Boarded by doll1

Morning crept by uneventfully as mom worked below stowing clutter, and wiping down the galley area. Things were never clean enough for Ellen. She often wished the others would be more like her. Kelly was orderly but Chad was a slob and left things a mess.

Kelly’s berth was already put-away, so Ellen began to straighten up Chad’s bunk area. Kelly and Chad were topside with Tom. The wind was now whistling through the rigging and muffling their voices. Ellen was folding Chad’s bedding up for storage, because with the curtains open, the bunks often doubled as additional seating. As Ellen began folding the sheet, a small wad of tissues dropped to the floor and rolled to a low spot against the wall.

Miffed as she was about Chad’s unsanitary practice, Ellen paused to wonder as she picked it up. Chad hadn’t complained about a cold. As she gingerly plucked up the wad, its dense weight caused her to pause. A curious feeling now came over her. She raised the tissue up for a closer look. A large yellow stain coated the center of the wad. Bringing it up close to her face she detected the unmistakable smell of semen. Tom and Ellen had a very active sex life.

The taste and smell of a man’s load was not foreign to her.

“That darn kid is masturbating in here at night.” she thought to herself.

She wondered if she should say anything to Tom about this. Ellen carried the wad of tissues to the galley for disposal. Just before she dropped it into the waste can she couldn’t help, just one more sniff “only to be sure.” She was impressed with the obvious amount of the load.

Tom’s jism seemed to be a lot, but of course she was not all that experienced to know how much a large orgasm would produce. Chad’s load had obviously had time to dry overnight but was still amazingly heavy. Ellen didn’t know if she should be upset about this or what. She decided not to mention this to anyone.

What would she or Tom do about it anyway? Besides, she was just a little proud that her little baby was now turning into such a stud, and was doing “manly” type things.

Ellen heard Tom call from on deck. She felt a subtle shift in direction, as Tom must have switched off the autopilot. Tom was at the wheel as Ellen climbed topside. Kelly and Chad were on their feet. Both had their hands up cupping their eyes to shield the sun.

Something out in front had caught their attention.

Ellen turned around and stared out in front also. Probably 2 to 3 miles ahead a boat was visible. There was black smoke trailing away from it.

“There!” Tom said, pointing towards the sparking reflection bouncing of the craft.

“Looks like trouble.” he said.

Tom shifted again a few degrees’ to port, and aligned the bow to center on the distressed craft.

Ellen reached for the binoculars just inside the hatch cover, and began sweeping back and forth to locate the vessel. She had to lean way over to avoid the blur caused by looking through the sail rigging. Finally a hull dashed across her view. Focusing in, she could make out an expensive looking pleasure yacht, some 40ft or better. Ellen kept focusing and was able to make out people near the stern.

After closing on the craft for a time, she was able to make out the figures of two people standing on the rear deck. They had dark skin and the one woman had on some floppy hat, which she clung on to by holding one hand on top of her head.

A trail of black smoke was wafting out from below deck near where the engine compartment probably was.

“I think they are in trouble Tom.” said Ellen

“We will swing by for a closer look.” Tom said sounding very serious now.

“Chad lay out the lines if we have to come along side.” Dad barked.

“Kelly, hang the fenders to port quickly.”

“Ellen, get the fire extinguisher out! “He shouted in quick succession.

Both sprang to their assigned tasks with out hesitation.

All knew that emergencies could crop up quickly out on the water, and time was crucial. As the boat neared, Ellen could now clearly see the woman on deck. They had by now, noticed the sailboat approaching. The other person was pointing out the closing sailboat. As they neared the stranded craft, Tom could see they were adrift. No exhaust indicated their engines were shut down. It seemed a fire must have been burning down in the lower deck somewhere.

The pair had taken refuge on the deck for fresh air.

Tom aligned the boat to come along side and began dropping sails. Chad skillfully stowed the mainsail and released the jib to slow down. Tom had the engine fired up and was now using prop drive.

They were now only about fifty yards away. The woman on the distressed boat began waving franticly towards them. Chad stayed on the bow and readied the lines.

Tom was hoping a male, or another adult would come up from the lower deck of the burning vessel. He was concerned about Chad trying to tie up on the bow by himself. The water was not rough but this was still a tricky maneuver for just two people. No one had yet appeared and they were just about to come along side.

The woman was pointing below, waving frantically and yelling something in Spanish.

Tom resigned himself that there might be injuries already, and it would be up to Chad and him to tie-up. Tom guided his craft to just parallel the smoking vessel. Chad lept from the deck to the bow of the other vessel. He was searching for a tie off. Finally, after finding a cleat he was now drawing the two together. Tom was concerned for his own crafts safety, and decided to just loop the stern line around a rail on the other ship.

If the fire was out of control he didn’t want to be lashed to the stricken vessel. Tom shifted the engine to idle and handed the loose end of the stern line to Kelly with instructions to be ready to shove off.

Tom leaped over the rail past the distraught woman. He disappeared below into the smoke. Ellen tried to calm the frantic mother. Tom seemed to be gone for an unusually long time.

Finally after Ellen had called his name several times, Chad left his post on the bow and began making his way back to the stern. The rails were narrow and Ellen yelled to be careful. Chad disappeared into the smoke below also. The women now just stood waiting. Nothing, Nothing! The time drug by as seconds ticked off. Ellen was now getting worried. What was going on? She began calling for Tom and Chad but nothing was heard. Ellen now started to yell to the woman who was now just standing there.

The woman feigned no understanding and stood stupidly still. She didn’t quite seem right, and the smoke seemed to not be getting any worse. Finally, Ellen was beside herself, and yelled to Kelly to pull her up closer to the yacht. Ellen struggled over the pitching gap grabbing the rail. She landed on the other deck, stepping past the woman. Ellen peered into the darkened vessel.

“TOM! CHAD!” She screamed.

No answer.

Ellen repeated her calls as she descended the blackened opening leading inside. The smoke was not at dense as it had been now, and she could just make out the source. In the galley-way there was a large metal pan with rags and pieces of foam in it. It had burned down to just a smolder now. Ellen was baffled that some one would have set something like this inside a boat like this. Before her eyes could adjust to the darkness, someone grabbed her from behind. A large hand clamped over her mouth.

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