Predator Series: The Beginning: Chapter 3 by dsnabsp

Predator Series: The Beginning: Chapter 3 by dsnabsp

Third part in this story. , CHAPTER 3: Creature from within

This conversation is not going where I had hoped it go. It seems she is set in her mind. Damn I wish I could just go back and change what had transpired. I can’t now and now she has went from ‘Miss I’m so sorry’ to ‘Miss I am going to fuck your world up big time’. I sit back in the chair and think of ways to get out of it. I could knock her out again, and then drive her back and park her car on a poll and let her think this was all a dream. I don’t think she would by that. I could finish what I started and just dump the body and be done with it. That thought quickly leaves my head as CSI episodes come to mind. She thinks I raped her while she was knocked out. I clearly didn’t. She wont believe me either way. Its decided, if I am going to do the time, might as well do the crime right? I sit forward in my chair with a serious look upon my face and calmly explain what is going to happen and why.

“Lorie, this is whats going to happen.” I managed out before getting interrupted,

“Whats going to happen is you untying me so I can leave this shit hole.” she barked at me,

“Your not helping your position which makes what I do next even easier every time you open that filthy mouth of yours. You say I raped you, but I know otherwise. You want to tell the cops I raped you so I figured that I at least plant the evidence where evidence needs to be.” I say still emotionless,

“What do you mean?” she says in amazement,

“I am going to rape you.” I say in a cold tone, one I have never heard before come from my lips,

“Please no. You can’t, you won’t.” She manages out,

“I can, and will.” I cut her off before any further chatter,

“Haven’t you had enough of this sick torture.” she lets out with a whimper,

“I haven’t done anything serious until now. I think its time for that to change.”,

I get up and grab her after saying my peace before she can really react. She was stunned from what I said and I think she couldn’t believe I was not obeying her by untying her. I throw her over my shoulder again grab her ankles and head off to my room. Walking down the hall she starts pleading with me to just let her go and she would not report me. Part of me wanted to believe her, and part of me did not want to do what I was about to do, but the other part of me screamed at the other part because it knew better and it knew that she would call the cops as soon as she could. That part also wanted to taste her, to feel her on my penis as I drive forth into her as she cries out. She starts to shake more violently than before once I open my door to my room. I walk in and throw her on the bed and grab a pillow case off of a pillow and tie her feet to the foot of the bed. I make sure they are nice and secure.

I go back to the front room where I had left her gag pick it up and bring it back. She is Making quiet some racket by pleading with me and it is getting annoying. Thank god I don’t live close to anyone for that would have been a problem. I gag her in the same fashion as before then watch her wiggle. By this time her outfit has shifted so that her skirt is bunched up around her hips clearly showing her purple panties, and her top has drifted upwards as well as her undershirt showing her abdomen. She has a beautiful stomach. Usually women either have that little bit of pudginess or to much muscle. Hers was neither, nice and smooth I licked my lips at the sight. I had no idea what was coming over me, but I was starting to like it. I could feel just by looking at her stomach I was starting to feel aroused again, which surprised me because usually I only climax once and that usually is fine for me. Having no one to ever please I just rub one out and go about my business, and here late its more for releasing frustration from the daily grind.

Standing over her I see her eyes get wide when my hand starts to motion towards her stomach. That was the only clue I had to my hand moving. It was as if it was moving on its own and I could not control it. As my hand finally meets its mark and touches her skin I cant help but shutter from the energy I feel. I don’t know if its from how long its been since I have touched a female in a sexual way or the fear from her, or was it the pure excitement I am feeling because I am about to do something that is so wrong and such a taboo, not to mention wrong by any means. Yet I felt more alive and more excited then I have ever felt in my entire life. I rubber her stomach up and down feeling her try and move away from my touch.

It was weird. It was as if her fear was exciting me further. I moved my hand across her stomach and watched her expression change from fear to shame, from shame to disgust, and then back to fear. It was driving me wild. I started to let my hand take control more as I did it traveled upwards. As it did so I moved with it and watched her face turn away from my gaze. My hand slid further and further up her body. Then under her shirt, letting that bunch up around my wrist as my hand moved further along. Moving slowly upwards I felt the bottom of her bra and I wanted to feel more then that so I let my hand do the work and it moved upwards to pull her bra down, but the shirt would not let my hand travel any further. As if it was a separate entity I just struggled. I don’t know if it was because I was not thinking clearly at that point or if my hand was really being controlled by someone other then myself, but I decided to take back the control and remove my hand.

As I did that she turned her head enough to look at me out of the corner of her eye and then close her eyes shut, and turn back away. When she did this it elicited a smile across my face, and I knew not at the time but I am slowly loosing all control of my body. I moved to the side of the bed and knelt on the edge and admired her innocence one last time before I started to unfasten her business jacket. I started at the top button which was a little tough to do. I think she bought a size to small to let the jacket hug her breasts. Letting the fabric fling open from the tension, her breasts now pushing further outwards. I move right along to the next button, this one was easier. She wasn’t an extremely skinny woman but she wasn’t hefty either. After I finished unbuttoning the second button I finished up with the third button, and as I did, the jacket slid to the sides allowing me access to her white shirt. It was like any other business shirt top, nothing special.
Growing impatient I decided not to be bothered with the buttons and just rip the shirt open. Just as I figured, her bra was the same color and material as her panties. It was a sexy bra to, no padding for support, but was an under wire, which I preferred no padding. It is like lying , and she had already done enough of that. With both jacket and top opened I noticed she had started to breathe a little more labored then she was before.

Wanting access to her breasts but still wanted to keep her bra I went to turn her over and she did not fight me anymore. Maybe because she knew what was going to happen or maybe because she was in shock. I don’t know and at this point my ‘give-a-shit meter’ is broken. Rolling her over I noticed the zipper on her skirt and decided since I already had her rolled over, might as well take care of two birds. As I unzipped her skirt, she let out a small high pitched moan. After unzipping her skirt I lifted up her jacket and shirt to reach her bra, which was difficult considering her arms are still tied behind her back. Fumbling and fingering for her clasp I finally managed to find it and with out little effort I unclasped her bra. If I was good at one thing, it was unclasping a bra. I had sisters, and would always ask for my help. Anyways, I rolled her back over so I could get a look at her, and then realized that I cant take her bra off, or really anything for that matter until I untied her hands.

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