that we adjourn to watch the movie she had picked up earlier in the day. My wife was still wearing the clothes that she had been out shopping in and the girls were still in their bikinis albeit with shorts thrown on over the bottoms. The boys and I were all wearing shorts and t-shirts but the chilled air had driven one of them to go change into sweats before we sat down to the movie. We sat down with the two girls on either side of me on one couch covering all of us with a large blanket, the boy who had put on sweats lying on the floor, and my other son lying down with his head on my wife’s lap on the other couch.

The movie turned out to be a romantic comedy and had plenty of laughs intermingled with a love story that included a handful of steamy scenes. Throughout the movie I often found myself being toyed with by one girl or another and a few times both of them at the same time. I experienced my dick being rubbed or stroked, breasts pressed firmly against my arms or shoulders, subtle kisses to my neck and ears, and occasionally one of my hands being pulled to an awaiting crotch, sometimes inside of the shorts and bikinis.

The intermittent toying had kept me hard throughout almost the entire movie and toward the end I was nearly begging for relief. To my satisfaction, the girls seemed to realize this and together, made a concerted effort to take care of the problem. Working together, they switched back and forth between jerking my rod and playing with my balls until I exploded my cum all over their hands. I watched as they carefully extracted their hands from under the blanket and licked the cum off of them, swallowing it down sensuously.

The movie ended with one girl on either side, cuddled against and hugging me. My wife looked over and made a remark about how sweet we all looked together. We all chatted for a little while longer before deciding that it was time to retire for the evening.

As we were getting ready for bed, my wife commented again about how sweet she thought it was how Riley had taken to me as if she was one of our own children. I couldn’t help but think to myself about just how “un-fatherly” I had been with both of the girls this trip.

The two of us settled into our bed, naked as usual, and my wife scooted back pressing us into a spooned position. She rolled her hips around as we chatted until she could obviously feel my hardness pressed against her backside. Reaching between her legs, she grabbed a hold of me and slipped my dick inside of her, slowly and gently rolling her hips some more until we both fell asleep with me still enveloped by her warm pussy.

I awoke the next morning to find my wife looking angelic, still asleep. Although I had softened to a flaccid state, I was still nestled inside of her and our bodies were exposed from the bottom of our ribs up. Looking over her shoulder, I saw that her nipples were hard and the areola puckered in apparent arousal. I reached over her and cupped the nearest breast in my hand, gently massaging it. At this littlest amount of stimulation, I heard a quiet sigh of pleasure come from her, heightening my own arousal. I hardened inside of her as I continued to fondle her breast and once fully hardened, I began to slowly slide in and out of her as I could feel her lubrication increase.

I kept a nice, slow pace, watching as her breathing got faster. Her mouth opened, periodically letting out little moans and sighs. She appeared to still be asleep while enjoying my ministrations, caught in a pleasant dream. I watched intently for signs of her awakening, but saw none, even after she began to roll her hips in response to my strokes inside of her. I continued on, moving my hand from her breast, underneath the covers, down to her pussy to gently apply pressure to her clit. She replied with a sharp intake of breath, followed by a throaty moan. A few minutes later, I felt the unmistakable sensation of her cumming around my cock. Only then, did she wake from her dreamlike state, rolling over to kiss me deeply.

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