“Oh God” Debbie said arms behind her back chest heaving her thigh spread wide both her lovely legs either side of her head; bound to the headboard. The man felt down her thighs the skirt still on but now only no more than a belt her slit and ass winking at him cheeks wide apart her pussy mound bare and raised for his attention. In this position her excellent breast produced a deep valley cleavage her knees pressing in either side to create two perfect dome hills.
The man stood back his erection now impossible to contain in his pouch. He tugged the fabric to one side his stiff cock springing up his balls hanging low in a stretch dangling sack.
He began to adjust the dial on the upright cylinder using his hand to trace a fine clear pipe from the value head down a long coiling snake to the table. He reached the far end of the pipe narrowing to a smaller tube. Which he then smeared with grease.
Final he climbed back on the bed Debbie shaking her head not sure what he intended.
“Look I’ll be good, just don’t…” she stared down at the strange pipe tip.
His finger pressed on her pussy the man’s head fixed at a tilt his tongue flicking through his mouth slit as if in concentration.
“Be calm,” he said his fingers entering inside her pussy; opening her canal. She looked down between her wide thighs seeing his other hand slowly feed the tip then the tube into her. “Nooooooo, you fucking filthy bastard!”
She bucked and he shouted in a frustrated voice. “Be still bitch.” His fingers pressed deep but not sexually, more like seeking a spot. She felt the internal examination of an expert the sensation of the pipe deep, very deep, “what was he ugggg!” She shook her head realising he’d gone too far the pipe head through her cervix, “Oh God no, please what are you oooohhhhh!”
With one hand on the pipe at the slit the other reached to the cylinder value turning on the compressed air.
“Now steady!” He snapped, the saliva dripping from his mouth hole. ”Just relax let it in, that’s a good little bitch.”
Debbie felt her womb filling with air. She shook her head again but couldn’t move her pelvis the air like a constant inexorable force filling her.
“Oh Jesus stop, you’re fucking crazy! Nooooo! I can’t take it.”
The man shook his head. ”Just keep calm you’ll expand.” He adjusted the pressure, “there, a little more I think.” She arched her back heels tapping on the headboard as her body began to enlarge. “Oh God I can feel it, I CAN FEEL IT!”
“You’re so cute,” he gasped his thick erection bouncing against his potbelly. With the value open his hand now moved to her tummy a clear bulge appearing.
”And now you’re going to have a nice pregnant belly for me to play with.”
Debbie eyes widened at the sight. She could feel her inside expanding what nature took 9 months he was doing in 9 minutes. But it was the sight of her own flexible soft skin firming and then beginning to dome that made her eyes cross in disbelief
“Oh no it’s can’t be happening? No, no, no!”
The pervert nodded as his hand caressed her glistening sweaty bulge. “Yes I’m afraid it is my dear, you’re looking so beautiful now.”
He increased the pressure Debbie moaning in discomfort. Her body was resisting now it needed convincing to expand any more. The leggy super bitch groaned as her womb inflated more and more her figure now of a heavily pregnant woman. Satisfied his fingers entered her again unfastening the internal value slowly removing the pipe.
“It will take a little time for air to escape my dear. Long enough for my games with a cute big tummy babe.”
He greased his cock as he sat between her spread thighs. His hands returning to caress her impressive glowing belly. Debbie’s tits were now like two smaller siblings nestling against the larger mother dome. His fingers then ran down to her ass hole his other hand directing his cock. With her legs back either side of her head she presented herself for easy mounting.
“Suck me in,” he ordered his cock pressing on her exposed anus. The tip pushed her open Debbie groaning in disgust the man having to lift his belly onto hers so he could ease his pelvis all the way filling her anal chute with his thick cock.
“Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!” Debs gritted her teeth, nostrils flaring in an animal pant.
She felt him deep up her rear his hands now caressing her tummy his pelvis slowly pumping back and forth fucking her ass the feeling off expanded womb pressing on her rear canal.
His slurping cock increased in speed her legs taut straight trying to accept his thrust keeping her inside as rigid as possible.
She was grunting the hard dick pumping her tiny body the man mesmerised by her shocked disbelieving expression.” Yes, yes take it you sexy preggie bitch,” he gasped.” Dirty young tramp needs to be taught a lesson for having such a big bulge.”
His fucking became more aggressive her ass bucking her shoulders hitting the headboard Debbie gasping and moaning at the same time.
“OH please I need to pee…” Debbie cried her bladder feeling the pressure. The Masked man was delighted pulling his cock from her gleaning anus reaching and unhooking her legs. Debbie’s feet returned to the bed closing her thighs making her tummy seem even more rotund and large. She wriggled from the bed teetering on her heels her bound arms feeling painful behind her back.
She looked around but what could she do there was no john. “Where please…?” She stammered about to release. The man gripped her waist pushing his body behind her as she stood with tightly closed legs.
“Do it here bitch,“ he ordered directing his cock back up her ass crack. “While you’re impaled on me.”
Debbie’s mouth opened in a horrid yawn his cock sliding back up her ass the double-sided pressure now too much to bear or resist. She opened her long legs her body looking stretched in heels her tummy like a big-bronzed dome her melons now squeeze between his dirty fingers. Then in a humiliated groan released her bladder.
“Nooooo,” she shouted in disgust pissing onto the floor the sensation of relief mixed with her anal assault; slow lifting thrusts of his cock almost pumping her bladder empty. He was in heaven as he groped her improved body helping release his bitch of her liquid. As she finished he pushed her forward a little his hips slapping hard the sound of wet flesh hitting wet flesh his cock buggering her with new intensity.
Phut! Phut! Phut!
She could sense her tummy had shrunk a fraction and she gasped with relief his pounding having a positive effect on her insides.
He was groaning gasping near climax his hand on her long hair tugging giving himself leverage to rut hard making her heels rise to tip toe her voice become high pitch indignant yelps. At the last second he pulled out spinning her around his hand wanking his cock against her sweaty domes.
“Urrrgggghhhhh!” He erupted over her belly and globe titties his other hand on her neck holding her close making her watch and he ejaculated long shots of come over her enlarged tummy, filling her belly button some spattering her pink helmet like nipples.