Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

She had heard that Lester was now set up in the IT department. Still, she avoided her office, the one place Lester knew to look for her and could potentially pin her down. He didn’t know his way around the hospital or where she might be, so she used that to her advantage. She needed some space from him. It was better for her to have a clear head when thinking about him. She needed that time to think. Unfortunately, work kept her mind pretty occupied all day. She hadn’t even had time to eat lunch. She was busy putting out one fire after another.

During a war room session towards the end of the day, Jerry had given an update that Lester had successfully managed to restore one of their systems proving that he could do it. Drew didn’t seem pleased, which Sarah felt was strange. It wasn’t lost on Jerry, either.

Sarah flopped herself onto the couch and laid there for ten minutes. It felt good to just be off her feet. She was thinking about ordering a pizza for dinner tonight. The kids were with her parents again. God bless her mother, who heard the stress in her voice earlier during a call and offered to take them another night.

Her relaxed lounging was broken by the doorbell ringing. She knew who it probably was. After a few seconds of not moving and wondering if she had just imagined it, the doorbell rang again.

Sarah dragged herself off the couch and realized she had probably creased her blazer and would need to iron it before hanging it back up in her closet. She opened the door, and Lester stood there with that dumb grin on his face. As much as she hated to admit it, her body reacted to his presence. She could feel herself growing damp between her legs. This man only meant one thing to her body and it was mind-blowing sex.

“You shouldn’t be here, Lester,” Sarah said, standing in the doorway. Lester pushed past her and walked into her home.

“You almost got me caught with my pants down,” Lester said loudly.

“I’m sorry, what? I haven’t seen you all day.” Sarah said.

“You sent that IT guy up to your office to get me. I barely got my pants up in time.” Lester said, his face flushed with embarrassment.

“Lester, I don’t know how you work with other clients but at the hospital, we have a professional code of conduct. You can’t just get naked whenever you want, wherever you want,” Sarah said in a professional tone. In her mind, she found the whole thing quite funny.

“Argh,” Lester threw his hands up, “You were supposed to come back to your office. Not some random guy.”

“Lester, that’s my place of work. I am busy, and I have things to do, just like you. You have a job to do so I suggest you focus on that,” Sarah stood with the door open, “Now I think it’s best if you go back to your hotel room. My kids are going to be home soon.”

“I’m here for dinner,” Lester said, not moving towards the door. “I plan to have dinner here each day that I have to spend in this little town of yours. I want to come home after a long day and play wifey with you. If you want your kids here, that is up to you, but they are going to have to get used to having Uncle Lester around.”

“That’s not,” Sarah was taken aback by his demand. She had thought yesterday’s dinner was a one-off thing. She hadn’t planned on anything more than that, “That’s not what we agreed on. You’re already getting paid by the hospital, that should be enough.”

“Mmm, well, that pay isn’t enough, and it’s not why I came all the way out here,” Lester said as he walked up to Sarah and pushed the door closed. “I’m here for my little slice of the American dream you have.”

Lester pushed his crotch into Sarah’s, backing her up against the door, “I want a vacation from Chicago, and I couldn’t think of a better place than that bed upstairs with you next to me.”

Sarah could feel Lester’s growing hardness pressing into her. She moved to the side and, wrestled out of Lester’s grip and put distance between them. She backed up into the kitchen and tried to change the subject, “Well I wouldn’t mind a vacation myself with Dan, someplace warm. Now, there isn’t much I can offer for dinner. The fridge is pretty bare. Maybe you could go and find something close to your hotel?”

Lester walked into the kitchen, his eyes roaming up and down Sarah’s body. He looked intent on getting what he wanted. He licked his lips, “I can think of something else I can eat. Why don’t we go upstairs and pick up where we left off this morning.”

Sarah felt her knees grow weak, thinking about being taken by Lester again. Her panties already felt wet. It seemed so depraved, though, for Lester to keep fucking her in her own house. Having sex with him in Chicago already felt like a line that had been repeatedly crossed. Now he was here, in her kitchen, trying, no, demanding to fuck her. The kitchen full of yesterday’s dirty dishes.

“It’s been a long day, Lester,” Sarah said, moving to the other side of the island. “I’d like to just relax tonight.”

“There will be plenty of time to relax, after,” Lester said as he rounded the edge of the marble island, “You ditched me at work today and you need to be punished for that. From now on, I get you every day in your office and here at home afterwards. I can see by the look on your face you want more of my cock right now anyway.”

“Lester,” Sarah said, backing up into the living room. She was trying to do her best not to succumb to this strange attraction she had to her husband’s roommate. “I can’t. It’s not right. It’s going too far. All of this.”

“You’ll change your tune once I get this back inside of you,” Lester grabbed his crotch as he crossed the room towards Sarah. There was no island in between them now. Nothing holding them back. Sarah backed herself up against the back of the couch. Lester could see the desire on her face; he knew the game she was playing. He just needed to make contact, and she would be his —

The sound of keys turning the lock on the front door caused Lester to stop where he was. Sarah’s head whipped towards the sound. The door swung open, and Dan stepped into the room. He stood there silently surveying the scene. They all could hear the crickets chirping in the yard behind him.

“Dan!” Sarah shouted, “What, what are you doing here?”

“Come here, honey,” Dan said, gesturing his wife towards him. She moved from the couch and walked up to her husband, who hugged her tightly and kissed her deeply. After a few seconds, Dan broke the kiss and looked up at his roommate, “Lester.”

Lester stayed where he was, assessing the situation. Dan took off his shoes and dropped his bag by the door.

“Did I interrupt something?” He asked as he strode into his home. He passed Lester and headed into the kitchen.

“Lester was just leaving,” Sarah followed him, feeling a renewed sense of safety.

“Is that right?” Dan asked. “Lester, are you heading out? Why are you here anyway?”

Lester didn’t speak right away. He seemed caught off guard and trying to figure out a response. Dan held up a finger, “That’s right. You were probably here to try to sleep with my wife, right?”

“Dan, nothing happened, but we need to talk about yesterday,” Sarah said.

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