Bait and Switch Ch. 18 by Dark_Brother

I shifted my hips closer to her on the floor, and felt her tense for a moment, but when I only started to massage her calf, she relaxed again.

The older alien spoke, and Lela translated, “They want to know if all of this is necessary. You didn’t need to do any of this with me.”

“It was different with you,” I told her. “You were in heat, and then your body demanded it. She is obviously nervous, and I need for her to relax. Trust me, if you can get your men to do this, you won’t complain.”

The alien I was massaging said something in her two-toned voice, and the older aliens nodded. ‘She said that what you are doing feels nice, and it does help her relax,’ Lela’s translation came through the nanites. I noted that this younger alien’s voice was slightly higher than Lela’s, and wondered if their voices dropped in pitch as they aged.

I smiled happily at the young alien, and then decided to step it up a notch. I moved my hands to her thin knee, and brought her toes to my mouth. She gasped as I sucked on one pink toe after another, and I wasn’t sure if the gasp had been from surprise, or pleasure, but she didn’t try to stop me. Slowly, tenderly, I began to rub her skinny thigh, as I slipped my tongue between her small thin digits. I’d never noticed before, but her feet were short one toe, just as her hands were less one finger. I was able to fit all four toes in my mouth, as I flicked my tongue between then. I think I heard a half moan escape from the young alien, but when I looked up at her, she was just staring back at me curiously.

“Do you have a name I can call you?” I asked her, taking her toes from my mouth. I didn’t expect her to answer, but it didn’t hurt to try.

She said something that sounded like ‘Harana’, though it was hard to tell with her two vocal cords, and two tongues. Her voice was soft and high, and sounded quite musical to my ears.

“Since I can’t say that, may I call you Harana?” I asked her softly, trying to keep my voice soothing. She nodded, and I smiled reassuringly. Her tremulous smile in return, told me that I was winning her over.

I switched over to her other foot, now, and started rubbing it. I followed the same routine as with her left leg, and wasn’t surprised to see that she had grown a little wet between her legs as I worked on her right thigh, and sucked her toes.

Deciding it was time to go to the next level, I trailed gentle kisses up her calves, under her knees, and along the insides of her thighs, before reaching the juncture at the top. I glanced over to where Lela and Summer stood watching us, and noticed that Summer had her hands down her pants, and she had never decided to put her shirt back on. Lela was slowly fidgeting, and I felt her wet switch was fully tilted. Smiling, I planted a soft kiss on Harana’s sex, and this time, there was no mistaking the soft gasp that escaped her lips. She was enjoying this.

Slowly I licked around her labia, before sucking one lip in, and nibbling on it lightly. Her breathing was becoming heavy, as I continued licking her, and there was an unmistakable flow coming from her vagina now. I lapped it up, before shoving my tongue against her outer barrier, but noticed that I couldn’t get past it. She was likely going to be tighter than Lela, and that worried me, but that was a problem to tackle later.

One of the old aliens said something, and Haran answered back vehemently.

‘They wanted you to stop what you were doing, saying it was not necessary, but Harana demanded to let you continue. Apparently she is enjoying that.’ Lela’s translation came to me, and I decided to reward Harana for her diligence. Up until this point, I had avoided her clitoris, but now I attacked it with fervor. All my other touches had been light, and gentle, priming her for the way I licked, and sucked, and even bit her clit now.

Harana cried out in pleasure, and I felt a wash of her vaginal secretions wash over my chin as she came. I left her clit alone, allowing her to recover, as I lapped up her juices, and went back to licking and sucking her labia, spreading my tongue wide as I licked up her slit.

Harana started talking fast, having to stop periodically to catch her breath. The old aliens waited for her to finish, before answering back.

‘She just told them how good that felt. She was very detailed. They chose a good subject for this test. She is very analytical.’ The way Lela’s words floated across my vision was very scientific, which seemed at odds with what was going on in the middle of the room, but I was glad that my efforts were paying off. Maybe I wouldn’t have to take her virginity after all. If she was like a human that way, it would hurt her, and that may be the end if it all. I was pretty horny though, and looking over to my sister again, I saw that she now had her pants on the floor, and was busily rubbing her pussy. I couldn’t help but smile inwardly as I sent, ‘Pervert,’ mentally to my sister.

Apparently I wasn’t the only horny person in the room. Even Lela was lightly running her fingers along her naked skin. I only then noticed that she hadn’t put on her light suit.

‘The seniors say that that is okay, but the real test will be the intercourse. They are getting impatient.’

‘Ask them if they want to do this,’ I testily snapped back mentally, losing my good mood, and then realizing she was about to do just that, I quickly added, ‘No wait. Don’t. I’ll get on with it.’

I trailed kisses up Harana’s body, stopping for a few seconds on each of her darker pink nipples, and heard her softly moaning as I did so. I kissed up near her ear, and whispered, “This first part might hurt. I am truly sorry for that. I promise it will feel better in a bit.” I quickly pulled off my pants, and kicked them away.

The young alien nodded, and I started to rub my hard cock against her vulva. She started to moan, and even hunch her hips against me, when the older aliens suddenly spoke, startling me.

‘They already know this part will hurt. That is expected. Don’t forget that she also has the nanites, and is communicating with them, as we are.’ Lela sent to me.

I felt like an idiot. Of course she was telling them everything mind-to-mind; Harana probably only spoke out loud, when she wanted us to know what she was saying.

I felt a little betrayed, thinking that I had been winning Harana over to our side. Well, in a way I was, but this was still a test, and she was still their subject.

I had to press pretty hard to get my cock’s head past her outer barrier, and as soon as it slipped past that portal, I felt her hymen break, before I could slow or stop myself. Damn, she was TIGHT!

Harana cried out in pain, and I held still, waiting for her to get used to me inside of her. I glanced over to the other aliens, and saw that they were intently watching us now.

A gasp from the other side of the room turned my attention that way, and I was shocked to see Summer standing behind Lela, with her arms wrapped around the alien. One hand was pinching a dark pink nipple, the other one rubbing the pink alien’s crotch. Lela seemed to be enjoying it, as her eyes were closed, and she was leaning back against my fully naked sister.

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