He finally opened his eyes and looked around. He looked at me, and stared straight into mine, surveying them for a reaction. I wasn’t crying, or anything, nothing said ‘hey you just raped me and I’m going to tell!’. When he was satisfied with my calm demeanor he smiled and stood up.
“Alright” He said with a deep breath, “let’s get back to camp.” And smiled at me confidently.
The rest of the day my mind was racing. I felt like I needed to tell someone what happened, maybe an adult, or maybe my friend. But I never did. Steve didn’t tell me I needed to keep quiet, I just did. Maybe he thought that the risk of admitting I went across the lake was enough to make me keep my mouth shut, or maybe he thought that because I orgasmed that meant I didn’t have a problem with it then. Either way, I never said a word.
He fucked me each of the three remaining days. He’d walk up to me while I was around the swimming area and ask “Hey, do you want to go for a walk with me?”. The first time he asked, I thought maybe he just wanted to get me alone to talk about what happened; but he took me across the camp to a picnic area that was a ways from where any of the camp activities were taking place, and he turned me around, pulled my shorts down and bent me over the picnic table. He pulled my panties down and forced himself in without a word. The two other times after that, he just did the same thing, asked me if I wanted to go for a walk, and for some reason I always said yes, even thought I knew what it meant would happen. He fucked me the exact same way, bent over the table, taking me hard and fast. I came every time, I don’t know why, I felt dirty and scared and hurt, but my body loved it. He came quickly, always pulling out, then put his prick away and walked off without saying anything, leaving me leaning over the table half naked.
Whenever we saw each other around the camp he’d give no sign that anything had happened, in fact he sort of ignored me. And when camp ended and I left, I actually felt bad, like I missed him, and wanted to continue what we had. I never went back to the camp, and never saw him again, but I managed to find other guys to fill the void, and satisfy the cravings I had developed.