Boarded by doll1

He was still trying to get the layers off and as he pulled, Ellen screamed in pain.

Her first full breath in hours filled her lungs.

“Tom” She called loudly, “Were ok. They just want our boat and belongings. “

Ellen couldn’t tell how much Tom was able to hear but she felt is was necessary to try to communicate with him. Almost instantly one of the Cubans nearby jumped up and reared back his fist to silence her next outburst.

Ellen recoiled not knowing if he was going to strike her anyway. No blow came and she slowly reopened her eyes. The man had backed away, but had made his point.

Ellen tried to look through one of the smeared windows. Several men were aboard their boat and they were stealing anything of value. Supplies and clothing from their sailboat lay in piles out on the rear deck of the yacht. Her heart sank when she saw what they were doing to her husband pride and joy.

But these could be replaced she kept telling herself. One of the men sitting in the galley came up to Ellen and shouted


The man then made some remark in Spanish that caused the others near the galley to roar with laughter. The woman Ellen had seen earlier on deck was now rummaging through the articles that were being carried toward one of the forward cabins.

One of the doors was open and Ellen could see the woman in there holding up some of Ellen and Kelly’s clothing against her. She was picking out what she liked. The nerve of her Ellen thought.

Ellen tried to count. There must be at least seven or eight men. She wasn’t sure because they kept moving back and forth between boats.

The pleasure craft they were on was an expensive one. One theses people surely didn’t come by legally.

Ellen did not even want to think of what might have happened to the rightful owners.

A few minutes went by and another forward cabin door banged open. Ellen could see more men up there also. “God,” she thought how many lived on this thing”

One of the men from the room came directly up to Ellen and grabbed her shoulder. He pushed her back against the cushion and roughly grabbed her by the jaw.

He pulled her face side to side and then dropped his hand down to her chest.

“Bueno Muy Bueno.” he said loudly, drawing a round of laughter from the other men still around them.

Something was yelled from the front of the boat and a couple of the men in the one cabin peered out then moved from the door.

The man in front of Ellen now placed his hand over her right breast and lifted it. He crudely pulled and prodded at her like some commodity being studied for purchase.

She struggled and twisted uselessly as he grabbed at one breast then the other.

Ellen had her breasts enlarged five years ago. Since southern Florida living required many swim suit occasions she wanted to look her best. Tom was all for the change which added two bra sizes to her shapely figure.

She felt the crude bastard in front of her had no right to be touching her like this.

Ellen wasn’t sure why the men had allowed only her to see while her family were still gagged and blindfolded with the awful tape.

At least she had gotten out her message that they were all still alive. Maybe Chad and Kelly had heard her shout to Tom also.

But what was to become of them? Would they end up dead? She prayed that maybe they would just be cast adrift after being robbed, and would somehow be rescued.

A sharp command emanated from one of the forward cabins. The man stopped pawing at her chest. He reached down and cut the tape around her ankles with a short knife. Grabbing her one shoulder he jerked her to her feet. The relief of the tape being pulled off was short lived. He grabbed her by the back of the head pulling her hair down.

Her head flew back. She was only able to see the ceiling as the man started shoving her along. She stumbled several times tripping over edges. She tried to resist by leaning away but it was useless. She was steered across the room towards that one stateroom. Ellen was terrified but didn’t want to panic Tom and her children. She resisted the urge to scream. She dreaded leaving the area with her family.

She continued to twist and pull trying to stop from moving away, but she was eventually slammed against the doorframe of the cabin. The bastard still pulled at her hair, and this kept her head up so she couldn’t see the floor. As they entered the room the man let go of her hair. Her eyes were blurred with tears and her face still ached from the tape.

The room was not well lit but she could make out the presence of several men in there.

By one of them, Ellen spotted the younger girl she had seen earlier.

The girl was over by opposite wall on a chair. The room drapes were drawn closed but she could just make her out. She was sitting on the lap of one of the uglier men. He was a nasty looking toad. He must have been sort of the leader. He was a stocky brute and was shouting commands to the others around him.

The others seemed to respect his wishes.

The girl was sitting awkwardly facing this guy, with her arms around his neck. Something seemed strange to Ellen. The girl had on a dirty stripped pullover top. Ellen hadn’t realized at first what was going on until she noticed her bare legs. “My God,” Ellen gasped, “She didn’t have on any bottoms”. The girl was casually rocking her hips back and forth and looked over her shoulder towards Ellen.

The reality of the situation was just starting to sink in as Ellen’s eyes struggled to focus. The stocky mans thighs were bare too. His trousers were missing. The grubby bastard had himself exposed, and this girl was actually sitting on the scummy bastard’s open crotch.

This girl was a Hispanic also. Her dark skinned feet didn’t even reach the floor as they swung back and forth. The leader shouted something in Spanish. The girl tried to back off.

As she spread her legs open, and started to slide back, Ellen gasped. The man’s penis was sliding out of the girl’s vagina. This ugly bastard had actually been fucking this girl. The girl apparently did not respond quickly enough, and the brute put his hand to her chest and pushed her off of him. He was gross. His dick was all wet and covered with slime. The girl fell on the floor in front of the man, her legs splayed out revealing a gaping hole between her legs.

She had obviously been servicing these bastards for some time.

Without being told to, but with an obvious attempt continue pleasing him, the girl crawled up by the man’s legs and kneeling, attempted to get the man’s penis into her mouth. The girl got some of the head in and rested her head back against his leg and began softly suckling on the guy’s nasty organ. She looked up to Ellen with a quizzical look.

This seemed to be something that she was pretty much used to doing in the company of others and wasn’t the least embarrassed. Ellen felt she would vomit any second.

After studying Ellen for a second, the leader guy just stood up, without even letting the girl know. His cock just “jerked” from her mouth. He just about kicked her out of the way as he walked over to Ellen. The sight of this man repulsed Ellen.

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