Hard school by spitfiredhoni94

Hard school by spitfiredhoni94

This might be a story some one might have written it .but i wrote it becaze so that the ones who did read it ,can read it. , Hard School One part only Hard School Heather was a young teacher in her late twenties.

She was a short young woman with long blond hair. She had been a housewife before this year. Her husband was laid off from work and she had to get a job to support them.

When she started many of the other teachers said the she looked younger than some of the students. Indeed many of the high school’s students were bigger than her. She didn’t take the job seriously at first, thinking that her husband would be working again in a few months.

However, he could not get another job, and the family had become very dependent on her income. She was hopelessly behind in her duties and her classroom was out of control. She didn’t even know where to begin.

She dreaded going into work each day. It was time to start her first class. Heather was frazzled.

She could tell that she barely had things together in the classroom. Several of the children were out of their seats talking. She asked them to sit down but they did not seem to pay her any attention.

Not one was the slightest bit interested in the work she planned for the class that day. She kept glancing at the door to see if anyone was looking in. The school principal had been keeping a close eye on her after it became apparent that she could not control her class.

He came in several times to observer her lessons and criticized her for not being able to control her class better. None of the children were doing any work at all. He said that if she did not improve that she would lose her job.

She didn’t know what to do. None of the other teachers had any problems with their students. If Heather sent one to the office, they were sent by and she was told that if she had better control of her class then she wouldn’t have problems.

She tried rewarding good behavior and punishing bad. But she could not do anything to improve her situation. As a matter of fact things were getting worse.

The students could see they were getting to her, and many had heard that if things did not improve she would be fired. They showed her no regard at all. She got more and more upset.

She was scared that she would not be able to find another job if she was released from this one without a recommendation. Her husband had been out of work for almost a year and they had a child before he was laid off. She needed the job more than anything.

She couldn’t let these disrespectful teenagers cause her to lose it. The thought of it made her angry. She had always been a nice, quiet teacher up until this point.

The students showed her no regard at all. She would have to make a stand. She reached over and cut out the lights.

“Shut up!” she screamed. “You will all sit down and do your work right now!

” “I have tried being nice.” World History does not have to be this hard.” “Your the ones who are making to difficult.

” “Now, I expect your respect, If I plan a lesson, I want it done.” The class was silent. They were all looking up at her.

Many sat down in their desks and began to do the worksheet in front of them. Some were giggling a little and rolling their eyes at each other, but for the first time in five months she felt like she was in control. Most responded to her and were working.

She felt that if she addressed the others more personally, then she would be able to finally get everyone under control. She calmed down and got a stern look in her eye. She marched right up to one of the few students who were still standing.

“Donnie Walker, maybe you didn’t hear me. You will sit down in your seat right now and get started on your work or I will walk you into the office myself.” “You already have Mrs.

Wiseman, three times. They said that you needed to learn how to manage me and sent me right back. Do you really want to send me again?

” he smiled. Heather hadn’t realized how tall he was before now and looking up at him she wondered what to do. She decided that if she had made the threat she must follow through with it, otherwise they wouldn’t take her seriously and she would lose whatever she just gained.

The rest of the class was looking up at her to see what her reaction would be. Many were already starting to giggle again. “Mr.

Walker, I don’t care what they said before. I will take you again. I will not allow you back into this room either until your father comes to speak with me.

Now come along.” He just looked down at her and smiled. She felt a spitball hit her from behind.

“Who threw that?” She yelled, spinning around quickly. Turning her back on Donnie.

She glared at the class for a second before she felt Donnie’s thumbs slip into the elastic of her pants. Before she knew what was happening, her pants and panties where jerked down to her ankles. Heather screamed in terror, bringing her hands down to cover her crotch.

Donnie grabbed her ankles and pulled them out from under her. Unable to bring her hands up in time to catch herself, she went face first into the floor. A bit dazed, she realized that she was still naked from the waist down.

She shifted to cover herself but to no avail. Students leaped out of their seats and began to grab her arms and legs. Pinning her down with her legs spread wide open; exposing to all of her students something she had only ever shared with her husband.

She felt hands all over her body, pulling her shirt open, grabbing at her breasts. Squeezing them hard. Heather was still screaming as they tied her hands behind her back with a piece of her shirt.

They blindfolded her with another piece. She had no way of covering herself and was humiliated. No one had ever seen her naked but her husband.

Now she stood naked, in front of all of her students, completely helpless. Heather was sobbing hysterically. They helped her to her feet and let her go.

She could not cover herself because of her binding and could not see because of the blindfold. She didn’t know what to do. She began to run all around the room, trying to free herself.

Hands grabbed at her breasts and slapped her bottom painfully. She squeezed her legs together, trying to keep poking fingers from slipping inside of her. She thought of the girls in her class who were standing by, watching her mistreated like this, not doing anything.

No one was trying to stop them. “Please God, don’t let them rape me,” she sobbed. She blindly crawled and ran about the room until someone pushed her hard through the doorway.

She was out in the hall. She could hear them laughing still. She screamed for help.

She heard doors of other classes open and heard other students out in the hall. More hands. No way to even tell who they were.

More laughing, more poking. How could she ever face anyone in this school, or even this town again? She heard teachers.

An adult voice grabbed her and pulled her away from the children. She felt herself being lead down the hall. She was in shock from the whole situation, trembling all over.


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