Farm Girl – part 2 by Dark Dreamer

He fucked into me for several minutes with furious rutting strokes, his wet rod siding in and out of my channel energetically. His hands came around under my chest and began squeezing and milking my tits. His hips crashed against my spread open groin as he thundered to another orgasm.

He let me go after a couple of days in the cell for the marks to disappear. My parents were furious with me. All they knew was that I had been arrested at a drug sweep in some pushers home. I didn’t tell them anything about what had happened to me because I was afraid of what the Sheriff would do if I did.

I told them that I had just gone to a classmates home for the afternoon and just happened to be there when the cops came.

My mom was sympathetic. She never seemed to get mad at anyone, being a very timid, shy kind of person. My Dad didn’t believe me though. He yelled and lectured at me all the way home.

When we got there I was banished to my room. That was OK though, I was glad to finally be back in my room and safe from the Sheriff. My room seemed like heaven after that dank, dirty cell. The first thing I did was take a shower.

I let the hot water stream down around me for long minutes, soaping up and washing off several times to clean off all the accumulated sweat and grime.

To my surprise, none of the marks the crop had made were still really visible. There were a couple of very thin lines that you could see if you looked for them, but even they were fading and would soon be completely gone.

I lay on my bed leafing through some of my homework my teacher had sent over, and wondering idly, what I would do for cockmeat now that the Spinozzos were gone. I didn’t really want to go back to the dogs. I had found that man cock was much much better.

Later that night, my Dad came through the door. He glared down at me and I braced for more lecturing. He lit into me, accusing me of using drugs, then of selling them. He wouldn’t believe my story.

Finally he jerked his open hand across his chest in the gesture he used to let everyone know. `thats it’

He grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet, then started pulling his belt out of the pant loops.

My eyes widened in shock and dismay. After that horrible beating by the Sheriff, the last thing I’d thought of was that I’d get another one at home.

“Raise your skirt.” he ordered, just like he used to do. I was angry and frustrated. I didn’t deserve a whipping for what I did!

Well actually I did, but the sheriff had more than taken care of that. Besides my whippings, spankings really, were always through my pants, or at least panties if I was wearing a skirt. I was only wearing my little t-shirt nightie, with nothing underneath.

“I’m not wearing anything underneath!” I protested.

He eyed me nastily.

“I’m your father girl!” he shouted “You think you got something I ain’t seen before!? Get down across the bed and raise it before I lose my temper with you!”

“But Daddeeee!” I wailed.

He reached down and grabbed the hem of my nightie and yanked it upward. In one quick motion he jerked it up all the way to my armpits and then over my head, then he turned me around and shoved me down across the bed.

I was face down over the bottom corner of my mattress, my ass was right on the corner and each of my spread legs hung over the mattress on one side of the corner. I pushed my face deep into the covers, mortified that my Dad was looking at my naked ass and pussy.

Swish… CRACK!

I gasped as the belt smacked down against my upturned as cheeks. It didn’t hurt anything like the riding crop, but it still hurt like hell.

Swish… CRACK!

My buttocks tingled in shock and pain.

Swish… CRACK!

Swish… CRACK!

Swish… CRACK!

The pain exploded across my ass cheeks over and over as my father brought the belt down against the tender flesh. I was determined not to cry out, but soon I was sobbing and shining as the belt slammed my crotch down against the bed repeatedly. My fists were clenched tightly in the covers. I was sobbing uncontrollably and crying out with each new blow.

When it stopped, I crawled my way up the bed as he stood there at the foot breathing heavily.

“Maybe that’ll teach you Becky.” he gasped.

“I didn’t do aaannyyythhiinnggg !!” I shrieked. I was still face down.

He grabbed my hair in his fist and yanked me around so I was on my back and partly upright. His face was inches away from mine.

“We searched your room after the sheriff told us about the drugs girl!” he growled. “Want to know what we found?”

I gasped in shock and fear, trying to pull away from him. My arms coming up belatedly to cover my naked breast and groin. He twisted my head up and back by the hair. “What kind of girl are you anyway!?”

I don’t even know what that stuff was! I found it!” I cried. He just looked at me.

I reddened and my voiced stuttered insensibly as I tried to come up with a believable lie for what I was doing with all those dildos and vibrators and stuff. What could I possibly say!?

I saw his eyes go off my face, sliding down to my breasts and their small pink nipples.

“I bet you’ve screwed half the boys at school, haven’t you?” he whispered.

I shook my head frantically.

“You’re a whore aren’t you!?” he shouted.

“No! I haven’t! I haven’t!” I sobbed.

“You lying little slut!” he cursed. “The sheriff told us you were half naked when his deputies went into that place!”

I was kneeling on the bed, my feet beneath my buttocks. He jerked my head up and back, making my legs shoot out sideways automatically as they sought to relieve the weight and pain on my hair. His hand jammed into my crotch. His fingers dug into my slit, shoving my cuntlips aside and forcing their way inside me. He dug two long fingers up into my slithole as I jerked helplessly in his grasp.

“Wheres your cherry!? Huh!? Where is it!?” he cursed.

He pulled his fingers out of me and rubbed them against my face. “You sure ain’t no God damned virgin, thats for sure!” He pushed me so I fell on my back, and then he stood up. He was eyeing my body and breathing heavily. “My sweet little girl.” he gritted.

“Sweet little miss innocent, fucking every boy she can find and stuffing dildos up her hot little cunt when she can’t find them!”

I cringed back, trying to yank the covers over my naked body. Then his hand whistled through the air and cracked against the side of my face. “You WHORE!” he yelled.

He jumped down on top of me, his heavy body crushing me into the mattress. His hands came down around my throat and tightened so I couldn’t breath.


My hands were clawing at his fingers as they squeezed my throat. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out and my brain started to scream and blur. My eyes were starting to lose focus when he loosened his hold on my throat.

I could dimly hear him sobbing and cursing me through the roaring in my ears and brain. I was spread out under him, my arms sprawling above my head. Then I felt his trembling hands reaching down to my chest. His fingers rubbed hesitantly around my nipples. He reached down and undid his pants, pulling his cock out.

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