Mukuneiu: Red Moon by TSQ_Lilith

—–She looked into the silvery reflection of the bathroom mirror, examining herself for any last minute preparations she may require. She always felt she could look better, always somewhat self-conscious of her appearance. Her skin was pale with a few freckles, her eyes were a deep green, and she was rather short. She had reasonable lips, all though somewhat on the thin side, and her build was average. Making adjustments to her bra she managed to make her breasts appear to be D’s, an entire cup larger. She threw on some eyeliner and some lip-gloss, and with that ran off to join Paul in the car.

—–“You look great in that tank-top.” He said as she slid into the passanger seat. A small smirk formed on her face and she winked at him. “Not for long.” Taking on a somewhat excited reaction he started the engine and they drove off.


—–The drive was silent for a while. Alexia relaxed herself against the inside of the car door, staring off into the dark sky. The glimmering starlight made the normally cloaked tears in her eyes shimmer with a gentle glow. How could something so horrible have happened to a girl so sweet? As Matt watched her from the driver’s side of the car his heart could not help but ache within his chest. “Listen… there’s not a lot you could have done about it.” “Please, don’t do that. I just want to forget that it ever happened.” There were tears flowing down her cheeks at this point, and she looked pleadingly into his eyes, greatful to see that comforting smile return to his face, “Look… I know you don’t like to talk about it but it isn’t something that you can just forget. I’m gonna take you to the police station.” There was no longer a sorrowful expression on her face, but instead only confusion. “The police…? No, you can’t report this! I don’t want anybody to know about it.” “I get that but it has to be reported, you don’t want it happening to anyone else, do you?”

—–The drive seemed to last for an eternity afterwards, and as they entered the dim lights of the nearest town she dreaded the familiarity of civilization. She curled up in her seat, bound her arms around her legs and rested her head on her knees. And just as she slowly drifted off to sleep a loud screeching could be heard, and she felt her stomach sink.


—–“Right here in the parking lot?” Amy said as the car came to a hault. She looked over at Paul, who had a grin on his face. She knew how serious he was. “What, something wrong with it? It’s dark out, nobody’s going to see.” “Oh, I don’t have a problem with it. It just seems kind of creepy here, that’s all. Put back your seat.” As she watched him do as she told him she pulled herself over to the driver’s side and straddled his thighs. Reaching down she pulled the tab from beneath the flap on his crotch and unzipped his jeans. Pulling the flaps open she tugged his jeans towards her, gripped the rim of his boxers and pulled it down, revealing his erection to her. She giggled softly as she saw it and reached up the back of her tank-top to undo her bra. Her nipples were erect, it could now be noticed through her shirt, and before she could make any further actions Paul graced her hips and pulled her forward, allowed her to push herself down onto him. A skirt and nothing beneath equals no challenge, which had always seemed to be her saying.

—–Amy gasped from deep within her throat as she felt his hard dick push deep within the grasp of her moist self. Placing her hands against his shoulders she began to slide up and down along his cock, gasping with each motion. She loved the feel of his rough hands grasping her hips, and in appreciation of the satisfaction which she was receiving she leaned down and kissed him hard, pressing her chest against his. It didn’t take long for them to finish, and as she moaned out in pleasure from her orgasm she felt the erruption of cum explode within her.

—–She straightened her top, pulled her skirt into place, reattached her bra, and sat back in the passanger seat. As she pulled looked into the mirror to fix her hair Paul reconfigured himself and started the engine of the car. “Want a beer?” He pulled a bottle from the six-pack he had bought just a few minutes before their session, twisted off the cap and handed it to her. They pulled out of the parking lot and headed back for Amy’s house.


—–As the night grew into silence, and her warm tears coated her cheeks, Alexia stared at the cracked and blood-streaked windshield. Had what she just seen really happened? There was more than enough evidence to prove it had, but it seemed like something out of a nightmare.

—–Pushing open the car door, Matt slowly slid himself from the car. He cautiously stepped out into the glow of the highbeams and looked just in front of the dented grill of the car. Clutching his mouth with his hand he dropped to his knees and unleashed a spurt of vomit onto the ground. His eyes were filled with tears, and widened as he heard the passanger-side door open. “Don’t come out! Stay in the car!”, but his shouts were too late. As he looked back to the car he saw a pair of glistening white eyes staring down at the wreckage from a silhouette, bordered in a painfully bright glow of two oncoming headlights.


—–Paul brought the car to a hault on the street just a few yards away from Amy’s driveway. There was a car parked out front with its headlights on. The windshield was cracked badly, so it was evident there was an accident. A man was crouching down out near the front of the car, and a girl stood at the open passanger door. “I wonder what happened… there’s not another car out front.” “Must of hit a dog or something. Wanna go check it out?” “Nah, I’m too tired, you go deal with it I’m going to head inside.” As Paul got out of the car he slowly began to feel his stomach sink; something wasn’t right.

—–Slowly he approached the wrecked vehicle, and with a faint quiver shouted out to the two nearby. “D-do you need any help?” The man crouching next to the car looked back to see Paul standing there. He knew that the tears in his eyes were visible, and just as he felt an eerie chill go up his spine he heard a scream. Standing beside the wreckage was Amy, staring down at the road. Quickly, he ran over to his girlfriend and saw what she was staring at.

—–On the road, just in front of the car, lying in a growing pool of blood were two young girls; Amy’s sisters.

—–Quickly Paul looked away and attempted to embrace Amy, but during the minor struggle to push him away he noticed something even more frightening than the sight on the road. Standing just outside of the passanger side of the wrecked vehicle was a young girl, drenched and filthy. Her eyes were locked onto his own, a deep emotional swirl of madness and panic caught between them.


—–{A horrible pain shot up her spine as she felt herself be slammed against the hard ground. Two forceful hands reached down and tore open her blouse, and not too long after she felt a cool breeze rush across her exposed breasts as her bra was removed. Her arms were forced together above her head and her attacker’s forceful hand grasped and pinned her wrists to the asphault. She felt two cold fingers slide into the bottom of her underwear and tug them carelessly down her thighs, and as she let out a desperate cry felt a powerful hand strike her across the face. She was dazed, and her vision blurred. She laid back with a heavy panting; she could no longer resist.

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