Just One hour -Tale 4 by FINC


When he was finished he staggered to the door hammering for release. Debbie dropped to her knees panting heavily the come dripping from her deflating tummy. The man stepped out the door slamming shut. In a few minutes she staggered to her feet pacing the room her breathing getting more and more laboured. Her arms burned behind her and she kicked and screamed at the metal exit.

Then finally the lights went out and the door opened. Outside was black too and she sensed a presence. She could hear a tiny high-pitched whirr and the breathing of someone nearby.

“Stand still,” the dark voice said in a hiss.

The man could see Debbie in brilliant green his night vision goggles working in this almost pitch black world. She screamed as his hand grabbed her wrist binds but he just slowly ease her around and step-by-step she left the room. She couldn’t see anything but her hearing told her walls were near by; the echo of her heels on a hard floor. As she moved groans and moans came into earshot only to pass by then fade.

The man moved her along the corridor past the other slave rooms to the shower cubicle. Debbie was silent unsure or unable to say anything she gave a surprised yelp as the shower came on but calmed when she realised his intention was to clean her expensive body.

“You did well, “he said above the spitting of water his hands rubbing her body clean at the same time sampling her full rounded figure. She felt his hands on her tits, pressing down her relaxing tummy then over her ass and inside her thighs. She gave another shocked yelp as he pressed the hose onto her pussy rinsing her shaft. The water filled her and he whispered,” this will help.”

“Please let me go,” she mumbled I don’t deserve this.” The man stroked her head rinsing her hair. She could just make out the glint of the infrared lenses the electronic whine quite intense close up. The man replied. ”I hear you begged to come here, take me, take me!” He said in a high pitch voice mocking her. She remembered back to the tiled room in her hometown. She’d been desperate. She remembered Stacey’s face as the noose went around her neck the Boss and Mask about to enter her from both sides for the last time.

“Oh Jesus no, no, noooo!”

“Only room for one in the crate,” they had said.

“I…I…I had no choice!” She stammered the water giving her goose pimples; her nipples rock hard the captor’s finger and thumb enjoying this fact.

He moved her from the shower still in absolute darkness towelling her body down.

“Now,” he said as he helped her along her wet heels slipping a little. ”Your next client awaits.”

The man stood behind her facing the door as he turned off the goggles. He was instantly in darkness like Debbie. She felt his hand on her binds holding her in total control, she was starting to realise there really no escape. The bolt clicked open and the brilliant light flooded the corridor. She tried to turn her head to look at him but his big hand held her chin pointing her forward coaxing her to step into the room.

“P-P-Please, that last man was insane,” she stammered as she squinted her captor and owner pushing her gently in to the room. He allowed her to take in the scene before replying dryly.

“He only paid 10,000 for you. See what you get for 20,000.”

The room was almost exact as the one before but this time it had a medieval upright stock. The warmth was stifling a roaring hiss filing her ears. She froze her mind in overload as she saw an old skinny man looking about 70 his face in another rubber mask. All his wealthy clothing was missing hiding his elite status and now he looked pathetic..

The old bastard in one hand held a walking stick his knees shaking as he stood. Around his groin was a rampant curved phallus, the belt and harness of leather the massive dildo a dull metal banana. Somewhere inside the thick steel shaft was his decrepit prick insulated from the intense outer surface. In his other hand he was holding an ignited blowtorch painting his metal shaft up and down with heat.

The man looked up from his steaming cock his body filling with energy at the sight of the tall brunette stunner, ruby lips a gasp, tits like headlights, legs like two stretched rubber bands.

“Remember as always,” the dark voice said pushing her forward reminding her latest client of his rental agreement.

“ Just one hour.”


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