Fucking Mia Matsumiya by WannaBherdaddy

As Mia began to step into her bathroom, Stan pulled the men’s room door open all the way and rushed forward, raising his black jacket high. He brought it down over Mia’s entire head, wrapping it tight as he shoved her forward all the way into the ladies’ room. Mia screamed, but as Stan had hoped, the jacket muffled the sound almost entirely. The closing of the door behind them and the distance between that door and the door of the stall where he now pushed her inside sealed the deal; no one outside could possibly hear her cries, unless Stan pulled the jacket off her head, and he had no intentions of doing that!

Mia clawed at the jacket, still screaming underneath it as she tried to tear it off from around her face. Somehow, Stan managed to keep a firm grip on the bunch of it grappled in his hand and was still able to close and lock the stall door behind him. He pushed her forward with his own body, shoving her against the toilet seat’s tank, the punishment of her stomach colliding with it knocking the wind out of the young Asian woman’s sails, and making her fall to her knees atop the closed seat cover.

Mia’s cries had turned to an injured, weak moan. Stan felt a pang of remorse, but the almost painful pressure of his cock straining against the inside of his jeans for release quickly brought him back to reality: do the deed now, or give up and regret it forever. What’s more, if he chose to set his prize free now, she’d undoubtedly alert everyone in the place with the loudest scream on record. Stan knew what he had to do. Keeping his body pressed against Mia’s, pinning her down against the toilet tank, he reached under his jacket and found her ear. He pushed the jacket up just over it and leaned in close. “Listen to me, Mia. I don’t want to hurt you, I really don’t. Just let me do this and get done, and it’ll be easier for you. If you fight it, if you scream, I swear I’ll slit your fucking throat.” Stan had no knife, he usually was a very easygoing guy in fact…it wasn’t until the first time he laid eyes on this slender Oriental beauty before him that he’d ever considered doing anything like this. But he hoped the roughness he had shown so far would prove a significant deterrent for her against any outbursts.

Mia moaned beneath his jacket, trying to say something. Stan leaned close to her ear again. “I’ll let you speak, but I swear, if you start screaming–” Mia shook her head vigorously beneath the jacket, and Stan was fairly sure she would keep her word. He raised the jacket just enough to expose her lips, which were surprisingly thick for an Asian woman…”blowjob ready”, was the expression that came to his mind. Her lips trembled, and teardrops fell from beneath his jacket, alternating between striking the porcelain tank and blotting onto Mia’s black tube-top. It was the first time Stan had ever heard her speak, and her voice was that of a frightened angel, with a thick Japanese accent that made his cock press so much harder against his pants that he winced.

“Please…please…please, don’t hurt me…” she warbled pitiably. The little bit of regret Stan had felt earlier resurfaced. But taking another look at Mia, her hands resting against the porcelain tank, her slender body bent back against his chest, with one knee resting on the closed seat cover and the other leg now firmly on the floor, almost teasing him to mount her, was too much to resist. “You know what I want,” he whispered in her ear. “You let me do it, you get to go free. Understand?”

“Yes,” she sobbed after a moment.

“You know what I want,” he told her sternly. “I want to hear you say it.”

Mia sobbed a little more at this, but then after a moment, she said quietly, in an almost-whisper: “You want to fuck me?”

Stan almost came in his pants right then and there, hearing her say it as she had so often in his fantasies. He reached down, undoing his pants. His 7 1/2 inches sprang out, almost instinctively jumping up underneath Mia’s skirt and brushing between her legs. The contact startled them both; Mia jumped slightly, and Stan was in shock! He gulped, not believing what he thought he just felt between Mia’s legs. Reaching a decision, he started to pull the jacket above her head. “You don’t look at me, you understand?! You stare at the wall, you don’t turn around, you don’t look at me!” Mia nodded, and Stan pulled the jacket off all the way. Her ponytail slipped out first, dangling tantalizingly in front of him. Mia’s head was bowed, in that sterotypically submissive way that every man who ever desired an Asian woman has dreamed of.

Stan’s breath was heavy, almost to the point where he thought he might pass out. He had lost track of time, and didn’t know whether Mia was due back on stage. Fuck it, he thought, I’ve come so far, I have to do it, even if I get caught! He reached down, suddenly trembling hands grasping the bottom of Mia’s pleated skirt. He pulled it up, revealing the truth of what he thought he had felt when his dick brushed between her legs: her ass was small, beautifully rounded…and completely nude. Mia was not wearing any panties! His head swam, thinking about how all the times he had seen her on stage, knowing how many guys in the audience must have had the same thoughts he had about fucking Mia…and Mia, of course well aware of how desired she was–! She played violin pantyless on stage, allowing herself to get moist with the heat of desire she felt emanating from her audience! How many times had she gone home and fingered herself to orgasm, dreaming of some guy being bold enough to approach her in the hopes of taking her home? Had she ever been so horny that she had taken one or more of her all-male bandmates home and had them fuck her brains out? Who was the luckiest guy on earth to tap that?

Stan snapped back to reality, watching as Mia held more firmly onto the toilet tank, bracing herself for his entry. She’s ready! his brain screamed at him, and he felt some precum about to dribble from the tip of his cock. He positioned himself so that his dick was above her leg that braced against the toilet seat. The precum hovered a moment, dangling…then slowly dripped to her leg, moistening it, leaving his mark. Mia made a mild sigh, whether it was a type of disgust, pleasure or simply resigning to her fate, Stan couldn’t tell. He didn’t care anymore, either; all that mattered was finally claiming his sweet Asian prize.

He repositioned his cock, pointing it to the entry to Mia’s heavenly gate. Leveling it just underneath, he could feel the heat emanating from her pussy. He placed his hands on her hips, holding onto her tightly. She didn’t move. So amazingly obedient, he marveled. Without another word, he placed the head of his cock to her warm opening and began pushing, sliding his cock in slowly, inch by inch….

It wasn’t until the sound of a cell phone ringing emanated from Mia’s skirt that Stan realized just how much time he had lost track of! Mia half-turned her head, but didn’t look back at him. The phone rang again. “Answer it,” Stan stuttered. “But remember–“

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