Bait and Switch Ch. 18 by Dark_Brother

I didn’t make it home. Halfway there, words flashed across my vision, ‘Get somewhere private. It is an emergency.’

I didn’t know if it was Lela or Summer, but guessed the former. My sister could have just told me, or even called me, but if I needed to get somewhere private, that likely meant Lela. She had never taken me in the day, before, so I knew it must be important.

I pulled over into a mostly empty parking lot and waited. It didn’t take long, before a shadow loomed over my car. A second later, I found myself in the featureless blue room.

I wasn’t alone.

Arms wrapped around me from behind, a moment before I heard a whisper in my ear. “I’ve missed you, little bro.”

I turned around, and hugged Summer back, wondering what the emergency was. Thinking back on the shadow that had covered my car, I knew Lela was risking her ship being seen. Whatever it was, it must have been something dire.

“What’s going on?” I asked, hoping my older sister would know.

“I’m not sure. I had only a moment’s notice, before Lela came and took me. Nick, I think mom might have seen the ship,” Summer informed me, worriedly.

That wasn’t good. If mom saw the ship, and found Summer missing, things could go badly. I truly hoped she was wrong.

I looked around for the opening that would lead to Lela, but it wasn’t in evidence, and in this featureless room, I didn’t even know where it was supposed to be. With Summer’s arms still around me, I could sense her off to my right. I could also sense all of my other switches moving away at an alarming rate. We were returning to low orbit.

“What are you wearing?” Summer asked, pushing me away from her to examine my costume. I quickly explained about the cosplay New Year’s party I’d gone to. “And if you are still wearing it this morning, then that means you went home with someone… Did my geeky brother use his switches on a woman last night?”

I knew she was teasing me, but didn’t feel that this was the appropriate moment for it. “I didn’t use my switches,” I told her a little more brusquely than necessary. “Help me find the door out of here, so that we can find Lela.”

Just as I finished talking, the lights went off, and I suddenly found us floating in space. Or at least, that’s what it seemed like, as Earth zoomed away from us, and we were surrounded by stars.

‘Lela?’ I thought to the alien. ‘What’s going on?’

There was no response.

Summer hugged me tighter from behind, saying, “Nick, I’m scared. Is this the attack? Are the demons here?”

“No,” I tried to reassure her, “They aren’t supposed to be here for a few more months. Maybe it’s just another scout.” But as I spoke, I noticed that we had left low orbit, and were still rapidly moving away from Earth. I couldn’t imagine what speed we must be moving at, and marveled at the technology that must have gone into this ship. The geek in me had a small orgasm.

The mortal human part of me, on the other hand, thought I was going to die.

After a couple seconds, red rings appeared in the distance. As we drew closer, I could see ships in the middle of the rings, and figured the red circles were superficial, highlighting the location of the other ships.

Lela finally sent us a message: ‘Ships were detected approaching. Too many to be scouts. Be prepared.’

Summer and I looked into each other’s fear filled eyes. This is it, I thought to myself. It is early, and I’m not ready. I still don’t know how to stop them. The human race is going to die, and it will all be my fault.

Luckily Summer was thinking a lot more practically than I was. “Maybe we’d better get undressed, so that we can have as much contact between us as possible.” Her voice quavered as she spoke, but it still lent me enough strength to overcome my paralyzing fear. I nodded to her, and started removing my shirt.

The distant ships were easily visible now, and I noticed that the red rings suddenly turned blue. I wondered at this, just as I was pulling my shirt over my head, and my sister was removing her bra. The ships where just what you’d expect from nearly every cheap sci-fi movie: round saucers, spinning slowly as they moved through empty space.

I quit stripping, and placed my hand on Summer’s wrist, stopping her from undoing her pants as I watched the ships approach.

Something wasn’t right. They weren’t in any type of military formation, more of a gaggle, and I knew that the demons were militaristic, based mainly on the fact that they sent out scouts. If they were hostile, they likely would be ready this far out. They also appeared to be slowing. Or maybe that was us. It was hard to tell, when your reference points were stars, hundreds of light-years away. Either way, we were no longer approaching each other as fast as we had been.

‘Lela?’ I asked again, not expecting a response. Summer laid her hand on my shoulder, and I was shocked, as Lela’s switches were the only ones I could sense. How far from Earth were we? The insane thought that mom would ground me, if she knew how far from home I was, flitted through my mind, and I laughed quietly.

“This is no laughing matter,” Summer told me, rebuking me now. “What’s going on?”

The other ships had stopped moving, and were now facing each other across the black expanse.

I still wasn’t sure what was happening, but I was starting to get an idea. “I think the blue rings means friendly,” I told her uncertainly. “These are either other friendly aliens, or more of her race. Did you get to see Lela’s ship before she took you?” Summer shook her head, letting me know that she hadn’t, and I grimaced. “Hmm, I guess we’ll just have to wait then.”

I hoped that it wasn’t Lela’s race coming back. They had demanded that she abandon Earth, and when she hadn’t, they had made sure that her ship would never be able to find home again, and then abandoned her to Earth’s fate. If they were coming back, that could only mean trouble. Perhaps they had decided to kill mine and Lela’s children after all, and take her back with them.

The ships started moving closer again, and Summer tensed, just as space disappeared, and we were back in the blue lit room again.

And then we were no longer alone in the room.

Summer screamed, and I pulled her behind me. She almost strangled me, she was squeezing me so tightly, but I wasn’t going to let them get her. A small part of my mind couldn’t help but notice the feeling of her hard nipples digging into my back. I shook off the thought, to examine our company.

Six sets of silvery eyes looked at us curiously. Each eye had a cat-like pupil, and looked too large for their heads. Their skin was light pink, and they were all wearing those light suits that I had seen Lela wearing, before I’d gotten her pregnant. They were of Lela’s race.

They were also all female.

For some reason this struck me as extremely odd, till I remembered Lela mentioning that it was the males that ruled their race. I assumed that these must be their servants.

“Do not be alarmed,” one of them said in the dual-toned voice of their race, stepping forward. Her voice was a little deeper, however, than Lela’s. She looked just like Lela, except that maybe she had wrinkles that Lela didn’t. In fact, all of these females had barely wrinkled faces, and a couple of them actually had slightly sagging breasts. It was hard to tell if there were other features that were different, with the light dancing smoothly across their bodies, making it hard to focus on specific features.

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