Spring Break by Fredrika

As much as I was fairly satisfied with the status of the last problem, it served to create another one. If she had told Riley about things that we were doing, who else had she told and should I worry about things leaking out from them to cause complications? Who might Riley mention things to? I couldn’t control the past but I figured that it was important that I talk with both girls about this and express to them the importance of keeping our secrets safe as well as determine if there was a need to have the same talk with anyone else.

My last worry about the two girls was what the future had in store for us. Would the tryst continue after our return home? Would jealousies arise from it? How would we manage to keep things quiet once the circumstances changed and we were no longer remotely isolated from friends and family and under one roof together? My last thought gave in to the realization that I did, indeed, want to continue the relationship with both girls, if, at all possible. The sex was great, that much was obvious, but it was more than just that.

I had a deep love for my step-daughter that transcended our physical desires and made me long to make her feel like the sexy woman that she was. Her development, both physical as well as mental, combined with her youthful exuberance, drove me to do everything in my power to please her in ways that she could only dream of. Unfortunately, there was that small part of me that wanted her to find someone her own age that felt the same way about her as I did and for her to no longer have a need for me as anyone other than a father. It saddened me to think of this, but at the same time I knew that in the long term it was what she really needed.

Riley, on the other hand, was different. Despite our age difference and the fact that I really hadn’t gotten to know her much before this vacation, I found myself extremely attracted to her. She was a young lady quite beyond her years. She was very pretty on the outside and displayed a maturity and personality that made her a truly beautiful woman. I loved how she could be feminine and a little bit of a tom boy at the same time. She was quite down to earth, extremely intelligent, and generally a true pleasure to be around. In most areas she was also very self-assured which made her even more desirable in my eyes. Add into all of that, she was a real vixen in the bedroom, appearing to be open to almost any encounter. I could easily see myself wanting to be with her even if my step-daughter was no longer around. I hoped that she would find her love as well but secretly wanted to keep her for myself. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still love my wife and could never imagine leaving her, even for someone as wonderful as Riley, but if there was ever a way to add her as a fixture to my life without hurting anyone, I would do it in a heartbeat.

All of that brought me to my biggest worry: my wife. As I just mentioned, I truly love my wife. I still find her to be attractive, enjoy our sex life, have fun in our interactions, and generally find her to be a great companion. I would never want to hurt her and saw a great potential for that happening now. Regardless of how the seduction had unfolded, I was definitely a willing participant to all that was transpiring now.

As I previously mentioned, she had been acting a little strangely lately around me. I wasn’t sure if she had discovered either part or all of what was going on or at least suspected that something was; that she had, in fact, orchestrated this tangled web; or if it was a coincidence, completely unrelated to the sexual encounters happening between the girls and me. I tried to review the facts in hope of narrowing the answer: she had not said anything about it to me; she was still having sex with me; we haven’t been arguing. Knowing her, all three of these items were indicators that either she knew nothing at all or was OK with what she did know. Trying to think of other indicators, I realized that she had seemed a little awkward over the past few days with her daughter as well; nothing terribly obvious, but a bit outside the norm for her. That didn’t seem to narrow it down any more so I kept thinking…then it hit me; she seemed perfectly normal around both boys. That meant that I could probably cross off that it was unrelated. I found it hard to believe that she knew what was going on and would be alright with it unless she had played a part in setting it up so my deductive reasoning had me believe that she was complicit in the ongoing affair. Hard as it was to wrap my mind around, I figured that I had my answer.

By the time that I came to this conclusion I had probably gone close to four miles and was a bit sweaty after that distance walking in the morning heat so I decided to take a swim out into the ocean to cool myself off. After swimming about 500 yards out to sea, I decided to return to shore and wiped the saltwater off before it could get dry and crusty all over my body. I generally felt better now so picked up the rest of my things and began to stroll back toward the cabin realizing just how remote an area that I had ended up in. On the way back, I thought of what I needed to do next. I figured that talking with my step-daughter came first followed by talking with Riley. I still didn’t know what to do about my wife but figured that I best leave it alone for the time being. By the time that I got back, I realized that I had been gone for much longer than expected.

As I approached the cabin, I noticed my wife’s car still outside but didn’t see any sign of anyone outside and wondered where they had gone. Although the time alone this morning had been nice, I hoped that I would find a note inside so that I could join them. After checking the kitchen table and counter and finding no note, I headed toward my bedroom to shower any remaining salt residue off. As I walked down the hallway, I caught sight of movement in my peripheral vision when I passed by the girls’ open door. Glancing inside, I spotted Riley on the bed completely naked on her hands and knees with her head buried in between my step-daughters legs. All of the thoughts going through my mind this morning already had my mind on sex so I found myself quickly aroused by the sight and figured that I couldn’t simply ignore the opportunity.

I removed what little clothing that I had on as I entered the room and approached Riley from behind with my cock sticking straight out from my body in full hardness. Moving between her spread legs, I swiftly buried my length in her hot, wet pussy. As I slid into her, she cried out my step-daughter’s name followed by “yes! Fuck me good!”

I had barely had time to register my confusion when I felt a finger against my lips motioning for me to be quiet. Looking up, I saw my step-daughter standing next to me, alongside the bed. Looking back to the bed, I could clearly see that Riley was still in between a pair of outstretched legs attached to a body that was mostly covered by either Riley or some of the bed sheets and a pillow. I had simply assumed that it must have been my step-daughter. I looked back to the beauty beside me in shock to watch as she gave me a stern look as she brought her finger to her own lips to say that I should continue to remain silent. She bent down and picked up a pair of lacey panties that I recognized as the ones that I watched my wife put on that morning and only then, realized that it was my wife underneath Riley getting eaten out. The next thing I knew, the panties were being shoved into my mouth to keep me quiet.

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