Bait and Switch Ch. 18 by Dark_Brother

“Nick,” Summer asked me, “What’s going on?”

I shrugged my shoulders, uncertain, and our guests didn’t deign to enlighten us.

The black rectangular hatch opened in the wall behind the newcomers, and it took me a minute, before I saw Lela walking between the other females.

“Lela, what’s going on?” I asked, as soon as she was in front of us, then, “The children?” If she was here, who was incubating our children?

I waited for her to form her answer, wondering why she didn’t use the nanites. “A surrogate is taking care of our children,” her voice finally came, and I was happy to see a smile on her face. If she was smiling, then maybe everything would be okay. ‘They are here for another reason,’ the words came across my vision. It was only then that I realized she had spoken for everyone’s benefit, but that we could use the nanite’s connection to speak privately.

The one that had spoken earlier stepped forward then, and faced the three of us. She spoke first in her language, and then waited for Lela to translate. I wondered at this, where she had already spoken to us once, and thought that it might be a hierarchy thing, or maybe she didn’t know enough of our language.

We waited for Lela to form the words, and I tried to stay patient. “They say that some of the females of our race believed what I’d told them, and didn’t feel that enjoying mating was a blasphemous thing.” The other alien spoke again, followed after a bit by Lela. “A few females revolted, and were returning to your planet, to seek me out, and verify if it were true. If it is, then it could mean a massive social change for our society.”

Lela seemed to be getting excited, and it was hard for me not to share in it. It meant that she wouldn’t be an exile, bereft of contact with the rest of her race for the remainder of her lifespan. Then the rest of the news fell upon us.

“If I have been found to be lying, then I will be executed immediately, and their lives will also be forfeit, for their crimes in coming to me.”

“Great,” I said, knowing that Lela had indeed enjoyed our coupling, “but I don’t see any other males here for them to experience it with.” Only after the words were out of my mouth, did I realize my stupidity. “Oh…” I said, at the same time Summer smacked my arm.

“It’s you, silly,” my sister told me, unnecessarily. “What a lucky pervert you are, getting to service all of these aliens.” I’m glad at least she was enjoying this. I still remembered my marathon sex session with Lela, and didn’t care to repeat it.

The old one spoke again and we waited for the translation. “That won’t be necessary. They brought a young female, who has just reached maturity. They will give you the opportunity to please her, and then will abide by her verdict.”

“But I’m not up to putting her in heat, and then having sex for the next eight hours,” I protested. “Besides, I don’t want any more children, right now.”

Once again the older alien spoke, followed by Lela. It was obvious that she understood me, even if she refused to speak much of my language.

“If what I told them is true, then you won’t need to put her in heat. Merely please her, and it will be done,” Lela translated.

‘Lela,’ I thought to her privately, ‘Are you okay with this? Couldn’t I just couple with you? I don’t want to hurt you.’

‘How could this hurt me?’ came her immediate response. ‘When you prove I was right, everything will change. Also, if you only mated with me, they could claim that I lied to save our lives.’

‘But won’t it bother you, to see me with another woman?’ I asked, even though I knew she had seen me having sex with numerous other women, as she was always spying on me. But those other women had all been human. This time it would be with one of her own species.

‘We do not choose a mate for life, as you humans try to do. We have always mated for the best offspring, choosing the strongest males. When things change, then maybe we can think about finding only one male for us, but for now, this is how my race thinks.’ I truly wished that I could gain some sense of emotion from the words, but they just seemed too analytical.

“What about you?” I turned and asked my sister. “How do you feel about this?”

“Are you kidding me?” she asked me excitedly. “I’m getting horny just thinking about it. Watching you make it with an young alien… Can it get any more perverted than that?”

I laughed at my sister’s cavalier attitude, before turning back to the group of aliens. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

There was a hum of excitement, as the alien females conversed amongst themselves, and a moment later the entryway opened again, and out walked another pink-skinned alien. She stood a little shorter than Lela, and her breasts a little higher, but was otherwise nearly indistinguishable.

She walked up in front of me, and waited. She wasn’t wearing a light suit.

Uncomfortable with so many eyes on me, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I was tempted to use my switches to make her wet, but thought that that might be cheating. I thought back to how Lela had first reacted to my touches, and how she’d only wanted to get it over with.

“If this is going to work,” I told them,” she needs to do whatever I say.” I looked into the young alien’s silvery eyes, before asking, “Can you understand me?”

She jarringly nodded her large head, and I could tell she was just as nervous as I was. I would need to get her to relax, or this would never work.

“Sit down,” I told her, and took her hand, to help her down. Part of me was conscious of Summer walking away with Lela to one side of the room, while the other six went to the opposite side. I did my best to block them all out. This is just like when Dennis watched me and Gina, or at Brent’s party with Shannon, I thought to myself, wishing I believed it.

I sat across from her, and took her foot in my hand. Gently rubbing her heal, I started to give her a massage, hoping it would help her relax.

‘What are you doing?’ Somehow I knew it was Summer asking. ‘You don’t have to woo her, just make her cum.’

‘Look at her,’ I mentally admonished my sister. ‘She is too nervous. Besides, I want to make sure she is pleased in every way, so that there can be no complaint, and no denying it.’

‘How did I end up with such a wonderful, younger brother?’ she thought back at me. ‘No wonder you’re such a great lover.’ I felt my cheeks heat a little at her compliment.

As I worked on the young alien’s feet, I was able to sense her relaxing a bit. She watched everything I did, with her liquid silver eyes, and there was somehow an innocence to them that I found alluring.

A thought occurred to me. ‘Lela, is she a virgin?’

‘She has never mated. They wanted someone that has never known the other type of mating for this test.’ No wonder she was so nervous. She’d likely been raised on what to expect from the males of her species. The violent, almost rape, as their men took them again and again, non-stop, until their biological heat had been satisfied, would scare just about anybody. I had to make sure that this experience was the complete opposite for her.

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