WICKed Hormones – Chap 12 by RTR9209

“What kind of deal?” Robert asked with curiosity.

Between bites, Jacob replied, “Mom said she would reward me if I brought home a good report card.”

Sitting back in his chair, Robert scoffed, “Man… things have certainly changed since I was a kid. It used to be if you didn’t bring home a good report card, you got punished… there were no rewards for doing what your parents expected.”

With her mug of coffee, Karen pulled out the chair beside Jacob and took a seat. She then looked across the table at Robert and said, “Your son is misleading you just a bit. He is to bring home a straight-A report card… nothing less.” She then took a sip of her hot beverage.

Robert looked across the table to his son and commented, “Straight-A’s, huh? That’s a pretty tall order… do you feel confident that you can achieve that?”

Jacob replied, “Yeah… I think so.” He then glanced over to Karen and added with a smile, “Mom can be a great motivator.” His mother replied by scrunching her face in disapproval.

Robert then asked, “Well, if you do pull it off, are you going to ask for something different than video games this time?”

Jacob nodded and replied, “Yes, sir! What I have in mind is way better than video games.”

With curiosity, Robert asked, “Oh really? Like what?”

Picking up a piece of toast, Karen quickly interrupted, “What Jacob also forgot to mention is that I said I would ‘think’ about this so-called reward… nothing is definite.” She then looked to her son and added, “My decision will hinge on several factors.”

Scrunching his face, Jacob asked, “What kind of factors?”

While spreading grape jelly onto her slice of toast, Karen replied, “Well, for starters, your chores.” She then looked up and caught Jacob’s gaze. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you slacking off lately… that room of yours is becoming a pigsty once again.” She then bit off a corner piece of her toast.

At that moment, Robert’s cell phone began to ring. Once he noticed it was a work colleague, he said, “Excuse me y’all… I better take this.”

After Robert stepped away from the table and she knew it was safe, Karen leaned in and whispered, “Young man… that mouth of yours is going to end up getting us in trouble.”

Jacob replied, “I’m sorry, Mom. It’s just that the possibility of getting to photograph you nude…” His eyes then glanced down to where Karen’s robe fell open, exposing the deep valley of cleavage created by her sports bra “…is very exciting.”

Noticing where Jacob was staring, Karen pulled her robe closed. She looked over to find Robert with his back to them as he looked out the window, continuing his phone conversation. Turning back to Jacob, Karen whispered, “Well, even if you get all A’s… and I mean ALL A’s… I’m still going to have to give this a lot of thought.”

Jacob nodded and replied in a whisper, “Yes, ma’am… I understand.”

Karen took another glance at Robert and continued, “And I meant what I said about your bedroom. I expect you to clean it up later today as soon as Ms. Turner leaves.”

Jacob’s face lit up. “Ms. Turner’s coming over?” He asked with a little too much volume in his voice.

“Sssshhhhhhhh!!!” Karen replied as she put up her hand. She then looked over to make sure Robert had not heard the exuberant outburst by their teenage son. Luckily her husband was still preoccupied with his phone conversation.

Turning back to Jacob, Karen said in a heavy whisper, “Yes… Ms. Turner will be here later today. It’s her day off, and she plans to come by and update me on the situation with Dr. Grant and the plea deal.”

“Well… what about me?” Jacob asked with optimistic curiosity.

Karen sighed, then replied, “And she also plans to check up on you while she’s here.”

Jacob knew exactly what Ms. Turner’s code word “check-up” meant. He most likely would be spending that time with his huge cock inside the gorgeous lawyer’s hot mouth and wet pussy. The teenager could tell this was going to be a great day, and a big grin broke out on his handsome face as he said, “Awesome!!”


That afternoon, with the housework completed, Karen went for a run through the neighborhood. Afterward, she took a quick shower, put on a pair of comfortable jeans and a button-up blouse, and made her way down to the family room. Since Melissa wasn’t due to arrive for another hour, the lovely housewife decided to relax on the couch with her novel.

Before Karen could even get settled on the sofa, the front doorbell rang. Setting the book down onto the side table, she made her way to the front door and opened it to find Ms. Turner standing on the other side.

“Melissa!” Karen said in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting you this early.”

With a warm smile, Melissa replied, “I know, and I apologize… I hope I’m not intruding?”

Karen couldn’t help but notice the difference in Melissa’s appearance today. Usually, the beautiful lawyer would be wearing a cute dress or a professional-looking skirt suit. Today, however, was much different.

Melissa stood at the front door looking as if she were on her way back from the gym. Her ensemble included a two-piece spandex yoga workout suit. Gray in color, the outfit consisted of a sports bra and tight-fitting high-waist leggings. On her feet, she wore a pair of solid white sneakers. Over her shoulder, she carried a duffle bag that was dark gray and baby pink in color.

Melissa wore light makeup and her long black hair in a braided ponytail, giving her a fresh and youthful look. To Karen, she appeared less of an attorney and more like one of Rachel’s cheerleader friends from college.

After gathering her thoughts, Karen replied emphatically, “No, of course not… don’t be silly.” She then moved to the side to make room for Melissa to enter. “You’re not intruding at all… please come on in.”

“Thank you,” Melissa replied with an even bigger smile, then walked past Karen and entered the house.

After closing the front door, Karen offered, “Let’s go to the kitchen, and I’ll make us some tea.” She then motioned for Melissa to lead the way and fell in behind her guest.

While Karen followed Melissa through the house, she couldn’t help but appreciate the young woman’s trim physique. The workout suit molded perfectly to Ms. Turner’s fit body, accentuating all her heavenly curves. The middle-aged housewife scolded herself when realizing she was staring at Melissa’s juicy rear end as it swayed hypnotically from side to side while wrapped up in the skin-tight fabric.

When they entered the kitchen, Karen went straight to preparing the tea. She knew her cheeks had blushed from the improper thoughts brought on by the hormones. Trying to get her mind cleared, she asked, “So… did you go to the gym today?”

Taking a seat at the table, Melissa replied, “To be honest, I dressed for it, but I changed my mind at the last minute.” She then placed her duffle bag onto the empty chair beside her.

While setting the kettle on the stove, Karen responded, “Oh, okay. Well, since you have your duffle bag, I just assumed that you did.”

“Oh, you mean this?” Melissa asked as she patted the duffle bag with her left hand. She chuckled and added, “No, no, no… I brought some supplies with me… these are for you.”

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