“Do I look ok daddy?” she asked adopting a coy, almost flirty expression.
“you look beautiful honey, quite the young lady”
She smiled happily and hugged me
“Daddy daughter date!” she joked, giggling happily
This was going to be her first visit to a pub, so I was a little cautious about taking her because her mum would lynch me if she knew, but I was looking forward to spending some relaxing time together.
It was a pleasant summer evening, so along the short distance to the pub, we walked and chatted happily. I was definitely enjoying sharing quality time with MJ, even something as simple as simply walking together to the pub.
“I really like that dress sweetie; it looks great on you. Is it new?”. I noticed how the soft fabric clung to her, accentuating her slender shape, the lower part covering her legs, wafting slightly as we walked. If I hadn’t been her dad and some 10 or so years younger, I would definitely have had her in my sights. I’m still surprised that she didn’t already have a line of guys waiting to knock on our door. Being Asian, Sarah had always kept MJ on a fairly tight rein and often lectured her on the risks of allowing herself to be distracted from her education. I think that was one of the few things that Sarah and I really differed on. I understood the importance of her education, but I also wanted her to have the freedom to experience life, even if that meant dating some spotty teenager.
A few minutes later, we arrived at the pub. As we entered, I smiled and nodded to acknowledge the faces that turned to look in our direction, most of whom I recognized. There was the usual collection of local farmers together with a few small business owners and residents from the village. Normally I would take a stool at the bar but as MJ was with me, so I went over to an empty corner booth near the window that had an old red sofa and gestured her to sit.
“what would you like to drink sweetie?”
“Daddy, can I try a glass of wine?”
I laughed, “I don’t really think that’s appropriate honey, your mum would probably kill me just for bringing you to the pub, if she found out I’d served you alcohol, she definitely would”. I was semi-serious, semi-joking, but I sure didn’t want to face the prospect of her mum knowing I’d taken MJ to the pub and let her drink alcohol.
“Please daddy, all my friends drink and I promise I won’t drink much and besides, I’m with you, so you know I’m safe”. She looked at me, pleading with her puppy-dog eyes that melt the strongest will.
“ok, well just one, and only if you absolutely promise not to tell your mother”. Not quite sure where my parenting skills had gone, but I agreed before fully realizing what I had just agreed to.
“I promise daddy, I won’t even tell her we came here, honest”. Her expression and tone were serious, but her smile was beaming.
I sauntered over to the bar, to be greeted by Dave, who just finished pouring another pint for one of his customers.
“What’ll you have Bill?”
“Hi Dave, give me a pint of bitter and a glass of white wine”
Dave raised an eyebrow at the added request for a glass of wine but saying nothing he took a clean glass and poured my usual beer before turning to take a wine glass. He opened the fridge door taking an already opened bottle of a generically branded white wine and poured.
This was a small country village pub and Dave was always lenient with the rules. He knew full well that MJ was only 16 but wasn’t expecting a visit from the local constabulary any time soon. Besides, the resident policeman was also well known in the village and he would not be too concerned about formalities or pay attention to who was in the pub unless one of the locals drank too much and got out of hand. Life in the village was so informal!
Turning back to me with both drinks, he placed them on the bar in front of me and followed with “that’ll be 7 pounds, 96… shall I set up a tab?”. “please” I responded. I hated fumbling with change.
“so, is that your daughter?” he asked, his focus looking over at the corner?
“yes, her mother is away so I invited her to come with me”
“You’ll have to be careful with her. She’s looking dam hot and there’s a bunch of lecherous lads here”.
I laughed at his comment but felt a little discomfort with his remark about MJ being “Hot”. I knew she was attractive, but my thoughts had always squashed any thoughts of her in terms of anything overtly sexual.
Accepting the drinks from him, I turned to return to the table and looked over at MJ. Dave was right, the clingy dress she was wearing, the subtle makeup, the way her long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, mentally, I had to agree with Dave. She was definitely sexy.
I returned to the table and handed her the glass of wine.
After taking my seat, we toasted each other and I cautioned her, “just drink it slowly, I don’t want you getting drunk”.
“yes, daddy, I know”, she replied, pouting a little.
She smiled at me and as we started to chat MJ started to look around the room. “This place is so cool” she added, continuing immediately with “I can see why you like to come here, everyone is so friendly”.
I followed her eyes to a small group of youngish guys who were playing darts. One of the guys had turned and was smiling in MJ’s direction, a tall, burly guy obviously either in farming or construction. He nudged another equally well-built guy who was standing close by and he also turned to look and wink at her before turning his attention back to the game.
MJ’s face had flushed, which couldn’t possibly be from the wine, as she had barely drunk any. The dad in me felt a familiar protective urge, but I let it slip, besides which, I had no intention in picking an argument with those guys, there were several in the group and they clearly looked like they could handle themselves.
I decided to ignore them and continued to chat with her. At home she was always a quiet, demure girl, who, like a well brought up Asian girl, respected her parents, but in this setting, she seemed to relax and chatted more freely. We talked about so many things, from my work, to tv shows, to boys. She confirmed that she hadn’t dated yet, despite a great many invitations; Clearly Sarah’s motherly advice had worked so far.
After a while, we finished our drinks and MJ asked, “please daddy, can I have another?”
I pondered her request unsure whether to let her drink a second glass of wine, but I relented and headed back to the bar.
Dave quickly served me, jokingly asking, “trying to get her drunk?” as he poured a second glass, slightly larger than the first.
“Not really, but I’m ok with her experiencing a few things in life, and if she’s going to end up drunk, at least it’s with me and not with some lecherous local yob, who just wants to take advantage of her.”
Dave grinned and nodded in agreement.
I returned to the booth and offered MJ her glass before taking my place next to her and continuing our conversation.
We were about half-way through our drinks when there was a loud roar from the group of guys playing darts, heralding a victory. Another called over to Dave and ordered another round of drinks in honor of the winner.