Obsession Lust & Perversion – Chapters 12 13 14 by glyn613

Obsession Lust & Perversion – Chapters 12 13 14 by glyn613

Dive into the tantalizing world of "Obsession, Lust & Perversion" in Chapters 12, 13, and 14 by glyn613. Explore steamy encounters and forbidden desires that will leave you breathless. Unravel layers of passion, intrigue, and seduction in this captivating erotic sex story. Perfect for lovers of riveting romance and sultry narratives! Read now for an unforgettable experience.<br/>

Aisha continues to feed her strong sexual desire, with Colin’s help. , CHAPTER 12

It took about an hour to get back to Alamosa, Cody woke up as they pulled into the garage. They all got out and went in and went to the showers to completely clean themselves up. When they were all spic n span again, they went to the kitchen and Alisha fixed grilled cheese sandwiches. They all talked about the experience.

Cody asked, “should I tell Justin…..or not.” Alisha told her that she would keep it between the three of them for the time being, till they could figure out what Justin would think about it. It had to be a secret for now. Cody agreed and said she wouldn’t mention it to him. When dinner was finished, Justin arrived and the four of them sat in the living room talking about their engagement.

Justin told Alisha that he had been out at the ranch checking on the hands and seeing that everything was ok. He had seen Anne leaving as he drove in. He told her that it was odd that she was leaving the ranch that late. Alisha knew it was out of character for Anne, she was going to have check this out a little closer and see if she was meeting another man……..

Cody and Justin went off to the guest bedroom. Alisha looked troubled and Colin was concerned about her. “What’s up Alisha, you look like you have a problem.” Colin said to her.

Alisha told Colin what her dad had suspected and then she told him about the little things that had been going on. “I just need to get to the bottom of this, just to know.” Colin told her he supported her and asked her what she was going to do.

“Colin, I’m going out and see if I can find her vehicle. I just have to know what’s going on.” Colin told her he would go with her to give her moral support, if nothing else. They got in Alisha’s truck and went to the ranch to see if her vehicle was there. She found that it was not at the ranch and it was after 10 pm. Alisha went back to town and began cruising the bars and motels. After about an hour, she found Anne’s car at the Inn of the Rio Grande.

“This can’t be what I think it is. Colin, can I get one of your demo’s from the dealership. I need a vehicle that Mom won’t notice…..I’m going to park here and see what happens.” Colin told her to drive out to his office and he would get her the key to one of the demos. Within 15 minutes they were back in the Inn’s parking lot in a new Ford Edge, sitting a short distance from Anne’s car. They sat there for over two hours, it was approaching 2 am and Alisha was tiring of sitting. Colin had dozed off and was quietly snoring. Then Alisha saw it. Anne came out of the hotel with someone else. Alisha had parked in a dark area of the lot and couldn’t be seen. Anne got to her car and unlocked the door. Alisha watched as her Mom put her arms around this guy and kissed him……it lasted for a minute or longer. She got in her car and left.

Alisha watched as the guy walked across the lot and got in a truck and drove away. She followed. “Colin, that vehicle has a Town and Country sticker on the tail gate, can you find out who it belongs to?”

He strained to see the license number on it, “Get me closer so I can get the license number and I’ll figure it out for you.” Alisha punched the edge and got up very close behind the truck at a stop light. Colin got the license number and told her, “now I can get the name for you.” Alisha backed off some and followed the truck till it pulled in a driveway and the driver went inside. She cruised on by and they went to Colin’s office.

Colin sat down and booted his computer, entered some data and sat back and waited for it to compute. The truck was owned by David Lee. Alisha recognized the name as a professor from Adams State…..a PhD. Well now that she had the information she needed, what does she do with it? She and Colin went home and went to bed. Alisha was much too troubled to make love tonight, and Colin understood. She laid there till almost 5 am, not sleeping, running it all over and over in her head. She woke up at about 8 and went to the kitchen to make coffee.

In Alisha’s practical mind she could justify her Mom’s affair. Anne had been married to her Dad at a young age, attended a lot of school and the pursuit of her career had filled her life for a long time. She had never taken the time to just have fun or have a wild sex weekend or anything like that, it was always business first and family. Alisha decided to just let it go for now and only observe….but most important thing , she would keep it to herself.

In a short while Cody and Justin emerged. They were both all smiles, presumably they had wild sex all night long. “Good morning, Sis. We came looking for you guys last night to swap for a while, but couldn’t find you anywhere…….where did you guys go?”

“Colin needed to do something at the office, so she decided to go with him and keep him company………sorry, maybe we swap some other time.” Alisha replied, “I need to go out to the office for about an hour today and do a couple of things, what are you guys going to do today?”

“Not much,” Cody said, “I have to go up to Creede and meet a couple of friends for lunch, just visit and catch up on each other……then come back down and go over to Justin’s.”

Justin told Alisha that he was going out to the ranch and check on the guys and make sure they weren’t having any problems. There were only two guys working today as the calving had slowed considerably. “I have several pages of data input for you, too…..I’ll drop them by your office before I leave.” he told her. Alisha also wanted to just drop in on her Mom and visit a little. She hadn’t just sat and talked with her for a while.
When she got to the ranch, Alisha stopped at her parent’s house, to have a cup of coffee and visit with her Mom. Anne appeared to be in an extraordinarily good mood this morning. She was having breakfast and asked if Alisha wanted any. She told her she would have some toast and jam with her coffee.

They talked for almost an hour. Alisha asked her if she had heard from Bob. Anne told her that she had a message on the phone when she got home last night.

Alisha played dumb, “You were out last night?” she asked.

“Oh yes, I had dinner with an old friend last night and got home about 10.”

Alisha knew this was a lie, but played along. “Who was the friend?” she asked.

“It was an old girlfriend from college that was passing through town.”
“Oh,” said Alisha, “that’s nice….did you have a good visit?”

“Oh my yes, we talked and talked and talked, it was so nice to see her.”

Alisha decided to just play it cool. “Well, Mom, what do you think about Cody’s news?”

“I just think it’s wonderful, he is such a nice young man. I can’t believe both of my babies are getting married, how fast you two have grown up, it seems like yesterday you two were both playing around on the floor….I just don’t know where time goes. One day you’re young and have your whole life in front of you……then all of a sudden you’re old and ugly with not a lot to look forward to…..I guess I’m just being cynical.” she said.


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