Fucking Mia Matsumiya by WannaBherdaddy

Fucking Mia Matsumiya by WannaBherdaddy

A man obsessed with a beautiful Asian violinist tries to make his darkest fantasies come true… , Mia is a beautiful Japanese girl with large, expressive eyes, pert little baby-breasts, smooth sleek legs to die for, and long, jet-black hair she usually ties into a sexy ponytail. She plays violin for several avant-garde bands, and at only 24 years old, she’s highly talented for one so young, and usually receives standing ovations at the end of her solos. People often compare her to the older Yo-Yo Ma, in relation to her sheer talent, and most guys who come to her performances harbor tons of fantasies about being the one to take her home and fuck her blue for an encore.

One such guy, Stan, sits toward the back of the crowd tonight at the dingy little dive bar where Mia and her band are performing. He’s never been an avant-garde fan, can’t stand her band’s music…but the first time he ever laid eyes on Mia was at another performance months ago when he was at another bar and her band came onstage. He hated the music almost from the second the band started playing…but seeing this tiny little 4’9″ beauty in her little grey top, grey skirt and shapely legs wrapped up in thigh-high come-fuck-me boots, gave him the most instant erection he ever experienced in his life. As she played her music, Stan pictured her standing in front of him at his home, absolutely nude while playing her violin just for him as he lay in bed stroking his cock, readying it for her tiny, tight pussy. In his fantasies, Mia would finish playing, take a bow to his applause, then climb into bed and wrap her lips lovingly around his cock for some hot sucky-sucky. She’d then climb atop him and squeeze her tight pussy around his cock, the mixture of pain and pleasure on her face making him even harder inside her. Stan would wrap his arms around Mia’s waist and lift her up and down on his cock for a long, hard pony ride, before blowing his load deep inside her, as she’d toss her head back and yell out “TOUSAN!”(Daddy in Japanese).

That first time in that bar, when the fantasy first hit him, Stan had to rush to the bathroom, hiding his jean-contained erection with his jacket. Fortunately there was no one else in the bathroom, as everyone was so enthralled with the music. In the lonely sanctuary of an end stall, Stan pulled out his cock and jerked off furiously, splashing into the bowl and staining the seat itself. He was man enough to clean up the seat after himself, but although his dick went flaccid when he was done, seeing Mia still on stage when he exited the bathroom got him stiff again almost instantly. He snatched up a flyer for the band, which listed the members, and headed home to continue fucking Mia in his head.

Stan had many fantasies about Mia since that time; always with her in the submissive role, paying dutiful attention to her tousan. He’d fantasize about fucking her in the park, pretending she was a grade school teacher and that he’d come into class and deliver a biology lesson that definitely wasn’t part of the curriculum, as he’d bend the petite teacher over her desk and bang her hard in front of her wide-eyed students. In Stan’s mind, sometimes Mia would be serving drinks when his friends would come over to play cards, and he’d have her suck all of them off one by one, finally letting his friends run a train on her atop the card table. Stan would be last of course, and the only one allowed to give Mia what she deserved in her undeniably tight Asian ass. Stan would also fantasize about Mia giving birth to his child, the two of them walking in the park or shopping for groceries while pushing a stroller between them. Mia looked so sexy with a swollen belly…

But fantasizing wasn’t enough for Stan, and so he began trailing Mia’s various groups, always sitting in the middle or back of the audience, his raging hard-on covered by the leather jacket resting on his lap. Stan was a fairly handsome guy, tall with broad shoulders, dark brown hair and deeply intense brown eyes. He’d sometimes get drinks sent to him by various women as he sat alone at his table, but would always send them back; he was too intent on the prize he sought, and other pussy would just be a distraction for him. He wanted Mia Matsumiya with a ferocious passion he had never felt before. He wanted–no, needed–his cock to plunge into the depths of her warm pussy, and dominate it completely. Although Stan had always been a giving lover in bed, for the first time in his life he honestly didn’t care whether Mia liked being taken or not; he just needed to be knee-deep inside that little Asian pussy, and that thought filled his head morning, noon and night. He knew what he was contemplating, he had accepted it months ago…there’s a four-letter word for what he had in mind, but he didn’t care anymore. Looking at Mia on stage, looking at those slender legs leading up to a beautiful treasure kept hidden by her little skirts, helped Stan to finally understand what drove men to such acts.

He had watched Mia stealthily for months at her gigs. After the first set, she and her bandmates would chit-chat and bullshit for a few minutes, and then she’d head off to the bathroom. Stan had scoped the layout of each place they had played, locking into his head such details as the distance from women’s room to men’s, how secluded or exposed the washrooms were from the main venue, how long Mia took in the bathroom, and if an extended absence might make her friends concerned. Did a lot of women use the bathroom at the same time, and how many stalls were in each room, so that he knew the odds of whether they’d be disturbed.

The Blackstone Bar and Grill, where Mia and her band were playing tonight, was the most likely spot for Stan to finally act out the realization of his fantasy. Tonight he had positioned himself at the back of the crowd, since one had to cross all the way to the back to get to the restrooms. The first set was nearing its close, and so Stan got to his feet and headed to the restrooms in back. The men’s room was directly across from the women’s, and Stan headed into the room shared by his gender. He rushed to the urinal, pulled out his prick and made sure he was piss-free; it wouldn’t do to try to cum inside his “girlfriend”, only to find he suddenly had a case of nervous piss to get out. Stan could feel his heart thudding in his chest, the flow of blood to his temples pounded in his ears as Mia’s solo came to a close. There was applause which lasted almost two minutes, but finally died down. Stan had counted the steps to the ladies’ room at least twenty times in the past week, ever since he had found out the band would be playing here. His black leather jacket rested across his arm as he made his way to the door and opened it a tiny crack…just enough to allow him to see the door right across the way.

He was so anxious, for a moment he felt a mild rush of bile start to rise in his throat, but he quickly fought off the sensation. It seemed to take forever, but finally–finally!–he saw a backlit shadow strike the wall, and then Mia came into view, her tiny little body moving forward as her slender fingers connected with the ladies’ room door, pushing it open. She was stunning: her long dark hair tied in a ponytail which reached to almost midway down her back, slender arms exposed and baby breasts contained by a black tube-top, and a short pleated black skirt showing off her upper thighs, as her legs ran down into her black come-fuck-me’s.


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