In a name by Kuru_Ankoku

“If you did, I can’t wait for you to do it right. That felt awesome.”

“Can you call me Jacklyn?”

“Huh? Oh, is that your real name?”


“Sure, when we’re alone I’ll call you Jacklyn.” His lips met Jacklyn’s in a tender soft kiss.

They went down to the living room to chill out. “So have you had sex with other girls?” Jacklyn asked.

“No,” Damien said. “And that’s the truth. Before I moved I had a girlfriend and she was always saying we should have sex sometime, but I liked just fooling around and then her old man came after me saying I’d gotten her pregnant and he didn’t believe I was a virgin if his daughter wasn’t so they did a test and it was actually the dad’s best friend and co worker so I left.”

“Did you want to have sex with her?”

“Well, yeah. I wanted to, but she was sixteen and the whole statutory thing was confusing so I wanted to wait.”

“Damien, I’m fifteen.”

“Your dad told me, but nobody knows about you and so nobody can really complain. I mean even if you dad walked in on us while we were going at it he’d be in more trouble for making you be a boy and lying all these years and they’d arrest him and then no one would be complaining.”

Jacklyn nodded.

Damien left before Jacob got home so Jacklyn could shower. Jacklyn washed up recalling every touch of Damien’s hands upon her. She felt energized when she stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around herself. She went to her room and froze. Her father was sitting on her bed. “Come here Jacklyn,” he said and Jacklyn stepped into her room cautiously. “No Maurice, I’m not staying.” Jacklyn turned to see a man around Jacob’s age behind her door, in the process of closing it. “Jacklyn,” Jacob said. “Daddy owes Maurice a lot of money, but he says he’ll pay me double what I owe if he gets you.”

“What?” Jacklyn asked.

“Not forever, just a couple of hours. No worries, it’ll feel good. Try not to bruise her.” Jacob said and left the room. Maurice grinned as he shut the door. He pushed Jacklyn onto the bed and removed her towel. His eyes took in her body like a starved dog and food. He undressed and began to rub her breasts roughly. Jacklyn felt his penis rub against the lips of her pussy and then her clit. She knew he wouldn’t be gentle and he wasn’t wearing a condom. Jacklyn’s eyes strayed to the calendar on the wall and she read her own writing of when her period had ended. Almost a week ago and according to the site Jacklyn’s odds of conceiving were good. Jacklyn tried to fight and Maurice smacked her across the face.

Jacklyn took a deep breath to scream hoping someone might hear, but Maurice smacked her again. He moved Jacklyn bodily so she was lying properly in the bed and he climbed over her. “Now you listen you little slut,” Maurice said. “You will either shut up and deal with this or I’ll drag you downstairs kill your dad, rape you where he can watch and let him see you in his final moments as the slut you are and then kill you. What’s it going to be?”

Jacklyn could deal with her father’s death, but had no desire to die, herself so she closed her eyes. Maurice laughed softly and rammed himself into Jacklyn. Jacklyn gasped at the pain as tears flooded her cheeks. Maurice began to move and Jacklyn hated herself as it began to feel good. The motions felt right, but with him, they were wrong, so wrong. Jacklyn felt herself orgasm twice. Once was close to right after he began and the second was as he came in her.

Maurice fell down on her and panted heavily. “God damn,” he said. “You’re a good fuck. I’ll see if I can’t come again tomorrow night.” He stood, dressed, and left.

Jacklyn pulled her comforter over herself and cried herself to sleep.

Damien wathed Jacob’s car, leave the driveway of the house next door and smiled. He went to his nightstand and pulled out a strip of five condoms, he had bought the night before. He went next door and let himself in. Jacklyn was just sitting at the table when Damien entered. Jacob had gone out already. “Hey,” Damien said and then he saw the bruises on her cheek. “What happened?”

“I’m sorry,” Jacklyn said and began to cry. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know. Please, don’t tell? Please?”

“Jacklyn, what? Talk to me, what happened?”

“My father owes a lot of people a lot of money. This guy he gambles with or whatever, well he owes him a lot more and my dad sold me so he could get a clear slate and double in his own pocket.”

“So this man forced himself on you and your dad said he could?”

“I know what you said, but I didn’t know he was coming. I didn’t know what would happen.”

“Jacklyn,” Damien said. “I don’t understand. I’m not mad.”

“But you said they were yours and yours alone and I tried to fight but─”

Damien wrapped Jacklyn in his arms. “I meant willing,” Damien said. “This doesn’t count. Don’t worry he’ll never hurt you again.” He led her upstairs where he removed the blood and semen stained sheets and remade the bed with clean sheets. He had Jacklyn lay down and he lay beside her, just stroking her hair. “Damien,” Jacklyn said. “Please, can you make love to me? No condom, just you. I want to really feel you to erase him. Please?”

“Are you sure?” Damien asked.

“Please.” They undressed each other and Damien asked again before entering with Jacklyn’s permission. He was gentle as he slowly moved within her. Jacklyn let her hands roam his body as she clung to him. “Jacklyn,” Damien said as he moved. “I gonna─”

“Inside,” Jacklyn said. “Please inside. Let yours erase him.”

Damien kissed Jacklyn as they released together.

The two fell asleep and woke to a loud knocking. They got dressed. “Stay close,” Damien said and Jacklyn followed him downstairs. Damien opened the door to see two uniformed police men.

“Can I help you officers?” Damien asked.

“We’re looking for a Jack or Jacklyn Henders.” One said. “May we come in? We’ve got some news.”

Damien stepped aside.

The news was the Jacob had gotten into a fight with Maurice and Jacob accused Maurice of raping Jacklyn and Maurice said Jacob did the same things why else keep a daughter a secret and dress her like a boy? Maurice shot Jacob and killed him and some cops shot Maurice when he tried to shoot at them. Jacklyn said Maurice had raped her and had paid her father, technically triple his dept to do it, but Jacob had never touched Jacklyn except to tie the corset. She was excused to another room to remove the corset after revealing her stomach to show she wore one and gave it to the men.

“We’ll try to take care of most of this mess.” The officer said as he and his partner left. Damien stayed with Jacklyn.

It took weeks for everything to be put in order. By the time the officers returned Damien and Jacklyn knew she was expecting a baby and they didn’t know if it was Damien’s or Maurice’s. Damien said he didn’t care and Jacklyn knew he was sincere because he never asked for a date of conception and neither did she.

The officer’s returned and told Jacklyn that her father had owed a lot of money and so, even though his life insurance was supposed to be hers she couldn’t have a dime. Jacklyn didn’t care. She’d let the crops die and had planted grass instead. The bank was going to take the house and that was fine with Jacklyn. The only thing that had made her stay was the fact it was one of the things she had left of her mother’s and she’d had nowhere else to go. One of the stores in town had bought Jacklyn’s old things and let her have them back so she had more of her mother’s things and Damien was moving back home and taking Jacklyn and as he put it ‘their’ baby with him.

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