Woman of the House F/F by EggWhites

“It’s fine, it’ll take me half an hour anyway to get to you, so I’ll wait for you there.”

“Alright, bey,” she said and closed the phone.

Judy took a breath, then slowed down. The later she would get there the better.

As Judy’s only friend, Morgan had been the go-to person when it came to blowing off steam. Since the day they had become friends in college until now, Morgan had spent countless hours listening to and advising on Judy’s problems. And Judy knew for sure that without Morgan being there for her during this, she’d have probably broken down weeks ago.

She took a turn into Morgan’s street, then parked in front of her building. Morgan lived in one of those high apartment buildings, very different from Judy’s residential independent house.

She took a look at her clock and was satisfied to see that Morgan was to arrive in fifteen minutes. She took the elevator up to the 10th floor, using the time to check herself in the lift’s mirror.

The fucking bastard. What kind of asshole would cheat on this? She turned in front of the mirror, trying to give herself a confidence push, taking in the details of her blue eyes and cute blonde bun, her slim legs. She was a damn catch, wasn’t she?

She got out and walked to Morgan’s apartment, then slid her back against the door and sat down, waiting.

To kill the remaining ten minutes, she put on some sad music and started humming with the rhythm, hugging her knees to her chest to put herself in the mood. She wasn’t even that sad anymore. For the last couple of days, after she’d confronted him, she was just angry, and afraid.

She didn’t expect him to plead or beg for her forgiveness, she knew he wasn’t that kind of guy when she married him, but she didn’t even get an apology. He just sat there with his dull face lounging on his stupid recliner after a long workday, and shrugged. He’d refused to tell her who the woman was, he refused to talk about it, and to her horror, he bluntly asked her if she wanted a divorce. Which meant that he wasn’t planning to stop. She knew that the bitch must be manipulating him, hoping that he’d throw his wife in the street and marry her. or maybe not, maybe she wasn’t that bad. But there was no way of knowing. She probably wanted him for his money—okay and maybe looks—but it was a huge leap to say for sure that she’d be such a devil of a woman, that she’d agree to have Judy thrown in the street. Even if she was that evil, Mark would never go for it, he had enough money to support her, at least for a year or two.

She returned her focus to the sad song, she rathered be sad than think about all of this crap.

A sharp toe nudged her in the thigh so she looked up startled taking off her headphones. Morgan stood above her with a blaming but understanding look on her face.

She raised her arms jokingly towards Morgan and whined in a dramatic tone. “My savior, my goddess, where have you been.”

Morgan snickered and nudged her again with the toe of her pumps. “Get to your feet you dork, you’re scaring my neighbors.” She gave her a hand and pulled her up.

“What are you talking about,” She shrugged. “No one saw me.”

“Mrs. Wally just called me on my phone, said that some woman was sitting at my door humming to herself.” She snickered while shoving her key in and opening the door.


I walked in after her, and took a seat on the black modern sofa in the middle of her living room while she took her suit off and hung it by the door. She stood there for a second and looked at me, taking a long tiresome breath. She was wearing her work clothes, which consisted of a black skirt and blazer, and black pumps. It suited her, the corporate clothes, with her black hair reaching just above her shoulders.

“Fuck this day…” she hissed.

“I know but why,” I said.

“I had five fucking meetings.” She threw her wallet and keys at the table beside the door. “And Denise chose this day out of all days to call in sick…At least she says she’s sick. I know she’s been avoiding me.”

“Maybe she finally figured out that you’re an opportunist bitch.” I rolled my eyes with a sly smile before glancing back at her teasingly.

She kept a cold annoyed look on her face before she walked closer then threw herself on the couch beside me. “Not funny.” She tugged at her shirt to fan her chest. “I really needed her today.”

I sealed my big mouth, resisting to remind her of what I thought about her attitude towards her colleague. Denise was an Innocent woman, very friendly and kind. Some would say that she was a people pleaser, but to me, that wasn’t really a problem unless one found herself paired with the bitch beside me.

I only went to Morgan’s workplace a dozen times. At first, I’d been surprised to find out that Morgan actually had an assistant. A woman in her late twenties kept fetching us coffee and Morgan kept giving her documents to deliver. She treated her like an assistant, and harshly at that, as she sometimes blistered her for getting documents wrong or getting the coffee with the wrong amount of sugar. I didn’t try to correct her behavior, Morgan was Morgan.

But when I found out that Denise was just a colleague, I couldn’t help but give Morgan a piece of my mind for how she treated the poor girl. She had her messaging her shoulders a few times while I was there for goodness sake. I kept trying to get her to stop until she snapped at me one time and told me to get off her back, and I did.

“So what’s wrong.” She shuffled on the couch and found a comfortable position. “Did something happen?”

“…No,” I said. “I was just feeling shitty that’s all.”

“I see.” She nodded pursing her lips. “He’s home?”

“He’s supposed to be home in an hour or so, I didn’t wanna be there when he does,” I said, making sure to not get emotional. My eyes took a look around the apartment. It had modern, luxurious furniture. She didn’t go cheap on her house. Morgan had done well for herself. I often wondered if I would’ve been better off taking the same road she had. After we graduated, she started working, and I started dating. It took me some time but I settled with Mr. Jerk eventually. Along the days, I saw her climb her way up, from one company to another, getting promoted and rising up in the corporate ladder. She was a different person every month I saw her, a stronger person. Me on the other hand, right now I feel exactly like the woman I had been when I graduated college. No skills to speak off. My personality was still as fragile, still as weak. I guess that was one of the reasons that I gave Morgan such a hard time about Denies, is that I would be exactly in Denies place if I worked in some kind of company surrounded by all kinds of people. Work sharpens someone’s personality, but I think it was too late for me now. It was too late for me to fight in that world. So I was stuck at home, while my husband fucked another woman. “I don’t know what to do anymore Morgan…”

“Maybe you can go back in time and listen to your friend.” She said coldly. I sighed, trying not to scorn at her. “Thanks that’s quite helpful.” It was maybe the hundredth time she reminded me that she had advised against signing a prenup as Mark wanted. Obviously, I hadn’t listened, cause I was soooooo in loooove back then. “Until they invent such a machine. What’s your advice.”

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