The night that changed everything | Chapter 1 by HarleyHots

The night that changed everything | Chapter 1 by HarleyHots

Discover the tantalizing beginning of HarleyHots' erotic saga in 'The Night That Changed Everything | Chapter 1.' Dive into a world of passion, desire, and unexpected encounters that awaken hidden fantasies. Read now for an unforgettable journey!<br/>

Young mark spends the night at a friends house that will change his life. Just not in the way he expected. , It was a dull saturday morning, well, 12:37 was morning for Mark anyway. He was sat at his desk doing some math homework, which was proving difficult because he had only gotten out of bed 5 minutes before but he knew it it needed doing because he was going out after.

Mark was 15, of average build and height for his age and had dark brown hair scruffy with eyes to match. He and his brother Ash had organised to go and stay over at a mutual friends house that afternoon to hang out and play games. Sean’s parents were away so they could chill, play games, maybe drink a few beers all away from parental supervision, the Perfect weekend.

After spending a grueling 45 minutes waking up and attempting his homework he finished up and got dressed, taking minute to throw a few essentials into his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. As he made his way downstairs he could hear Ash and his mom talking in the hallway. Mom wa at it again, making sure that they both had permission from Sean’s parents to stay over. Mark wasn’t really sure what all the fuss was about, she knew Sean’s mom so she could easily find out but she insisted on pestering them about it.

“Let’s goooooo!” Mark shouted as he jumped down the last few steps, colliding with Ash as he landed and almost knocking them both down. Ash was not too dissimilar to Mark in that he had the same build and features. He was a little taller and had fairer hair and was of course the older brother, a whole 18 months older in fact, which is something he used against Mark at every opportunity.

“Get off douche!” Ash laughed

“You ready to go douche?”

“Yea yea!” Ash said smiling. “C’mon then.”

“Bye mom!” Mark said as they opened the front door “Yes yes I did my homework” He said, manageing to cut her off before she could get the words out.

“Ok Boys” she laughed, “Have fun”

The walk to Sean’s house wasn’t far and luckily it wasn’t raining. After about 20 minutes of walking and chatting about games and school they arrived at Sean’s house. It was safe to say that Sean’s parents were definately the wealthiest out of their group of friends. It was by no means a mansion but it was a nicely sized modern house. Knocking on the door they heard Sean’s voice from inside.

“It’s open Guys!”

They made their way inside. Basically all the guys were there already. Including Mark and Ash there were 8 of them in total staying over. Chucking his bag into the corner Ash jumped over the back of the sofa landing on Sean and crushing. Sean retaliated by pushing him onto the floor.

“My sofa biatch” He said laughing as Ash hit the ground.

They all laughed as Ash rubbed his sore ass and they began to chat. Sean got out some snacks for them all as they started playing a few games on the PS4.

After a few hours they had had enough of the game and sat sround to chat some more. They started talking about girls at school and sex and all the usual lads stuff and chatted for a good while, drinking a few beers until Sean suddenly stood up.

“Guys! I almost forgot! Wait here!”

Sean jogged out of the sitting room and returned a few minutes later holding a few blank CD cases.

“Dudes! Porn stash!”

“WTF man!” Ash said laughing “you have a porn stash? You know the internet exisits right?”

They all laughed together but Sean looked on confidently.

“It’s not mine you idiot, it’s my dads. Found it the other day when I was hoovering their room as part of my chores to let you guys come over.”

“Oh man, what kind of kinky shit are they into dude?” One lad asked.

“Let’s find out!”

Sean walked over to the DVD player and opened up the first case. All of the boxes were blank seemingly so as not to arouse suspision but as he was booting up the dvd player he told them that he had found a dildo in the box with them. Laughing they all talking about Sean holding a dildo that his mom had used, deciding amongst themselves that she never washes it and it was actually for her ass.

“Ha ha ha very funny” Sean said as he clicked play on the remote.

The first CD was some standard porn. Poor acting, some dude with a huge cock drilling some blonde chick in various positions.

“Boring” Ash said laughing “I thought it might be more interesting than that”

“Let’s try a different one”

Sean grabbed another CD and chucked it into the player. This one turned out to be a little more insightful. It stared out normally except this time it was 2 guys with one girl. She stared off sucking the 2 cocks in and out of her mouth drooling all over the place until of of the 2 guys flipped her over onto the bed and started ploughing her pussy with his huge dick. The other guy shoved his cock into her mouth and this went on for a mnute or so until, unexpectedly, when the first guy pulled out of her, the other guy crawled over and started sucking him off. The girl then joined him and they shared the guys huge cock, taking it in turns to suck him off.

They all sat stunned for a minute until one of the lads spoke up.

“Oh dude! Your dad is fucking Gay dude!”

“Yea turn off that gay shit man!” Ash said laughing.

Mark was laughing too but didn’t actually mind, he actually had quite liked it, although he didn’t voice that opinion and hid the raging boner that he was packing after watching. They watched a few more of the porn flicks until they all got bored and decided to go back to playing PS4. It was a few hoursbefore they started to gert bored again and they all just hung out for a few hours. Playing a couple of drinking games, although they didn’t have much in the way of booze. Chatting about school and girls again before they started to turn in.

Sean was the first to go, falling asleep on the sofa. They all stared to settle down in the living room, propped up on chairs, on the sofa and camped out on the floor. Mark got to sleep pretty easily, drifting off to sleep along side the sofa on the floor.

Mark was roused a few times during the night. Once when someone went to the toilet. Another was 2 of the guys chatting in the kitchen. At one point Sean decided to get up and go sleep on his own bed rather than the sofa. It continued like this into the early hours of the morning when Mark was woken up a further time. But this time was different.

He lay awake for a few minutes. Concious of the noise that had woken him, a soft sound of clothes rustling could be heard from across the room the unmistakable sound of someone jerking off. I guess that porn had gotten someone a little worked up after all Mark thought to himself smiling. As he listened he tried to figure out who it was, was it Mike? Anthony? Simon?

After a few more minutes he realised that he needed to pee and thought it would be a good idea to let whoever it was know that someone else was awake. He coughed lightly to announce his presence and then got up slowly. He had already pinpointed where the rustling was coming from although it was much too dark to make out who it was.


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