Just One hour -Tale 4 by FINC

Just One hour -Tale 4 by FINC

the blackmailed babe is boxed and shipped to a sex hell hole , Her head was swimming, a feeling of been under a big blanket; that dark oppressive warmth. Her body was aching and she took a long slow exhale. She remembered the men and the grappling trying to stop the needle going into her arm, the big crate open and waiting for its cargo. The blackness had come quickly and in her last desperate seconds the dirty tiled washroom had warped and paled in colour just the gasps and grunts of her co-captive filling her ears before the long night began.

How many hours, no, more like days had she been unconscious she didn’t know.

Her white out vision sharpened and the heavenly light turned dark and grey, the air smelled sweet the hums of distant traffic evident like an auditorium whisper. Then she realised she was still in the crate. The air holes allowed beams of stabbing light into her den and the young woman was able to knell up and half stretch her body. She was now dressed in a tiny skirt, high-heeled black shoes and schoolgirl white blouse. Her arms were tied behind her back her chest pushing at the fabric her breast standing to attention without aid under her braless blouse. Her jaw ached and she bit down only for her jaw to remain open around the big neon ball gag.

The crate suddenly rocked and tipped sending Debbie against the wooden side the noise of trundling wheels drowning out footsteps and diminishing traffic noise until the outside world had disappeared completely.

She could hear voices but didn’t understand the language. As she struggled and kicked the two voices stood close by in conversation. Then the light vanished, Debbie plunged into darkness before a big metallic door slammed shut.

She slumped in a steady pant as the humidity increased the box claustrophobic. The drugging was making her still feel limp and tired and she was half awake when the metal door re-opened and still in darkness a hand knocked with commanding power on the crate side.

“I know you’re awake in there,” the dark voice said in passable English. “I know you must have questions but all you need to know is that you are now a slave and cannot escape. Now remember to behave and think yourself lucky you were the one bought.”

Then the light came on the shafts through the air hole illuminating her cage. The voice turned to another entering the room. This one spoke in a deep foreign tongue. The dark voice continued in English..

“She’s top quality, ” he said the other voice replying now in her native tongue,” I would expect no less.”

The first voice moved away towards the door,” Remember,” it said as it pulled the iron door shut,” You’ve paid for just one hour.” The metal clanked; the sound of bolts snapping in place, and Debbie looked up with big expressive eyes as the crate lid was quickly snapped open.

The sexy brunette struggled to see the brightness making her blink, a big silhouette of shadow above her. The man was flabby but hairless like an old boar all fatty thighs and belly. He wore nothing but a leather jock strap cutting into his big ass and love handle hips. His face was masked, a rubber fetish type his neck bulging around the bottom of the tight chin strap the effort of opening the crate already showing on his sweaty heaving chest.

He looked down at Debbie the girl curled with heavenly legs tight in those high heels scraping on the wood her shoulder back the yawning surprised look on her face as she gobbled the neon gag. Her eyes were like saucers in a puppy dog plea.

“I hear you’re fresh today,” he groaned his hand rubbing his bulging pouch.
”Welcome to this most secret club.”

He reached down Debbie wriggling but it was easy for him to pull her up forcing her to stand. She looked around. The windowless room consisted of a fine solid bed with along side it cylinders like you would find in a surgery. There was also a steel table with items on.

Debbie shook her head trying to pull away the man gripping her by the bound wrists and making her step out of the crate.” Now listen, I only have an hour and it costs a fortune so don’t fuck me around.” His hands roamed over her body his paws pressing through her blouse onto her globes then running up her thigh groping her shaven bare pussy.

“Tight and firm in all the right places,” he grunted apparently pleased with his purchase.

“Over to the bed!” He pushed her along Debbie’s legs struggling in the high heels after been cramped in the crate so long. He put her onto the bed face down then straddled her, his fat groin pressing into the small of her back. His hands began to unfasten the ball gag and she spluttered as he removed it.

“OH god please I just want to go.”

The man stroked her hair and she gasped and wriggled pulling her long brunette mane back like the reins on a rearing up stallion. Her chin rose, her snooty nose pointing to the roof.

“You’re not going anywhere from now on,” he announced giving a crooked smile on his mask.

“I..I..” She didn’t know what was happening.

“Let me explain.” He laughed. “I paid more so I could explain it to you for the first time.” The man gripped her cheek pulling her face back to look over her shoulder at him; enjoying her expression as he gave her understanding.

“You’re in the most filthy whore house possible. I couldn’t even imagine what you will be experiencing from now on. The clients who come here apart from being very rich are also shall I say very creative in their desires. That why it costs so much.”

“On Jesus what do you mean,” Debbie gasped still wriggling.

He rolled her onto her back Debbie breasts pressing at the blouse top wanting escape.

“Please what are they going to do?” She stammered. He ripped open the shirt his hand squeezing her hard fruits the nipples like fat boils. ”Anything they can’t pay for in the outside world. The world you use to be part of.” She yelped and bucked but he pressed down with his bulk his hands still on her tits.

“Lovely, very succulent very maternal.“

He looked to the cylinders at the side. “You see,” he explained his hands examining her breast expertly,” I’m a doctor by profession.” He ripped open the blouse fully his hand trailing down her washboard stomach. ”So fucking slim and nubile,” he said choking back his desires.

He nodded to above her head. There were two leather manacles either side of the head board

“Your ankles need to go in these,” he said moving down her hips his hands reaching back to grip the heeled feet.

“No, no, don’t!” She screamed as she tried to pull her self up his hand pushed her back onto the bed then he wrestled pushing her body back using his weight to pin as he pushed her right leg up and back. Debbie groaned in effort her eyes blinking as her calf came so close. Her heeled foot flexed tapping against the headboard as he used the manacles hoping her ankle tightly. She was shaking her head in refusal.

“ No, no! Please don’t put me in this position. It’s awful.”

But he ignored her turning to her other leg pushing it back knee bending trying to resist. But it was useless her thing pins easily bent back her other ankles soon in the roped leather hoop at the opposing edge of the headboard.


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